Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1941: Hercules Pill

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Fang Chen breathed a sigh of relief as he saw the big guy gradually break up.

This last move is also considered a dangerous move by soldiers, and can only deal with these unreal creatures without intelligence. If it is to deal with human warriors, it will definitely not work.


Ta Ling was shocked and couldn't be more complicated, was this **** too evil?

It is said that reaching the fifth level of evaluation, you can get the treasure. But is there no need to desperately like this?

"Senior, I ..."

Fang Chen gathered his old face, hehe said with a smile.

Ta Ling froze for a moment, and immediately tried to suppress his shock.

"Awesome, it's really awesome. I follow the endless years of the master, and no one can pass the fifth level of evaluation." Taring Chen praised the other party. "Even the master himself said that all the warriors who can reach the fifth level of evaluation must have much higher achievements in the future."

"Senior, I am curious what is the reward of the fifth level evaluation?"

Fang Chen has been concerned about this issue.

Ta Lingdao: "What do you think is the most important problem when stepping into Divine Emperor Realm?"

"Is the most important question?"

Fang Chen muttered to himself, and a large amount of information appeared in his mind.

After a long time, Fang Chen said: "Going into the Divine Emperor's Realm is a qualitative transformation. The Yuanshen and the flesh must undergo earth-shaking transformation. And this transformation should be based on perfect control of the rules. "

"The Divine Emperor Realm is on top, although they are also in control of the rules, but their research on the rules has reached a thorough stage." Fang Chen continued: "So, the biggest obstacle for Divine Emperor Realm to enter Divine Emperor Realm is to An in-depth analysis of the rules. "

Taring heard the words and nodded gently.

"Yes, you have a good understanding of the Divine Emperor Realm. But you don't know the fundamentals." Taling said: "Entering the Divine Emperor Realm, the power of heaven and earth rules baptize the flesh. If you don't have a strong flesh, you can't resist it at all. Live the power like a torrent. "

"The world doesn't pay much attention to the physical tempering, and only regrets when they want to impact the Divine Emperor Realm." Taring continued: "Your physical body is strong, but there is still a big gap from the Divine Emperor Realm. With you Now such a force simply cannot withstand the rule of baptism after stepping into Divine Emperor Realm. "

"So, the master left a kind of magical pill to strengthen the flesh for the successors who passed the fifth level evaluation."

"Sacred Pill?"

"In the last cosmic era, the owner had the privilege of seeing a cosmic god. And he got the instructions of the cosmic god. When the cosmic **** left, he left the master with a pill." Taling said: "This grain Elixir itself has no name. The reason why it is called Hercules Elixir was taken by the owner himself. "

"The cosmic **** once said that the God Emperor Realm Warrior, swallowing this pill, can instantly increase the physical strength to the same level as the Divine Emperor Realm Power." Taring said: "You said, this is Isn't it possible to help you step into Divine Emperor Realm? "

After hearing that, Fang Chen finally understood.

His heart is also very shocked, there is such a panacea in the world.

"Tongtian Grade Elixir?"

Cosmic God will not be an ordinary panacea.

"After the master got this pill, he couldn't take it at all. He planned to leave it to his disciples, but his disciples fell in an accident, which also led to the fact that Hercules Pill has been stored until today. You are very lucky After passing the fifth level evaluation, you can get Hercules Pill. "

After all, Taling waved his hand, Hercules Tower shook, and then a crystal clear panacea appeared in his palm.

"This is the Hercules Pill, you take it away. When you take it depends on yourself." Taring said: "However, I suggest you take it now. In this case, accepting the master's inheritance is only a matter of seconds. Things in between. "

Fang Chen was very excited and swallowed Hercules Pill in one bite.


Hercules Pill spread rapidly in the body.


The speed of the golden heart beat, unusually active, seems to be absorbing the medicine of Hercules.


In a blink of an eye, Hercules Pill was digested by Fang Chen. At this time, after the golden heart tempered, the more pure Hercules Pill appeared in Fang Chen's body.


