Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2021: Ten Thousand Years Enlightenment will finally pay off

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Tiangu Palace.

Four of them, the little mouse, came back soon. However, the entire Tiangu Palace was searched, and no trace of the boss was found.

"Huh, the boss is no longer."

"Go, I found Tianxin, and ask Tianxin." The little mouse rushed to Tianxin's residence.


Tianxin, who was in a daze, suddenly heard someone calling himself and hurriedly turned his head to look around. He suddenly found out that it was the four of them.

"Tianxin, boss ..."

Before the mouse had finished speaking, he discovered the abnormality of Tianxin.

He quickly walked to Tianxin's side, grabbed Tianxin's wrist, and suddenly angered the sky.

"Who did it?"

The other three guys were also very angry and shouted to avenge Tianxin.

"I ..." Tianxin shook his head, unwilling to say: "I can bear this hurt, I don't want anyone to be hurt here because of me."


The four released the breath of Divine Emperor Realm and immediately said: "The four of us are already Divine Emperors. If we join forces, there is almost no danger in looking at God Realm. You are the eldest disciple, but you have been robbed here, no matter what. Revenge for you. "

"Tianxin, where is the boss?"

After being questioned by the four guys, Tianxin finally told them everything that had happened over the past 10,000 years.

When they finished listening, unprecedented anger broke out in their hearts.

"Abolish Tianxin Xiuwei, imprison your sister-in-law, and there is no need for Nanling Sword Palace." The little mouse said, holding back his anger.

"Boss and Xi'er must have gone to Yuanhuang Jedi, they are no longer, we have to shoulder the important task of saving the sister-in-law." Xiao Huang said in a deep voice.

"How is it? Is there confidence in encircling and suppressing the Nanling Sword Palace?" Xiao Hai asked.

"Why the bullshit, just go." The little mouse was so angry that he left Tiangu Palace first.


The powers of the **** realm are basically converged on the edge of the extreme east, facing the Holy Light religion.

Wujian Divine Emperor also gathered with the Xeon Divine Emperors.

"Without a sword, the ten-thousand-year period is coming, and it's up to you next." Destruction God Emperor said.

"Relax, there will be nothing wrong with me in God Realm." Wu Jian Divine Emperor said indifferently.

Either way, extinguish the Holy Light Church first.

However, just as the Wujian Divine Emperor chatted with other Divine Emperors, the sound of shock suddenly came from the very south.

"What's going on?" Destruction God Emperor was puzzled.

"Looking at the battle fluctuations, it seems that the Divine Emperor is fighting, the Divine Emperor of God Realm is here, who is fighting the Black Emperor?"

The dark eyes of Wu Jian Divine Emperor, staring at the direction of Nanling Sword Palace.

At this moment, a mournful sound resounding through the whole **** realm came.

"Master, save me."

The emperors of the gods were shocked when they heard the words.

The voice is from the Black Emperor, and their hearts are shaking. The Black Emperor is the second-level top emperor. Who can force the Black Emperor to look like this.

"court death."

Wu Jian Divine Emperor shouted, tearing the void and returned to Nanling Sword Palace.

At this time, the Nanling Sword Palace has been turned into a ruin. Only Doujian Villa has a strong prohibition and has no damage.

"Sister-in-law, wait for us to destroy the Nanling Sword Palace, then come to save you."

The little mouse said to Xingyue, and then opened a ring to everyone in the Nanling Sword Palace.

The miserable cry kept coming from the Nanling Sword Palace.

In a blink of an eye, Nanling Sword Palace has become embarrassed, and ordinary martial arts are almost dead.

The four Divine Emperors teamed up, the attack power was too strong, and even the Black Emperor saw that something was wrong, they were all ready to flee.

It's a pity that the four guys came out with anger, how could he let the black emperor run away like this.

"Tianxin's cultivation practice was abandoned by you?"

Four guys besieged Heidi in the middle, and the little mouse punched him hard, and the latter's bones suddenly shattered.

"Then you can die."

The four guys launched the strongest attack, and the Black Emperor had almost no resistance.


At this moment, the void was torn apart, and a terrifying vortex emerged. Within the vortex, an angry roar broke out.

"You can't stop it."

