Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1894: What will you resist next time?

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Fang Chen's eyes looked at the two great emperors.

The corners of his mouth curled up, showing a disdainful smile.

This is the style of Nanling Sword Palace, very familiar.

"Sword and Divine Emperor will not die in vain, you will have to pay to kill the Emperor Divine Emperor. And you must be ... Hey."

The emperor Ziyi hadn't finished his words. Suddenly, there was a whisper, and his face suddenly showed surprise.

"Are you ... Fang Chen, a disciple of Guzu?"

The Emperor Ziyi recognized Fang Chen and was very excited.

"Fang Chen?"

The Blue God Emperor heard the words and looked at Fang Chen directly, and he laughed a moment later.

The Evergreen Divine Emperor sent an elder Emperor Realm of the Nanling Sword Palace to bring a sentence, that is, do everything possible to capture Fang Chen. If it is impossible to capture, then beheaded.

At the same time, Fang Chen's virtual portrait was also distributed to everyone.

It is a pity that Sword and Divine Emperor did not receive the message, otherwise, they would not die so soon.

"It really helps me, if we complete the task, the Evergreen Emperor and the Death Emperor will definitely reward us?" Blue Emperor said excitedly.

Emperor Ziyi is also the focus of attention, saying: "Maybe, we can become a close attendant of the death **** emperor."

God Emperor's close attendance, the status in Nanling Sword Palace, is very noble.

Nanling Sword Palace, in addition to the palace master without sword **** emperor, is the two vice palace masters.

One of the deputy palace lords is Death Divine Emperor, the only disciple of Divine Emperor Realm without Sword Divine Emperor.

Another vice-president is Heidi.

Although the name of the Black Emperor is not as loud as the Death Emperor, its strength is much stronger than the Death Emperor.

Heidi's potential in Kendo is very strong. Wujian Divine Emperor once said that if Heidi was young, he embarked on an extreme road, and it is very likely to cross that level.

This sentence is full of praise for Heidi.

Heidi has been asking about Nanling Sword Palace all the time.

The sword is his life.

In addition to the two main palace masters, it was the Divine Emperor who was near.

There are a total of three great emperors in the Nanling Sword Palace, and five emperors without swords are all outstanding in the realm of the **** emperor.

Heidi is an exception, he does not have a close attendant, nor does he need a close attendant.

Next is the death emperor. He had two close attendants before, but he fell in the war with the Tiangu Palace.

Over the years, the Divine Emperor has not recruited a close attendant.

The two great emperors were secretly excited. If they could become the close attendants of the Divine Emperor, then their status in the Nanling Sword Palace would completely surpass all other emperors.

The eyes of the two looked at Fang Chen with some greed.

"Boy, I didn't expect you to be mixed with the Emperor Destroyer, this is just right, we are looking for you everywhere." The Blue Emperor sneered.

"Are you looking for me?" Fang Chen frowned.

"It's naive enough, you offended the death emperor. Do you think you sneaked into the sword mound, wouldn't we be discovered by our Nanling sword palace?" The emperor Ziyi sneered. Can't escape. "

Among the sword mounds, there are many emperors in Nanling Sword Palace. A **** king realm guy, trying to escape is almost impossible.

"Death Divine Emperor."

Fang Chen clenched his fists, his face gloomy, said with his teeth clenched.

Before coming, Master had told him to be careful.

"Boy, just obediently catch your hand. If you don't, you should know the consequences." The blue emperor threatened Fang Chen.

On the hill, after listening to the conversation of the three, Emperor Destroyer screamed badly.

Unexpectedly, this kid actually had an enmity with the Death Divine Emperor, this is better, and he also pulled himself into the water.

However, if you think about it carefully, you wouldn't be able to take revenge without him.

Glancing at the sword and Divine Emperor's body, Destroyer Divine Emperor made a crazy move.

"Fang Chen, I can resist the blue emperor." Emperor God of Heaven exclaimed secretly.

Fang Chen nodded. While he was talking, he was also carefully looking at the two great emperors.

The Blue Emperor's strength is relatively weak. The Purple Emperor's strength is stronger.

"You only need to stop the blue emperor, and leave the rest to me." Fang Chen said.

