Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2018: captivity

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The Shura Divine Emperor came to the Phoenix Patriarch and stared at the Black Emperor.

"Our Antarctic continent and your Nanling Jiangong well water do not violate the river water, are you doing this too much?" There was a disgruntled look between Shura God Emperor Meiyu.

"The Phoenix family offended my Nanling sword palace and covered Fang Chen. This is a death sentence. Do you want to stop me?" Heidi's voice was full of threats.

Wen Yan, Tianpeng ancestor and Devil Bird ancestor glanced at each other, and then looked at Shura Divine Emperor.

Since the reconciliation between the ancestors of Tianpeng and the ancestors of the magic birds and Fang Chen, the three great emperors on the Antarctic continent are almost headed by the emperor Shura.

Now that the Black Emperor is committed, the main reason is to rely on the Asura Emperor.

"Let's go." Shura Divine Emperor said: "We can't just ignore the Phoenix family."

The attitude of Shura Divine Emperor is very clear, that is to help the Phoenix family.

Hearing the words, Heidi grumbled, he had long expected such a result.

"Do you think that you can stop me the black emperor?"

For a long time, Heidi was very low-key. He practiced in Nanling Sword Palace all year round and never went out.

No one has seen his shot for many years. This time, the shot against the Phoenix family has a very clear purpose, that is, to lure the Moon God Emperor to come.

Therefore, even if Shura Divine Emperor and others stopped, it would not help.

"If you are taking action against the Phoenix family, you will blame us for being polite." Shura Divine Emperor said: "We have some friendship with the ancient sword emperor in the Antarctic continent. He doesn't want to see the Phoenix family have an accident."

Not to mention that Ancient Sword Emperor is okay. When he talked about him, Heidi was angry.

"Since you are going to die, there is nothing left to say."

The black emperor showed a monstrous black breath around him, his hands spread out, and the terrible air wave swept across the Antarctic continent in an instant.

"I'll take a look at Black Emperor's tricks."

Both the Asura Divine Emperor and the Black Emperor are second-level Divine Emperors, and the strength of the two should be comparable.

However, in fact, the strength of the Black Emperor, compared with the Shura Divine Emperor, does not know how many times stronger.


With only one confrontation, the Black Emperor pushed the Shura Divine Emperor's figure back.

The latter's body was a little staggered, and after stabilizing its body, it stared solemnly at the Black Emperor, "Your strength ..."

"Your second-level Divine Emperor, in my eyes, is just rubbish." Black Emperor mocked.

"Go together."

Phoenix Ancestor took a whisper, Tianpeng Ancestor and Devil Bird Ancestor also shot together.

The four great emperors teamed up against the Black Emperor, and they all knew the truth of the cold. Therefore, it is impossible to sit back and watch the Black Emperor destroy the Phoenix family.


Over the Antarctic continent, the battles are very volatile.

The fighting power spread to the territory of the Phoenix family, and the buildings underneath are constantly turning into ruins.

As the battle progressed, the ancestor of Phoenix looked extremely gloomy, "quick battle and quick decision."

Headed by Shura Divine Emperor, the other three Divine Emperors assisted and attacked the Black Emperor.

"Huh, do you use quantity to make up for the lack of strength?"

Upon seeing this, the Black Emperor sneered, and a huge black sword appeared in his palm.

His heart moved, and a trembling breath appeared above the great sword.

Immediately, the Black Emperor hacked out with a sword, and the terrifying sword light, tearing the void, directly chopped on the four Divine Emperors.


There was hardly any resistance. The Phoenix Ancestor's body was split, and she vomited blood in her mouth, her face was pale, and her breath was a little faint.

"too strong."

Divine Emperor Shura quickly dodged the attack of the Black Emperor, filled with panic.

He did not expect that Heidi's attack was so strong.

"Black Emperor, are you going to kill them all?" Shura Divine Emperor roared.

However, Heidi ignored it at all.


The land of the extreme north, Tiangu Palace.

Xingyue is healing Tianxin every day, injecting his own powerful power into Tianxin's body.

However, cultivation is abolished, and Xingyue cannot do anything like this. Unless it is a cosmic god, it will be possible for Tianxin to resume cultivation.

"When Xi'er comes back, it is estimated that he has become a cosmic **** and should be able to help Tianxin."

Seeing Tianxin sinking every day, Xingyue also felt very helpless.