The little mouse exhibited the powerful talent magic power of the Devouring God Rat, which directly smashed the Black God's Yuanshen completely.

When Emperor Wujian arrived, the Black Emperor was dead.

Looking at the corpse falling on the ruins, the Godless Sword Emperor burned in anger.

"It's you?"

Wu Jian Divine Emperor's eyes swept the four guys and said in a cold voice: "Do you know, what are the consequences of doing this?"

"Old man, don't pretend to be here. Our four brothers are here to destroy your Nanling Sword Palace." Little Mouse said.

"good very good."

Wu Jian Divine Emperor's anger has reached a certain level.

He was holding a black giant sword, slashing it with a sharp sword, and immediately split the whole earth in half.

"You are all going to die."


The four great emperors fought against the swordless emperor, and the battle fluctuations were so great that they shocked the whole **** realm.

Many **** emperors on the edge of the far east land came to the projection and watched this shocking scene.

Below, there is constant war, and the souls are painted.

The Nanling Sword Palace has been turned into ruins, except for the Swordless Emperor, all of them fell, including the Black Emperor.

"Isn't these four people the ancient sword emperor's favorite?"

"God, did the ancient sword emperor's spirit pets step into Divine Emperor Realm?"

"Is the golden age really coming?"

Many Divine Emperors exclaimed that there were four more Divine Emperors at once, and they could not accept it.

What shocked them even more was that these four guys joined forces and were able to contend with Swordless Divine Emperor.

"They actually destroyed Nanling Sword Palace?"

At this time, in the sky above the Far East, Lord Holy Light saw this scene and chuckled.

"The monks of God Realm have always been like this."

The fight in the nest seems to be the characteristics of the human race. "Huh, you fight first. It won't take long. The entire God Realm will be mine."


The Four Great Divine Emperors, all of a sudden known as Zhenshen Realm.

While they were fighting fiercely in Godless Sword Emperor, Fang Chen, who realized Taoism in the Star Palace, also suddenly opened his eyes.

Each of his actions can induce the rotation of the origin of the universe.

His whole body is surrounded by regular order, it seems that his will can represent the will of the universe. This is the ultimate expression of regular order cultivation.

"Ancestral galaxy is really amazing."

Fang Chen couldn't help but sigh, they just practiced here, leaving some breath, let him have such gains.

"One foot stepped into the cosmic **** and only needed to absorb some of the universe's origins to be able to break through." Fang Chen said secretly.


The door opened and Fang Chen walked out of it.

"Father." Fang Xi exclaimed excitedly.

"Really succeeded?"

After feeling the breath on Fang Chen's body, Virtual Shadow knew that he had succeeded.

He did not dare to imagine that someone in this era of the universe actually succeeded.

"Thank you senior."

Fang Chen and Fang Xi said a few words and thanked Fang Ying with fists.

Mirage waved and smiled: "Your acquired potential is very powerful. It is one of the most wicked ones I have seen in more than a dozen cosmic eras. Stepping into the cosmic **** has no obstacle for you. It's just in this microcosm The origin of the universe is too thin. After you leave the microcosm and go to the chaotic void, you can become a cosmic god. "

"And, with your current strength, even if you don't become a cosmic god, you can resist the cosmic god."

Now Fang Chen is truly the strongest Divine Emperor.

"I knew my father was the best."

Fang Xi smiled brilliantly, the Divine Emperor resisted the universe god, and only his father could do it.

"Senior, how long have I been enlightened?" Fang Chen asked.

"About ten thousand years."


Fang Chen heard his face, and his face changed suddenly. He said anxiously: "Oops, ten thousand years have passed.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly clenched his fists: "Senior, I have completed all the tests and got what I want. Can I leave here?"

"Of course." Xing Ying smiled and said: "The war between the God Realm and the Holy Light Church has not completely erupted, and you don't need to worry too much. When you are finished dealing with the God Realm, when you are ready to go to the chaotic void, come A trip here. "

"Senior, how do I find this stone chip space then?" Fang Chen breathed a sigh of relief and asked immediately.

"In your body, there is the breath of the galaxy of the galaxy. As long as it is released, galaxy space will naturally sense your existence and bring you here."

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