Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1846: Suppress the breakthrough

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The beauty of Liangchen, a moment of Spring Festival.

Inside the palace, Fang Chenyi was still holding Xingyue. The latter's face was flushed, and when he remembered the kind of stimulation just now, his heart was agitated.

After the previous fierceness, their thoughts gradually calmed down.

At this time, there is no sound to speak, Fang Chen and Xingyue, there is no sound, do not want to destroy the beauty at this time.

Fang Chen's palm gently stroked Xingyue's snowy skin.

"Yue'er ..."

Fang Chen whispered softly, with tenderness in his eyes.

Xingyue raised his head, his white face became extremely blushing, and tears were glowing in his beautiful eyes.

She felt very happy, and it was not easy to get to this step with Fang Chen.

"Brother Chen, we will be together forever." Xingyue rarely utters such words, and it is conceivable how much fluctuation there is in her heart.


However, just as Fang Chen was about to speak, Xingyue's body shook suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, the loud sound of Fengming resounded through the sky.

"What's going on?" Fang Chen hurriedly checked Xingyue's body.

The latter tried hard to suppress the power in the body and said lowly: "Brother Chen, I feel like I am going to break through."

Xingyue's words, let Fang Chen also be stunned.


Immediately, Fang Chen's eyes widened, his face full of ecstasy.

He thought of the pictures he saw before, where dragons and phoenixes blended together.

In his body, there is real dragon blood, and his wife Xingyue is a mysterious phoenix body. The power of the phoenix in his body is very rich.

The combination of the two and the combination of dragon and phoenix caused Xingyue to break through the barrier of the **** realm.


In Fang Chen's gaze, Xingyue waved his palms, and the power of the phoenix in his body emerged, sweeping across the palace in an instant.

Soon, the restless power in her body was suppressed.

"Can't break through yet." Xingyue whispered.

Fang Chen stunned, immediately understood the meaning of Xingyue.

Once she broke through to the God King Realm, she couldn't participate in the next Tenjin, and naturally couldn't get the first place.

"Yue'er, are you all right?" Fang Chen asked.

Xingyue shook her head, indicating that she was fine.

"Brother Chen, you ..."

Xingyue raised his head and suddenly found that golden light appeared on Fang Chen's body, as if it were a Buddha statue, and his breath was very terrifying.

Ao ...

The sound of Longyin came from within him.

The golden heart beating rapidly, the blood of the real dragon hidden in the body instantly diffused completely.

Under the strong refining of the golden heart, the blood of the true dragon gradually integrated into Fang Chen's bones.


Fang Chen's face was covered with shock. He hurriedly looked at his body, and he suddenly found that there was some Phoenix power in the blood of the real dragon.

"Sure enough."

Fang Chen was secretly pleased that the benefits brought by Shuangxiu greatly benefited himself.

Huh ...

In the blink of an eye, the blood of the real dragon was completely integrated into Fang Chen's bones, and a rich breath appeared in the golden heart, helping Fang Chen to digest the breath of the real dragon.


Fang Chen felt that the Yuanshen in his mind had tremored, and the bodies of the three little golden men became more substantial.

Soul Dao's breath is rapidly improving, and his overall strength is gradually improving.

"It's going to break through."

Fang Chen immediately sensed that he would also break through to the realm of God King.

He has the same idea as Xingyue, and at least he is breaking through after participating in this god.

Therefore, Fang Chen did not hesitate to use the golden heart to suppress the terror in the body.

Within the Qihai, the rules of the ocean surge, the power of the five rules, and the crazy rotation.

A series of vortices appeared in the regular ocean, and Fang Chen's breath around him became stronger and stronger.


Fang Chen sipped, and the golden heart exerted its superpowers, madly absorbing the terror power brought by the breakthrough.

A few breathing hours, the breath that was so terrifying that Fang Chen was trembling was completely absorbed by the golden heart.


Seeing this, Fang Chen was relieved, and finally suppressed.

The golden heart at this time is full of vast powers. If you want to break through and release these powers at any time, you can quickly enter the realm of God King.

"Good feeling."

