Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1961: The strongest killer in the lower realm

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After everything was prepared properly, Fang Chen was gradually in the Yuan ancestral homeland.


As soon as his heart moved, a horrible flame suddenly appeared, completely covering the Yuan Yao sword.

Now Fang Chen, his strength is not what he used to be, and his control of the flame is naturally at a point where he is perfect.

Moreover, Undead Flame has reached its true limit, even if the temperature of the flame is touched by the **** king, it will be injured.

The first step is to refining the Yuanyao sword, which can't be easier for Fang Chen.

Within a few breathing time, Yuan Yao Jian was completely refined.

Immediately, Fang Chen took a deep breath and put the prepared materials directly into the liquefied Yuanyao sword.

After that, the Undead inflammation was forcibly burned again.

The whole process took only half an hour.

The Yuan Yao sword was formed again. Although it is only the simplest wrinkle type, it has also shaken the Yuan family up and down.

"A strong breath, the power of Yuan Yao sword has become stronger."

"Yeah, I really didn't expect that there will be such a day for the treasure of Zhenyuan, our Yuan tribe."

"Thanks to Fang Chen, fortunately we didn't have any evil relationship with it, otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable."

The Lord of the Yuan tribe stood quietly on the square, dark eyes, staring at the direction of the ancestral land.

The breath from Yuan Yao Jian trembles his heart.

"What's the point of this guy?"

The lord of the Yuan tribe trembles in his heart and says to himself.

The process of refining Yuanyao sword is very easy.

However, when the refining was about to complete, an unexpected scene appeared.

Between heaven and earth, a terrifying sword gas instantly invaded and poured into the Yuan ancestor land.

Immediately, Fang Chen felt his mind shake, and the next moment, his body was filled with a strong sword-making breath.


Fang Chen saw this, but also slightly stunned.

Immediately, he froze for a moment before he realized. I've been stuck in the saint-level sword-caster's own, but unexpectedly broke through to the **** level.

"In this case, then refine you into a true artifact."

Originally, Fang Chen intended to refine the Yuanyao sword into the ultimate heavenly artifact level.

But now, he has enough strength to refine the Yuan Yao sword into a true artifact.

Yuan Yaojian also seems to feel Fang Chen's change, and emits a pleasant sound of sword song, responding to Fang Chen.


The refining process continued, while Fang Chen was refining, and in his mind, he felt some information of the master class swordsmith.

Casting swords like enlightenment swords, this has long been known to Fang Chen.

After three hours.


In the ancestral land of the Yuan nationality, a deafening sound of swordsong broke out. Immediately followed by a terrifying sword light, straight to the sky.

Thunderous pressure swept through the Yuan clan, and even the body of the Yuan clan's squeezed body could not move.

"what happened?"

Within the Yuan tribe, some uninformed tribes yelled.

I just experienced a shock within the clan, and now there is such a tyrannical breath. No wonder they will shake.

"Did you make it?"

The body of the Yuan tribe is shaking, and his face is full of excitement.

In the ancestral land, Fang Chen slowly opened his eyes, and Jian Qi surrounded his body.

"Under the true artifact."

Looking at the Yuan Yao sword held in his hand, Fang Chen grinned.

Although it is only inferior, it is also a true artifact.

Looking at the entire lower realm, who can resist the attack of Yuan Yao Jian.

"Thank you."

Yuan Yaojian sent a sound to Fang Chen, very excited.

After becoming a true artifact, Yuan Yao Jian also knew the weapon level of God Realm, and the inner vibration could not be increased.

"With your strength, you can easily cut through the lower universe. If you don't have to do it, don't take it easy," Fang Chen urged.

"Relax, start today. I will help you keep the lower realm. Who dares to come to the lower realm to make chaos, let me pass this level first." Yuan Yaojian said confidently.

Fang Chen nodded, with the current strength of Yuan Yao Jian, even if the gods were making trouble, he could completely suppress it.

In the eyes of many people, Fang Chen took the Yuan Demon Sword and left the ancestral land of the Yuan tribe.

"how about it?"

The Lord of the Yuan tribe can't wait any longer.

"Patriarch, Yuan Yao Jian has been refined. You have a look, I will go first."

