Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1858: Peerless

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Celestial family, located in the southwest of God Realm, compared to Nanling Sword Palace, although the territory is not large, but its strength should not be underestimated.

Especially the legendary home of the Tianzhen family seems to have touched the threshold of the heaven-level.

The achievements of its formation together approached the six rules of the Divine Emperor.

"I didn't expect that my predecessor was actually a member of the Tianzhen family."

After a long time, Fang Chen could not help but sigh.

"Boy, do you agree?" Sword Emperor continued to ask.

Fang Chen's talent for array has already been recognized by him. He wants to accept Fang Chen as a disciple.

Change to someone else, I have promised long ago, after all, where is this good thing that pie in the sky, where to find it?

But Fang Chen was different, he didn't want to agree easily.


Fang Chen pondered for a moment, and then said: "Strictly speaking, the juniors are actually disciples of Tiangu Palace."

"Sky Bone Palace?"

Sword array **** emperor frowned, he thought Fang Chen was lying.

Tiangu Palace is in the far north, far away from the South China Sea. It is impossible for a **** king to come here.


Fang Chen knew that Sword Array Divine Emperor did not believe it, so he simply urged the breath of the Void cultivation system.

Suddenly, his figure became a little illusory and got into the void.

Afterwards, he appeared again and clenched his fists at the Sword Array Divine Emperor: "Seniors and juniors would also like to practice the formation method together, but it is really embarrassing."

"Guzu's Void Practice System?"

Sword Array Divine Emperor is also considered to be a powerful player with a high status in the family of Array of Sky Array.

Immediately, he looked at Fang Chen with some surprise: "Boy, the bone ancestor's void practice system, most people can't learn it. You can learn that you want to be in Tiangu Palace."

After a short pause, Sword Array Divine Emperor continued: "Since you are a disciple of Heavenly Bone Palace, then I won't force you anymore. What a pity ..."

Sword array Divine Emperor's words are full of helplessness.

The Tiangu Palace is very strong, not weaker than the Tianzhen family. So after learning that Fang Chen was a disciple of Tiangu Palace, Sword Formation Divine Emperor had given up accepting the disciples.


At this moment, Fang Chen's mind suddenly emerged a strong array of breath.

Immediately, he sat on the ground.


Sword Array Divine Emperor stared at Fang Chen with wide eyes, so that he could realize the epiphany.

He can see that Fang Chen is breaking through the critical point.

"Anyway, meeting me is destiny, just help you."

Sword Array Divine Emperor waved his hand, and suddenly, a stream of light burst into Fang Chen's mind.


After the streamer entered, the air in Fang Chen's body exploded completely.

The wild scent of breath permeated Fang Chen's body.


In Fang Chen's mind, the understanding of the battlefield was suddenly bright.

"Peerless class, so it turns out."

Think through, think through.

In a moment, Fang Chen completed the final transformation and became a supernatural-level formation master.

The breath of the whole body suddenly converged, and Fang Chen suddenly opened his eyes.

At this moment, he felt that all positions were under his control.

The complicated sacred-level formations on the original island now appear to be able to see through its trajectory at a glance.

"Thank you senior."

Fang Chen thanked with a fist. He knew that without the help of Sword Array Divine Emperor, if he wanted to break through, it would be very difficult.

"All this is for you to fight for yourself." Sword Array Divine Emperor sighed, "On coming to the island, only a little contact with the supernatural-level formation method, you can have an epiphany. It ’s the younger generation of my Tianzhen family, and it ’s no match for you. "

Fang Chen grinned, and suddenly the mark of death on his forehead flashed, his smile converged and his face changed greatly.

"Huh? The imprint of death, how could you have the imprint of death on your body?" The **** of sword array asked doubtfully.

"Senior, not long ago, in a ruin, the junior beheaded the disciple Xiuyun Swordsman of the Death Divine Emperor. He only got the mark of death before he fled to the South China Sea ..."

Fang Chen said briefly what happened.

After hearing this, Sword Array Divine Emperor was even more shocked.

"Great, really great."

The Emperor of the Sword Formation gave a thumbs up to the other party, "Tianjin Realm can kill the chief disciple Xiuyun Swordsman of the Nanling Sword Palace, which is really powerful. The younger generation of God Realm is the leader, you are none other than you.

