Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1945: Three point seven interception

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Push everything horizontally, with a pair of iron fists, suppress all the **** emperors of the beast **** clan, invincible in the ancient warehouse.

The present Fang Chen has changed. His physical strength, even if the Divine Emperor saw it, would be shocked.

In this cosmic era, in the history of Divine Realm, there has never been a Divine Emperor Realm that can increase the physical strength to this degree.

Of course, Fang Chen can have such a strong physical body, and there are some coincidences in it.

First, he has a golden heart, and then has a perfect sword body, which is known as the strongest physique in the world, helping him a lot.

The second is the Hercules Pill, left by Hercules Emperor. This immortality medicine directly raises its flesh to the peak, comparable to the powerful Emperor of the Emperor.

The three brothers and sisters talked and laughed. The elder brother Tianding God Emperor and the five brothers Mowu, both of whom had practiced in the ancient warehouse for decades, had little success.

However, after meeting Fang Chen, the earth-shaking changes have taken place in just over eight years.

"I really didn't expect that you, brother, can sweep through the ancient warehouse." God Emperor Tianding sighed.

"Yeah, I always thought that apart from the First Son, the one who is most likely to sweep the ancient warehouse world with flesh power is the master brother." Mo Wu laughed.

Fang Chen just wanted to speak, and there were countless broken sounds in the distance.

Immediately, a breath of evil came in a flash.


Fang Chen's face changed, and he knew instantly who he was.

"Sacred Light Remnants."

Tian Ding Shen Huang's complexion gradually became gloomy.

He clenched his fists, his whole body rippling, ready to shoot at any time.


In a blink of an eye, more than twenty emperors of the Holy Light Church appeared on the wasteland and surrounded Fang Chen's group of three.

"Fang Chen."

As the first emperor, his face was grim, his eyes dark, staring at Fang Chen licking his dry lips, and said hoarsely.

"When did the Holy Light teach the remaining evil, and dare to rampage in the God Realm?" Tianding Shenhuang said coldly.

"Holy Light teaches the aftermath, everyone gets it." Mo Wudao.

However, the remnants of the Holy Light Church, led by him, were not afraid, but sneered: "Tianding God Emperor, Mo Wu, we are here for Fang Chen, if we don't want to be involved, we will leave quickly. Otherwise If you are, you have only one way to go. "

It is said that Tianding Shenhuang and Mowu were directly furious.

"Fart, Fang Chen is my brother, you let me sit back and ignore?"

"Even if you aren't running for our younger brothers and encountering the remnants of the Holy Light, we will not hesitate to shoot.

The two were very angry, staring at the aftermath of Holy Light.

Fang Chen's face was very relaxed.

"In order to deal with me, the Holy Light Church actually dispatched more than twenty emperors." Fang Chen said lightly: "Unfortunately, these emperors are not enough for me to kill."

Fang Chen's words are full of killing intent.

In his view, the aftermath of the Holy Light is nothing more than rubbish.

If it is in the outside world, more than twenty **** emperors shot together, he also has to be wary.

But here is the Gu Cang Realm, his physical strength is comparable to the God Emperor Realm, and the Gu Cang Realm is invincible.

It is ridiculous that these holy light idiots attempted to kill themselves in the ancient warehouse.

"Huh, do you really think you can be so arrogant if you destroy the emperor?" The emperor of the Holy Light Church sneered: "In any case, you will die if you enter."

Fang Chen stared at the remnants of the Holy Light Church and grinned: "I really don't know who bought you the courage to kill me? Don't you know that I am not afraid of anyone in God Emperor?"


The emperor of the Holy Light Church, led by him, no longer talked nonsense, sipped, and suddenly more than twenty emperors, changing positions, formed a huge formation.

The formation has just started, and a horrible **** breath swept through instantly.


Fang Chen's face changed greatly, because he could feel that in the formation, the true divine power could actually be used.

"not good."

The Emperor Tianding also shouted silently. If the true divine power can be used, the three of them want to deal with more than 20 remnants of the Holy Light, which is difficult.