What the Lord of the Yuan tribe wanted to say, but Fang Chen had disappeared.


On Green Bamboo Island, Fang Chen re-condensed the Green Bamboo Formation, and directly upgraded it to the Deity Level Formation.

Moreover, the formation control center is in the hands of Bi Qingqing and Princess Xin.

Anyone who sneaks in will surely touch the formation.

After Fang Chen's training, the defense of Lvzhu Island is the strongest in the Nether Universe.

At the same time, he also left a lot of cultivation resources, as well as some powerful exercises.

After ensuring that the universe of the Nether does not have any holy light teachings, Fang Chen left the Nether quietly.

"How is it? Did the Celestial God Emperor contact you?" Outside the void, Fang Chen contacted the three great kings.

"Not yet." One of the **** kings preached.

"The three of you, take the initiative to contact the Celestial God Emperor, and say that the matter has been completed. The Nether Universe is completely under your control." Fang Chen said.

The three great kings began to contact the Celestial God Emperor, and a moment later one of them heard the voice: "Master, the Celestial God Emperor has heard the news. He let us continue to control the lower realm universe. And he will find you in the dark world in the near future . "

After hearing the words, Fang Chen was ecstatic.

Immediately, he used the means of illusion to kill the three great kings.

Not afraid of 10,000, just in case.

He is not willing to let the lower universe be hurt in any way, after all, there are his family and friends there.


God Realm, the territory of Nanling Sword Palace.

After Fang Chen returned to God Realm, he immediately arrived at the territory of Nanling Sword Palace.

With his current strength, he appeared in the territory of the Nanling Sword Palace and was instantly known to the death **** and other high-level officials.

But they dare not shoot at will.

"Why is Fang Chen coming to the territory of Nanling Sword Palace?"

Death Divine Emperor has been paying attention to Fang Chen.

Soon, Fang Chen found the miscellaneous hall in Nanling Sword Palace.


His consciousness shrouded the juggernaut hall, and Tianxin has been discovered.

"When sparring?"

Fang Chen frowned. He was forced to come to the juggernaut hall as a sparring partner.

On the Zaotang hall, on the cultivation square.

"Boy, come and train me for sparring."

A high-ranking guy from the age-old realm yelled at Tianxin.

"Why should I be your sparring partner?"

Tianxin's temper was very strong, and he refused directly.


However, it was a pair of iron fists that responded to him. This person's strength exceeded that of Tianxin by a lot, and Tianxin blasted Tianxin directly.

"I let you be when you are, otherwise I will kill you, believe it or not?"

The man said fiercely.

On the cultivation square, other disciples shook their heads one after another. A look of sympathy appeared in their eyes as they looked into Tianxin.

"This guy is done."

"Yeah, it's the fierce **** who will kill him in a few days."

"This guy is crazy. In just half a month, he has killed five sparring partners."

"Who makes him strong, what can we do?"

Some sparring, gathered together, their hearts are praying, don't be selected by the disciples of the Zadog Hall, otherwise life and death will be unpredictable.

God Realm, the Powerful Master, and so on.

Tianxin was very angry, but he compromised.

"Can't be impulsive, wait for the master to come to me early." Tian Xin secretly said.

Immediately, he stood up and stepped forward to the disciple known as the fierce god.

"Hum, just beating."

The man said coldly, "Go over there with the stakes station, I'm going to start practicing."

With no expression on Tianxin's face, he stood in front of the stake.


The man clenched his fists, and the sound of bones rumbling in his body was very powerful.

He clenched his fists tightly, the air was oscillating, and he faced a fierce punch from Tianxin.


However, everyone thought that this punch would cause Tianxin to fall to the ground seriously.

But an unexpected scene appeared, and Tianxin was still standing quietly. And the person who punched, actually flew out.


The miserable cry came from this population. His fist shattered, his mouth spit blood, and his face was pale.

"Dare my disciples move?"

At this time, Fang Chen appeared and said coldly.

"who are you?"

An elder in the juggernaut shouted loudly.

Fang Chen burst out of the atmosphere of the Divine Emperor's Realm, and suddenly the upper floors of the Zagdo Hall rushed over.

"what happened?"

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