Fang Chen felt that his understanding of martial arts was more profound.


At this moment, Fang Chen's mind shook and the basic martial arts sentiment suddenly appeared.

"It turns out so."

Fang Chen's mouth kept muttering.

His face was full of excited smiles.

There are three levels of basic martial arts. A long time ago, I reached the second level.

However, I have been stuck at the second level and cannot realize the third level.

And now, I finally realized the third level of martial arts foundation.

Rumble ...

The power in Fang Chen's body is skyrocketing, and the strength of the perfect sword body has also become super strong.

After a moment, Fang Chen returned to calm.

"The third level of basic martial arts is the same." Fang Chen grinned: "After reaching this level, my attack power has at least doubled."

In the boundless God Realm, many people do not care about basic martial arts.

Only the strong man who stands at the top of the **** realm knows the importance of basic martial arts.

However, at that time, they were too late to repent.

In the history of God Realm, there are few gods who can realize the third level of basic martial arts.

Fang Chen also broke the record.

Realizing the third level of basic martial arts is more joyful than breaking through to the King Realm.

Because it can be realized in the heavenly realm, indicating that its martial potential is outstanding.

There should be no accidents in the future, and stepping into Divine Emperor Realm should not be a problem.

Maybe there is a chance to hit the legendary universe **** realm.

Of course, all of these have prerequisites, and that is not to die halfway.

Otherwise, the genius who is against the sky is also a nonsense.

"Congratulations to Brother Chen."

Xingyue grinned and said in a low voice.

"Yue'er, after we have participated in the God of God, we will break through to the God Realm together. It will be a bit of self-preservation by then." Fang Chen smiled.

In God Realm, the True God is already a top-level powerhouse.

Xingyue nodded gently.

Fang Chen stared at Xingyue with a smile, hesitant to stop.

"Brother Chen?" Xingyue asked doubtfully.

"Yue'er, it seems that our dual cultivation is good for cultivation. Later ..."

Fang Chen's wretched smile made Xingyue blush.


On the hill, Feng Ni and Feng Xiuer are guarding.

Fang Chen and Xingyue came out from under the ground together.

"How is it?" Feng Xiuer asked impatiently.

"Good harvest." Fang Chen nodded. "Nothing happened recently in the Longji Mountains?"

Feng Ni shook his head and said: "We are relatively remote here. The gods of the two big orcs are simply unable to find here."

After hearing this, Fang Chen nodded slightly.

Suddenly, a crazy plan came to his mind.

"Spread our hiding place, spread it out." Fang Chen said.

"No, once Yingyi and Fengpeng know, they will come to intercept us." Feng Xiuer directly refused.

"Xiu'er, you seem to have forgotten a bit." Feng Ni reminded: "As long as we stand on the hill, we can use the **** power, not to mention Feng Peng and Eagle Wing, even if all the gods of the two big orc , We are not afraid. "

Feng Ni's reminder made Feng Xiuer stunned and laughed.

"Okay, I will spread the news here." Feng Xiu'er said.

Although the Longji Mountains are very large, the news spreads quickly.

Within a few days, the news reached the ears of the two orc gods.

In a certain area, the gods of the Devil Bird Clan are resting.

"Have the Phoenix family finally dared to show up?"

This person is called Tianhezi and is the younger brother of Tianqinzi. His strength is not as good as that of his elder brother Tian Qinzi, but he focuses more on people.

This time I heard about the hiding place of the Phoenix family, I almost didn't think about it, and rushed directly to the southeast area of ​​the Longji Mountains with the six gods of the Devil Bird family.

"Although Fang Chen is strong, but the seven of us join forces, he will definitely die."

Tianhezi said coldly.

Moreover, the most important thing is that in the Dragon's Back Mountains, it is not possible to use **** power, which gives them an advantage.

When Tianhezi headed to the southeast area, the gods of the Tianpeng tribe also learned the news.

They also went to the southeast region to encircle the Phoenix family.

Before entering the Longji Mountains this time, the two great emperors gave orders to die, and at all costs, killed all four celestial pride of the Phoenix family.

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