"Why don't we know your means of destroying the emperor, before we deal with you, we will clear your message." The head emperor said: "I have to say that your potential is really too strong . In this cosmic era, you are by far the most wicked genius of God Realm ’s potential. "

"Any evil genius is an enemy of our Holy Light Church. Our aim is to completely kill it." Holy Light Church God Emperor said: "So, today we are well prepared, you do n’t want to escape, There is only one way out. "

"Speed ​​breaks the formation."

Tianding Shenhuang and Mo Wu, after restoring their true divine power, showed their terrifying power and continuously bombarded their formation.

However, Fang Chen stood quietly on the ground, closed his eyes, and was aware of the mystery of the formation method.

"You don't have to waste your energy, you can't break this formation." The sneer for the first emperor, his face full of ridicule. "Originally I just wanted to slay and destroy God Emperor alone, but I didn't expect to encounter God Emperor Tian Mo and Mo Wu by mistake. Hahaha, if you slay the three great disciples of Guzu together, I would like to be the same as Guzu. A big blow. "

The Holy Light Church dispatched more than 20 emperors this time, which is enough to show their attention to each other.

With the improvement of Fang Chen's strength, the whole God Realm was shaken. Shengguang also naturally noticed Fang Chen, they felt the terrible potential of Fang Chen.

Originally designed to kill Fang Chen, it happened that the Death God Emperor found it, promising them great benefits.

Naturally, the two cooperate.

This is a two-for-one thing for Holy Light Church.

"Brother, this formation is very strange, we can't break it."

Mo Wu said anxiously while attacking frantically.

Tian Ding Shen Huang's face was also anxious, seeing Fang Chen motionless, whispering: "Brother Fang, do you have any way?"

At this moment, Fang Chen, breathing in his mind.

The golden heart was beating rapidly, his consciousness was integrated into the formation, and he was looking for the trajectory of the formation.

"What a weird formation, there is no trace."

After searching for a long time, Leng did not find any useful value, which made Fang Chen speechless.

"Huh, how can you break through the seven interception method of our Holy Light?"

Sneering for the first emperor, more than twenty emperors, fully controlling the formation, are preparing for the first wave of attacks.


With the first sentence for the first emperor, a sudden burst of power came from within. The real power of terror seems to tear apart the void.

"Time and Space Illusion Book."

The three brothers and sisters at the same time exhibited the time and space magic book, integrating their bodies into the void.

Seeing the first emperor, sneered.

"Knowing that you are Guzu disciples, how could you not prepare?"

"Give me every inch of void in the formation."

Commanded for the first emperor.

Suddenly, more than two dozen emperors embarked on a crazy attack.

After a while, Tianding Divine Emperor and Mo Wu could not hold on.

Fang Chen is also constantly changing shape, avoiding crazy attacks.

"Can't go on like this, you need to quickly find the loophole of the formation, and then break the formation." Fang Chen thought to himself.

If the formation is broken, the true divine power is imprisoned again, and with his physical strength, he can complete the abuse of more than twenty divine emperors of the Holy Light religion.

"Just now he said that this is a seven-cut method."

In Fang Chen's mind, there seemed to be a little useful information.

"Seven, seven, where I seem to have seen it."


In Fang Chen's mind, a flash of light suddenly flashed.

Immediately, he was overjoyed on the face, and at this moment he suddenly recalled that he had seen the description of the seven-intersection method in the inheritance of a certain line of power.

"It turns out so."

Fang Chen grinned.

In the inheritance of the mighty lineup, the seven-block formation method is the top level in the peculiar formation. Once trapped, even the Divine Emperor wanted to break through with difficulty.

The seven interception method has been lost for a long time, and no one in God Realm can arrange it.

"The seven interception method, the most important thing is the seven interception." Fang Chen said secretly. He looked up and found that there were exactly 21 emperors of the Holy Light religion, no more, no less.

In other words, twenty-one of them are divided into three groups, and each group is regarded as a "seven cut". The formation they have now arranged, strictly speaking, should be a three-point seven cut.

"Fortunately it was a three-point seven interception."

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