Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1912: Swordless Emperor's Fury

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The Devil Emperor waved his palm, his sword rushed to the sky, and wrapped Fang Chen.

When he was going to observe carefully, his face changed slightly.


The Devil Emperor snorted, and there was obviously some surprise on his face.

Things that can surprise the gods such as the Devil Emperor are necessarily extraordinary.


Devil Emperor looked at Fang Chen's eyes, somewhat hot.

There was a soft chatter in his mouth, and then there was a thoughtful smile on his face.

"In your body, there is a breath of cosmic god." Devil Emperor whispered softly: "And, I see your sword sword potential, it is unprecedented, even when I am in the God Realm, it is far less than you.

The Devil Emperor smiled mysteriously, and then said: "If I guess well, you have something to do with Gu Yuan."

Fang Chen was stunned, the Devil Emperor could actually find himself related to the ancient Yuan?

Did he find the golden heart in his body?

Fang Chen was a little flustered, but soon calmed down.

After calming down, Fang Chen carefully analyzed and felt that the Devil Emperor was unlikely to find the golden heart.

"He should have sensed the breath in his body." Fang Chen said secretly.

Devil Emperor just said that there is a breath of cosmic **** in his body. As everyone knows it is the breath from the golden heart.

"Don't be surprised, in the most recent era, only the ancient yuan is the universe god. The breath of the universe **** in your body must be related to the ancient yuan." Devil Emperor said.

Fang Chen's face changed, and finally nodded gently.

"The juniors inadvertently received the inheritance of Master Gu Yuan." Fang Chen said briefly.

Devil Emperor is not malicious to himself, and he has long since fallen, just to find a suitable successor.


After hearing this, the Devil Emperor was even more excited.

"Your kendo potential is enough to accept my inheritance." Devil Emperor grinned.


When the Devil Emperor spoke with Fang Chen, a major event also occurred in the Nanling Sword Palace.

Wujian Divine Emperor was very angry. When he was angry, the entire Nanling Sword Palace was extremely depressed.


In the garden, Emperor Wujian's face was somber to the extreme, his fists clenched tightly, and the air around him rattled.

"Master, what happened? How can there be other Divine Emperors in the Emperor's Tomb?" The Death Emperor asked in a puzzled way.

The Black Emperor on the side was also puzzled.

They had been painstakingly planning for so long, and they were completely destroyed by a sudden emperor. And also let the master suffer.

"Devil Emperor, is actually Devil Emperor." Wujian Divine Emperor shouted in anger. "Someone summoned the passage of the Devil's Tomb, entered the Devil's Tomb, and awakened the Devil Emperor, and my plan was destroyed as a result."

"Who is it?" Hei Di said coldly.

Death God Emperor's eyes flickered, and he suddenly thought of something.

"Master, it's possible that Fang Chen is undermining our plan?"

"It's impossible, Fang Chen has been taken away by the Guzu." Hei Di shook his head.

"Not necessarily, according to my previous information, Fang Chen found the tomb of the sixth guard under the Devil Emperor's seat and the war fortress there. If anyone can enter the Devil's Tomb, Fang Chen is the most likely one. "The Death God Emperor analyzed:" Although the Gu Zu left, but can't Fang Chen be secretly left behind? "


The terrifying breath instantly filled the entire Nanling Sword Palace.

"Give me the blockade of the sword mound exit, and all the people who come out are under control. I want to see who is so bold and dare to destroy my plan without the sword god." Emperor Wujian said.

"Master, that devil's tomb ..."

Devil Emperor was also the highest level of Divine Emperor Realm during his lifetime, and was much more tyrannical than Divine Emperor without Sword.

However, the inheritance of the Devil Emperor did not attract the attention of the Swordless Emperor.

His swordsmanship is not weaker than Devil Emperor.

However, Death Emperor and Heidi are different. The two of them are weaker than Godless Sword Emperor.

When they reach this level, they want to make progress on Kendo unless there is a big chance.

Right now, the inheritance of the Devil Emperor is opportunity.

"Destroy my plan, the Devil Emperor is also responsible. You enter the sword mound, find its tomb and destroy it completely." Emperor Wujian said coldly.