The Emperor Destroyer gritted his teeth and "fighted."

At this time, the two great emperors also seemed to find the breath fluctuations in Fang Chen's body.

"It seems that you are going to capture without preparing for the hand." The Blue God Emperor said.

Fang Chen shook his head gently, and it was not his style to catch his hand.

Besides, just two gods. With the help of the Emperor God of Destruction, he has no fear at all. Besides, at the critical moment, four of them can also shoot.

In Fang Chen's mind, everything was already planned. For the time being, they will not be exposed for the little mice, and they will be caught off guard by beating the two great emperors.

"Why the bullshit, kill the God Emperor, then capture it and go back to the mission." Emperor Ziyi said.


The blue-clothed **** emperor snorted, and the mad breath of kendo escaped from his body.

The long sword in his hand slammed a sword.

"Your opponent is me."

The Emperor Destroyer exploded with all his strength, entangled with the Blue Emperor, the sound of battle resounded through the sky.

The emperor Ziyi licked his dry lips and smiled sullenly. "Do you think you can change your destiny if you find a helper?"

"What do you think?" Fang Chen said indifferently.

The emperor Ziyi shook his head, his face full of disdain, "Boy, after all, you are the king of the gods, even if the strength is strong, there is a certain gap with the strong man of the gods. Today, let me teach you to be a man."


The Emperor Ziyi flashed in shape, and the wild wind blew up.

Dust was flying all over the earth, and Fang Chen and Emperor Ziyi were washed into the dust.

"Sword of Silence."

As soon as the purple emperor came up, he exhibited the sword of death and wanted to fight quickly.

Rumble ...

The black vortex is reproduced, but this time the power is much stronger than when the sword and the **** emperor are displayed.


In the black vortex, the sword of the true artifact gradually emerged, as if it were a spear, piercing the sky, and piercing Fang Chen at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye.

The latter stomped the foot, the ground was cracked, and the vast breath spread out.

"Taiwan refining the magic formula."

The Sword of Destruction was exhibited. One after another, the Sword of Destruction appeared out of thin air, and under the control of Fang Chen, swooped down.


The destruction of Jianguang passed, the void was torn, and the sound of deafness came out.

The strength that Fang Chen has shown now is simply not a **** king can possess.


The Emperor Ziyi grinned and continued to control the black vortex, which continuously output Kendo energy.

The long sword of the true artifact, carrying the power of terror, hit the ruined sword light fiercely.


The destruction of Jianguang one after another was shattered by the sword of the true artifact.

Fang Chen's figure appeared abruptly before the sword and the **** emperor's body, with a toe hook to hook the real artifact long sword in his hand.

The perfect sword body is urged, the golden heart is beating rapidly, and the golden liquid is poured into the long sword of the real artifact.

Later, Fang Chen's arm slammed hard and slashed on the real artifact long sword of the purple emperor.


The ground was shaking, the two collided, the void collapsed, and a large black hole appeared.

In the sky, there were clouds.

The wild sword breath between heaven and earth rushed into the void, and the violent wind blew and the dust flew, as if the end of the world was about to come.


The sword and the emperor's true artifact long sword, cracked signs appeared on the blade.


Almost at the same time, Fang Chen's figure exploded quickly.

Immediately afterwards, the power of the terrifying explosion swept through, even affecting the battle between the God of Destruction and the God of Blue Dress.

Two swords of real artifacts struck together. It's just that one of the handles has cracked, while the other handle is still intact.

"Not your own weapon, it's not enough."

Fang Chen secretly said.

"No wonder we lost more than a dozen **** kings in the Nanling Sword Palace, and none of them could hurt you." The emperor Ziyi stood up and looked down at Fang Chen with disdain in his words. "Your strength has already approached the ordinary Divine Emperor Realm. The death of the sword and Divine Emperor cannot be separated from you?"

Fang Chen nodded.

"Yes, the sword and the Sword of Divine Emperor were destroyed by me."

"Then my sword of annihilation, how powerful is it?" Emperor Ziyi looked at Fang Chen playfully, "Sword and God's long sword just resisted. What will you use next time to resist?"

"It's your body? Or Yuanshen?"

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