Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1890: Repay

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"So strong."

Fang Chen felt numbness in the tiger's mouth, a slight crack appeared on the blade of Xingyin sword.

He took a deep breath and looked up at the King Vine not far away.

At this moment, Fujio seems to feel that human beings are provoking it, the breath of death all over him is extremely rich.

Fang Chen's scalp is numb, and he has no courage to shoot in the face of King Vine.

"Hurry up."

Destroying Heavenly Emperor has escaped a big part, and anxiously transmitted the sound to Fang Chendao.


The vine king petals suddenly fell towards Fang Chen.


There is hardly any time for thinking, Fang Chen directly exhibited the magic book of time and space.

Suddenly, the petal attack of the vine king failed, and Fang Chen appeared behind the vine king.

"Taiwan refining the magic formula."

Fang Chen suddenly threw out the five great sword moves, and his back flickered and quickly escaped.


The five sword lights were directly destroyed by the vine king, and the roar of the sky roared from the petals.

Suddenly, countless branches protruded from the swamp within a radius of a hundred miles. The goal of these branches was very clear, and that was to stop Fang Chen and the Emperor.

"not good."

The God of Destruction, about to rush out of the boundless swamp, is blocked by the branches.

He arranged the kendo formation, countless giant swords, swooped down, and split on the branches.

Bang Bang Bang ...

The branches are too hard to cut off.


Destroying the God of Emperor shouted, ready to fight hard.

However, he hasn't waited for his shot, and countless branches have already wrapped his body firmly.


After Fang Chen saw that the Emperor Destroyer was restrained, he immediately displayed the Magic Book of Time and Space and came to the Emperor Destroyer.

Doing my best, I want to help the God of Destruction to untie the shackles.

Rumble ...

"Be careful."

Destroying God Emperor shouted silently.

However, it is too late.

The vine king's method is incredible.

How can the King of God be resisted.

Fang Chen's body was directly submerged by the vine king petals.

"It's over."

The face of Destroyer God is full of helplessness.

His eyes were full of despair.

Swallowed by the vine king petals, there is no doubt that even if the Divine Emperor Realm is strong, it is almost difficult to escape once it is recruited.

Fang Chen felt his head spinning and shaking constantly.


Suddenly, he felt his body squeezed, locked, unable to move.


Fang Chen clenched his fists, urged the perfect sword body, exhibited the Taiko Refining God's tactics, and even exhibited the Qianye needle, but to no avail.

This is the body of Fujin, the binding force is too strong.

"My soul."

Fang Chen felt that his primordial tremor was shaking, and the king of vines was targeting his primordial spirit.

"Am I going to die here?"

Fang Chen murmured.


Suddenly, the golden heart in the body seemed to feel danger and jumped up quickly.


In an instant, with a golden heart as the core, Fang Chen's body was wrapped in a layer of golden light.


The vine king, who was about to devour this human fellow, felt the body's tremor immediately after he sensed the golden light breath.

It looked at Fang Chen incredulously, and when he felt the familiar breath, his heart was more trembling.

"Your ... has a familiar breath."

Intermittent sounds came from Fujino's body.

Fang Chen knew that this was the vine talking to himself.

"Familiar breath?"

At this time, the restraint of Fang Chen's whole body disappeared at once, and he regained his freedom.

"Golden light ... who are you?"

Fujio's voice came again.

Fang Chen's heart tremor, his eyelids jumped straight.

Because, he discovered an incredible thing. That is, the king of vines actually knew the breath of ancient yuan.

That is to say, Fujin once saw Gu Yuan.

"Do you know my Master?" Fang Chen asked tentatively.

Sure enough, after Fujino heard Fang Chen's words, the power in his body was disordered, and he seemed very excited.

After a long time, Fujio said again: "The man who covered the golden light all over the body saved my life. His breath will not be forgotten in my life."

Now, Fang Chen is almost certain that the man shrouded in golden light by Fujio's mouth is Gu Yuan.