However, while speaking, the character of Sword Array Divine Emperor Fang Chen is also more loved.

If you change to someone else and be chased down by the God King of Nanling Sword Palace, you will definitely worship yourself as a teacher to avoid disaster.

But this person did not, indicating that he has a good heart.

If you can, help him at the right time.

Thinking about it, the Dragon Sword God King and others, have already broken into the supernatural level formation.

"Peerless formation? Is there a peculiar formation on this island?"

Dragon Sword God King and others, his face slightly changed.

"Join together to break through this formation."

This supernatural-level formation is only the most basic and simple formation. It's okay to deal with ordinary **** kings, and senior kings like Dragon Sword King are fearless.

Under the attack of the six great kings, the Divine Divine Formation was fragmented.

On the high mountain peak, Fang Chen stared at the six people below, his eyes full of murderous intent.

"Do I need to shoot?" Sword Array Divine Emperor asked.

Fang Chen shook his head and said: "Thank you for your kindness, these people are not worth the seniors' shot, I can deal with it."

After all, Fang Chen's figure merged into the void.

On the island, the Dragon Sword God King and others are carefully searching.

Unconsciously, Fang Chen has arranged a phantom-level phantom array, trapping one of the weaker **** kings in it.

The other five gods are still unknown.

In the illusion, Fang Chen is the master.

"Boy, you are dead."

The **** king attacked Chen Chen, but with the help of the supernatural-level formation, the firepower was fully opened on top of it, the second layer of the Qianye needle, the Taiko Refining Divine Skills, all exhibited.

In a moment, the **** king was beheaded.

After receiving his Xu Mi ring, Fang Chen withdrew the illusion.

"You are all going to die."

Fang Chen was hiding in the void, watching the actions of the Dragon Sword God King and others.

Continue to use the same method to kill the second king. Finally discovered by the Dragon Sword God King and others.

"Fang Chen."

The Dragon Sword King found that the two Kings were killed in silence, very angry.

"Aren't you angry? Don't worry, I will send you to accompany them." Fang Chen's figure appeared in the void, grinning.

At this moment, the Dragon Sword God King finally began to pay attention to Fang Chen.

A guy who first entered the realm of God King actually cut three God Kings.

When I came out to perform the task, I never thought of it.

"Don't act alone, the four of us join forces. When necessary, he will not hesitate to hit him hard." Dragon Sword God King preached.

Anyway, the death emperor's request is to bring it back alive, without saying that it can't be hit hard.

This island is very strange, full of strange formations.

"Relax, this time I will capture this one."

The three great kings nodded, and their hearts were filled with anger, to avenge the other two great kings.

"Do it yourself."

Suddenly, with the roar of the Dragon Sword King, the four kings Thunder shot.


Fang Chen did not choose to fight hard, but quickly arranged a supernatural formation.

"What? Is he able to create a supernatural-level formation?"

Trapped in the formation, the face of Dragon Sword God changed greatly.

He still underestimated Fang Chen's strength, "attack the formation with all his strength."

On the peak of the towering clouds, Sword Emperor Shen looked down and smiled slightly.

"This kid is not weak in the practice system of the void, and he knows how to use the terrain to lay out a joint supernatural-level formation. It is really a monster genius. If he is not a disciple of the Heavenly Bone Palace, I will definitely find a way to pull him into the sky. Array family. "Sword array Divine Emperor sighed.

The potential shown by Fang Chen has surpassed all the younger generation of God Realm.

Moreover, he is also a supernatural level mage. If you join the Celestial Family, get systematic training, and have a variety of resources, it will probably be able to impact the Celestial Level.

"Several kings of the Nanling Sword Palace, there is not much threat to this son." Sword array **** emperor said: "The only thing that puzzles me is, where does this son's swordsmanship come from, and why even me Feeling vaguely vaguely? "

It stands to reason that looking at God Realm, the sword art of Nanling Sword Palace has super strong attack power, which should be the first.

But right now, Fang Chen's kendo magic has completely obscured the light of kendo magic in Nanling Sword Palace.

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