When the effect of Hercules Pill spread on his limbs, Fang Chen felt that the body was full of vast power.

"So strong."

The perfect sword body runs automatically, and the sword-shaped runes flash quickly.

His physical strength is increasing at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Within a few breathing hours, the medicine effect of Hercules Pill was completely absorbed by Fang Chen.


Fang Chen's internal shock disappeared, and the golden heart gradually calmed down.


Fang Chen was a little stunned, and thought he would be tossing for a while. Who could have thought that it would be absorbed so soon.

"my body?"

At this time, Fang Chen only discovered that his physical strength was too powerful.

"Is this the physical body comparable to Divine Emperor Realm?"

Fang Chen felt that the power in the body was too strong, as if to be erupted.

"My physical strength now, even standing on the ground, the imperial cold emperor can't break my defense." Fang Chen said secretly.

This is invincible in the real God Emperor Realm.

Then let him meet the big man of the fifth level, he can disperse the opponent with one punch.


Ta Ling said with a smile: "Since then, you are the owner of the tower of Hercules."

Ta Ling's figure disappeared, and then Fang Chen felt his brain shake, a wind blew, his finger was cut, and a drop of blood fell in the tower of Hercules.

Suddenly, the golden light of the Tower of Hercules flourished, and Fang Chen's mind appeared densely about the Tower of Hercules.

"the host."

Tower Spirit transmitted a sound to Fang Chen. "Hercules Tower does not have any special attack methods, it can only be used to smash people."

"Smash ..."

Fang Chen froze for a moment. "However, you should not underestimate the Hercules Tower, if it is divided according to the weapon class of God Realm, it can be regarded as the ultimate real artifact. Only because the attacking method is single, so at most it is comparable to the superior real artifact.

"After the owner got the Tower of Hercules, the well-deserved first in the God Emperor's Realm. Even if he met an ordinary Divine Emperor, he could easily escape." Ta Ling said.

Fang Chen smiled happily.

"Moreover, the physical strength of the master is not weaker than Divine Emperor. It only takes an opportunity to break into Divine Emperor Realm." Taring said: "Master, you can now accept the inheritance of the master."

Fang Chen quickly came to the bronze throne under the guidance of the tower spirit.

The bones seemed to feel something, shaking, and immediately the skeleton palm was placed on Fang Chen's body.

Fang Chen felt that he had a dream. In his dream, there was a **** of the world, his physical strength was invincible and unparalleled in the world.

In the battle with others, it is almost a pair of iron fists to end the battle.

When he woke up, he suddenly found out that the emperor in the dream is Hercules.

"So powerful."

Looking back at the dream he just made, Fang Chen admired Hercules even more.

It is really not easy to reach the level of Emperor Hercules.

If the Hercules Emperor is still alive, there is no problem in being among the Ten Strongest Emperors. The attack power can also be equal to the destruction of the Divine Emperor.

Flipping his lips, Fang Chen stood up.

After devouring Hercules Pill, the physical strength has reached the level of Divine Emperor Realm.

Therefore, it is very easy to accept the inheritance of Hercules Emperor.

"The power inheritance of Hercules was really incredible." Fang Chen was shocked.

Although he majored in kendo, he also benefited greatly from this heritage.

"The physical strength of the Divine Emperor Realm, combined with the power inheritance of Hercules Emperor, I really can't find an opponent looking at the ancient warehouse."

Fang Chen grinned.

"Talling, when will my brother wake up?" Fang Chen asked.

He can't wait to go out and show his skills.

"Master, your brother's potential is slightly worse. According to my estimation, I fully accept the inheritance and it will take at least three days." Taring said.

"Okay, then I'll wait for him for three days." Fang Chen said.


Gu Cangjie, a hidden place.


A group of ghostly figures suddenly appeared.

"Dammit guy, actually came to such a place, and we have to chase in."

"Everyone understands this time's mission? Fang Chen must die. This is related to the cooperation between our Holy Light and Death God."

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