Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2016: Cocoon

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There are three punches left, and each punch may hurt your life. Fang Chen didn't dare to carelessly, in fact, it was beyond his expectation to be able to reach this step.

When he was madly attacked by the stone's violent anti-shock force, his physical defense was gradually improved.

Looking down, the sword-shaped runes on the surface of the skin have long disappeared.

The sword-shaped runes contain immense power. Once the perfect sword body is displayed, dense sword-shaped runes will appear on the surface of the skin.

Now, however, the sword-shaped runes have disappeared.

Fang Chen knew that this was because the seventy-eight punches had already consumed all the sword-shaped rune power.

The next three punches, only rely on their physical strength to resist.

"I always thought that my physical strength has reached the limit. I didn't expect to improve it again. It seems that my eyes are still too low after all." Fang Chen's face was pale, and he said to himself.

The more you fight against the stele, the more you can feel that the physical growth rate is very rapid.

Although he is weak now, his face is pale. But the heart was quite happy, and even faintly excited.

It is no exaggeration to say that his current physical defense has already chased after the universe god.

Even if it cannot completely resist the attack of the universe god, at least it can retreat under its attack.

This test set by the galaxy ancestors is not without reason. Fang Chen guessed that if he could pass this test completely, his physical strength should be truly comparable to the universe god.

Imagine it is very difficult. Which of the universe gods recorded in the classics is not a breakthrough in the realm.

In the eighteen cosmic eras of the Xinghe universe, no Divine Emperor can break the limits with his flesh and achieve the universe god.

Perhaps, Fang Chen will be the first. Of course, he also has a great risk of falling.

In any case, to this day he has no retreat, only to move forward.

After thinking for a moment, Fang Chen lifted his head, and in the dark eyes, a decisive color emerged.

"Xi'er rest assured."

Turned his head and smiled brightly at Xi'er, let him not worry.

Immediately, accumulating strength, clenching his fists, and hitting the stone with a punch.


Around the stone monument, a large energy fluctuation appeared. In an instant, the stone tablet sucked Fang Chen's fist strength into the interior.


For a breathing time, the increase in terror inside the stele instantly acted on the power of the fist, and then poured out.

Suddenly, the whole world changed. Such a force has initially taken on the breath of the cosmic god. Looking at the whole God Realm, no Divine Emperor can resist it.

Fang Xi clenched his small hands and looked at his father worriedly.

As a cosmic god, she naturally understood what the power of this horrible increase represented.

"Be sure to hold on."

Fang Xi secretly prayed in his heart.


All Fang Chen can do is to deflect the physical defense to the extreme and desperately resist this terrifying anti-shock force.


The sound of bones sounded, and Fang Chen's body, like a kite, flew directly backwards, hitting the top of the mountain heavily. His body was covered with blood and his clothes were ragged.

One arm, which fell down, seemed to be extremely traumatized.

"Father." Fang Xi saw this and finally burst out crying.

"Xi'er, don't cry, I can still hold on."

Fang Chen said this difficultly, then closed his eyes and passed out.

Fang Xi wanted to run over, but was stopped by the ghost.

"Your father is okay. Although he is unconscious, he treats the injury subconsciously." Xing Ying said: "After a month, he will wake up."

Fang Chen was able to do this, and the ghost image was quite shocked.

The power of creating rules was turned to the extreme by him, and healed automatically in a coma.

A month later, as predicted by the ghost, Fang Chen woke up.

In his heart, he has a strong obsession. Opening his tired eyes, Fang Chen slowly stood up and stumbled to the stone tablet.

There are also two punches, his heart secretly muttered.

Fang Chen at the moment, Zhou Sheng exuded a crystal clear breath, giving a very depressed feeling.

The body is growing rapidly while being destroyed. How can there be a return for not paying?

"Come again."

Once he gritted his teeth, he continued to punch.

The punching power of this punch has once again increased several times. Fang Chen didn't even have room to react, so he was directly comatose by Zhen Fei.

There was no energy fluctuation in him, like death.

"hold onto."

Fang Xi's small face was full of tears, crying.

Fang Chen in a coma has undergone earth-shaking changes in his body. After the violent anti-seismic power of the stele, the power of the golden mark spreading in the limbs and corpses was finally fully integrated into his bones.

Inside his body, the power oscillated and passed through the meridians, all gathered together.

"this is?"

Seeing the phantom of this scene in mid-air, I was slightly stunned, and I was immediately overjoyed.

"Don't you die?"

Xuying muttered to himself, originally thinking that the latter could not hold on to the last punch. It now appears that there is a full chance.

"Father was born again in Nirvana." Fang Xi also discovered the changes in his father's body, and powder fists clenched, very excited.


Fang Chen's body was suddenly wrapped in flames.

The fire was blazing fiercely, drowning Fang Chen's body in the sea of ​​fire.


In the distant sky, the universe's origins oscillated, and a trace of the power of the imperceptible origins quietly penetrated into Fang Chen's body.

His physical strength has reached a critical point, and only requires an opportunity.

And the origin of the universe is the opportunity.

When this little force of the universe's origin penetrated into its body, it suddenly made its body take an essential leap.


The raging fire around him shrank quickly, and finally got into Fang Chen's body.

Suddenly, Fang Chen opened his eyes, clenched his fists, and strong energy came from the air.

"It turns out so."

A large amount of information appeared in his mind.

In an instant, Fang Chen understood. I broke the limit of the physical body, and the physical body first reached the realm of the universe god.

"The power of the universe **** and the power of the Divine Emperor are not at the same level, they are too strong."

Fang Chen was ecstatic and very excited.


At this moment, a delicate voice brought Fang Chen's thoughts back to reality.

Fang Chen converged his thoughts and turned to look at Fang Xi.

"Xi'er, I'm okay." Fang Chen grinned, and the previous tiredness swept away. He stood up as if he was okay and walked to the stele.

"The last punch left."

Now Fang Chen's understanding of physical strength has reached a higher level.

Although the last punch, the increase in force is scary. But he is ready and has no worries.

He relaxed all over, clenched his fists, and threw a punch lightly. When the seemingly simple punch hit the stone, the stone trembles.

Eighty-one punches, this is the only punch that makes the stele tremble. Can you imagine how strong its strength is?


Unexpectedly, Fang Chen was originally prepared to meet the anti-shock force of this last punch. However, the result made him a little stunned. After the stone tablet was hit by the tremor, it only gave a slight breeze, and then returned to normal.

"There is no anti-shock force?" Fang Chen said in surprise.

In the distance, there was a hearty laugh of Vague.

"Hahaha, congratulations, you passed the second pass." Xu Ying said with a smile.

Fang Xi rushed to his father's side with an arrow, and his face was full of smiles, very excited: "Father, I know you are the best."

Father's perseverance, even Fang Xi had to admire.

Her ability to become a cosmic **** is entirely determined by her innate potential. The father, by virtue of his great perseverance, reached the realm of the universe god, which is not what ordinary people can do.

Fang Chen patted Xi'er's shoulder lightly, then looked at Xu Ying, "Senior, what's going on?"

"In fact, in the second level, the so-called 81-fist, only the first 80-fist is very dangerous. The 81-fist tests the guts and courage." Xing Ying explained.

The anti-shock power of being able to withstand 80 boxing has been affirmed by Xinghe Patriarch. As for this last punch, it is mainly to see the character of the people who participated in the assessment.

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