Xingyue's communication Yu Pei sounded just after Tian Xin's healing.

After a while, her complexion gradually dimmed. "Lure me to the Antarctic continent?"

This is Yangmou, and it is aimed at her.

However, she knew that it was a conspiracy, but she had to go. If only the other two orcs are good, the Phoenix family is kind to her, and she can't see death.

"Black Emperor, Nanling Sword Palace."

Xingyue usually doesn't get angry easily, but this time it is completely angry.

She left the Tiangu Palace immediately, passed the cross-regional teleportation array, and transferred in the territory of the Tianzhen family, and then went to the far south.

Just entering the land of the extreme south, I felt a trembling breath.

"Swordless Emperor."

Xingyue's face was gloomy and her whole body was agitated.

"Moon God Emperor, long time no see."

The figure of Wu Jian Divine Emperor descended from the sky, it seemed that everything was prepared in advance.

"Dare you move me?" Xingyue said coldly.


Wu Jian Divine Emperor didn't speak, his big hand reached out, and his power wrapped Xingyue.

Although the latter is struggling, it does not help.

call out!

A stream of light flashed through, and Xingyue and Wujian Divine Emperor disappeared outside the teleportation array.

At the same time, the Black Emperor who fought against the Four Great Divine Emperors on the Antarctic continent received news.


One punch pushed the four great emperors back, and the black emperor swept the four with cold eyes, disdainful: "This time you are lucky."

After speaking, Heidi left the Antarctic continent.


Nanling Sword Palace, Doujian Mountain Villa.

The whole Doujian Mountain Villa is surrounded by a terrifying atmosphere of kendo, like a prison.

Outside of this kendo breath, two people stood.

"Master, don't you just kill her?" Hei Di asked.

Wujian Divine Emperor shook his head and said thoughtfully: "Moon Divine Emperor still has a role. If the ancient sword emperor comes back, I can use the Moon Divine Emperor to threaten him. I'm not afraid that he will not submit.

The black emperor gave a thumbs-up to Wujian Divine Emperor, hehe smiled and said, "Still respected master."

"Doujian Mountain Villa has been blocked by my use of means. Even the Guzu can't be quietly rescued. You can show her to me without any mistakes." Emperor Wujian said.

"But what if the Gu Zu finds?" Hei Di asked.

"Does he dare to come?" Sacred Emperor Wujian said confidently.

Soon, the news that the Moon God Emperor was trapped spread. After the Guzu learned the news, he was anxious like the ants on the hot pot.

"Wujian Shendi, this mean villain."


Several **** emperors projected, and at the same time came over Doujian Mountain Villa.

"Swordless Emperor, are you doing this too much?" Guzu shouted angrily.

Beside the Guzu, there is the Divine Emperor of Destruction, the Divine Emperor of Sky Array, and the Divine Emperor of Reincarnation.

These divine emperors were all divine emperors who had friendship with Fang Chen, and they came together to save the moon emperor.

"Gu Zu, do you dare to come to my site to spread wild?" Wu Jian Shendi said coldly.

"Without a sword, let's release Moon God Emperor." Destruction God Emperor said lightly.

"Your grievances with the ancient sword emperor, don't need to involve the family?" Heavenly array **** emperor said.

"Anyway, you are also one of the best divine emperors of God Realm. This is really a good thing. Are you afraid of the ancient sword emperor? You are afraid of being defeated by the ancient sword emperor. Reincarnation God Emperor said.


Reincarnation of the Divine Emperor, let the Swordless Divine Emperor wreak havoc on the whole body.

"Are you challenging my tolerance limits?"


Stone chip space, inside the galaxy palace.

Fang Chen sat cross-legged on the ground, getting closer and closer to the three thrones.

He is perceiving the mysteries of the six rules, while also peeking at the rules of the universe driven by the origin of the universe.

This is a long perception, and it is useless to be anxious.

He didn't know what was happening in the outside world, nor did he know that his disciples were abolished by the Black Emperor. His wife was imprisoned by the swordless emperor.

If you know it, you will be furious.


In my mind, my feelings about the six rules echoed.

Six completely different rules, merged and ruled in the ocean, Fang Chen stood on the wooden boat, drifting alone.

"The rules of the microcosm were created by the galaxy ancestors. The six rules were also evolved by the galaxy ancestors. As long as I fully understand the evolution of the six rules, I can get a glimpse of the origin of the universe. "

Fang Chen thought to himself.

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