"Yes, Master."


What Fang Chen didn't know was that, because of an unintentional move, he destroyed the plan that Wujian Divine Emperor planned for tens of thousands of years.

This made the Swordless Divine Emperor very angry.

At this moment, he is discussing the content of kendo with Devil Emperor.

"Boy, your swordsmanship potential is much stronger than I thought." Devil Emperor Chen Chen praised him very much. He thought Fang Chen was born for swords.

From the last cosmic era to the present, he has not seen a sword repair as perfect as Fang Chen.

Such sword repairs should be dedicated to Kendo all his life.

"Senior Demon Emperor, listening to you, the younger generation went out." Fang Chen said with a smile.

After chatting with Fang Chen for a while, Devil Emperor likes this little guy more and more.

"From now on, you are the inheritance of my devil emperor. Although my inheritance cannot be compared with the ancient **** of the universe. At this stage, at least it can be of great help to you. And if you fully accept me Inheritance, stepping into the Divine Emperor's Realm without any hindrance. "Devil Emperor said.

Fang Chen was overjoyed in his heart, he entered the sword mound to sharpen, just to step into the realm of God Emperor.

Now, I finally have a little eyebrow.

"With my heritage, after going out, be careful of the Nanling Sword Palace." The Devil Emperor said: "The Godless Sword Emperor, actually tried to devour the wraiths in the entire Emperor's Tomb to strengthen himself and take the last step. This malicious The method is not allowed by God Realm. Moreover, it will destroy the origin of the universe. "


Fang Chen's heart shook.

"Fortunately, you awakened me in time, and I broke my plan." The Devil Emperor continued. "When it comes to the origin of the universe, I tell you too much, and you don't understand it. When you step into Divine Emperor Realm one day, you will understand."

"In short, when destroying the origin of the universe, God Realm will not allow it. If there is no Sword God Emperor, it will definitely cause public outrage if it is learned by God Realm." Devil Emperor said.

"How can the devouring spirits in the tomb of the emperor destroy the origin of the universe?" Fang Chen wondered.

"Do you know how the sword mound came about?" The devil asked.

Fang Chen shook his head and said that he didn't know. I'm afraid he didn't even know his ancestor.

It is said that Jianzuo existed forever. Even if the universe experiences great destruction, Jianzuo will not be destroyed.

"The existence of the sword mound involves the origin of the universe. The strong men who fell in the tomb of the emperor were all divine emperor realms during their lifetime. After they fell, they will naturally be nourished by the origin of the universe. Some of the universe's origins. If the Emperor without Sword tried to devour them, it would cause a reduction in the origin of the universe. This is simply a disguised shortening of the life of the universe. "Devil Emperor said.

Fang Chen nodded, although there were still many doubts in his heart.

But the Devil Emperor seemed reluctant to say more, and when it came to the origin of the universe, he was also confused when he heard it.

"You will know after all of this, now let's hurry to accept my inheritance." Devil Emperor extended his finger and lightly on Fang Chen's forehead.

Suddenly, Fang Chen's eyes closed, and he immediately passed out.

"I hope you can inherit my inheritance and reproduce God Realm." The Devil Emperor was a bit melancholy and said with a sigh.


Death Divine Emperor and Black Emperor entered the sword mound fiercely.

Their brothers and sisters went straight to the tomb of the emperor.

Emperor's tomb area, central altar.

Now the central altar has cracked. The two stood on the altar, looked around, and finally fixed their eyes in a certain direction.

"The horror sword light was shot from this direction at that time." Death God Emperor said: "It is very likely that the Devil Emperor's Tomb is in this direction."

Heidi nodded and said: "First lock the approximate location, and then look around, I don't believe that there are tombs in this area where we two can't find?"

Heidi's words are full of confidence.

Devil Emperor inheritance, he must get it.

"Brother, this Demon Emperor's inheritance may allow us both to take that step. At that time, our Nanling Sword Palace will have three great strong emperors, and it will not be difficult to destroy the Tiangu Palace."

"The debt owed is always to be paid back. The Tiangu Palace and Fang Chen are all going to die."

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