"But ... I only feel five familiar breaths on you, why is it incomplete?" Fujino was puzzled.

"Senior Vine King, the person you mentioned is the master of the younger generation." Fang Chen said hurriedly.

Fujio fell silent, as if thinking about something.

After a moment, it asked: "Then ... Your Master, can he be well now?"

Fang Chen shook his head and truthfully informed the King of Vine that his master left the universe to pursue a higher level of martial arts peak.

Ivy King fell into a memory and slowly said, "At that time, I had not become Ivy King. When I encountered a crisis in the sword mound, it was your master who saved me. Although it did not care at all, I always kept in my heart Remember this matter. "

"Without your Master, there will be no current me." Tengwang said: "Now, there are three big vine kings in the entire boundless swamp. Although the other two big vine kings are rejecting me, at least I have a foothold. "

"I didn't expect that after the endless years, I was actually able to meet the benefactor's disciples. What a fate." Fujio said at the end, I felt very happy.

The graciousness of the benefactor cannot be repaid in this life.

Well, since he met his disciples, it was just a matter of gratitude.

"Since you are a benefactor's disciple, I will naturally not embarrass you." Fujino said.

Fang Chen heard, and was overjoyed.

Unexpectedly, Master Gu Yuan once came to Jianzuo. And by chance, he saved the life of Fujio.

"Thank you Senior Vine King." Fang Chen thanked with a fist.

"You don't have to thank me, I'm just for gratitude." Ivy King said: "I think of your cultivation as God King Realm. But the combat power is comparable to God Emperor Realm, but even so, in the sword mound, it is everywhere Danger."

"However, I can promise you. I can help you three times while you are in Jianzuo. I can promise you no matter what the request." Fujino said, "But, I can't leave the boundless swamp."

At the beginning, Fang Chen was overjoyed when he heard the promise of Fujin.

Also thinking about letting Fujio **** himself into the emperor's tomb to find out.

However, Fujin cannot leave the boundless swamp.

Perhaps this is the peculiarity of Jianzuo.

However, a little thought, even if you can not leave the boundless swamp, the vine king of the **** emperor level is quite deterrent.

Imagine if you encountered an invincible enemy. You can lead the plan to the boundless swamp and let the king of vines deal with it.

Thinking of this, Fang Chen was ecstatic, and his face was full of excited smiles.

"You can leave." Fujino said: "I hope you can get what you want."

"Senior Fujino, the one outside is my friend. I don't know if I can put it together?" Fang Chen asked.


Over the boundless swamp, the God of Destruction was entangled by branches, and he had given up resistance and was ready to enjoy the taste of death.

However, something unexpected happened to him.

Suddenly, the branches entangled on him, making it unable to move, automatically fell off, and then disappeared into the boundless swamp.


The God of Destruction, who restored freedom, widened his eyes and couldn't believe it.

At this moment, Fang Chen also appeared.


Destroying God Emperor looked like hell, staring at Fang Chen and looking up and down.

At the moment when Fang Chen was released, the Vine King had disappeared.

Therefore, the Emperor God of Destruction didn't understand how Fang Chen escaped from the hands of Vine King.

"Aren't you going to kill King Vine?"

Destroying the God Emperor widened his eyes and looked at Fang Chen. "≠" ≠ "≠" ≠,

Fang Chen froze for a moment, then said: "Are you daydreaming? I am a King Realm, how can I kill a Vine King of God Emperor Realm level?"

"Then ... You weren't sucked into the body by King Fuji, why did you appear here unharmed?" The God of Destruction asked.

"It was only a phantom that was sucked into the body by the vine king. I used illusion to lead the vine king away." Fang Chen said in a panic.


The Emperor Destroyer gave thumbs up to Chen Chen, admiring him.

"Come on, the king of vines returns, and we will die." Fang Chen whispered.

Destroying Heavenly Emperor nodded quickly, too, and Fujio was too strong, and there was already a shadow in his heart.

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