Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2039: Get godmark

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After much trouble, Han Qi actually picked up the Warhammer.

The sacred pattern of order on the Warhammer looming, did not attack Han Qi. This scene shocked Moka, and he looked at Han Qi stunned.

"How are you ...?"

Holding a warhammer in his hand, Han Qi showed a strange smile on his face. "Why? Are you surprised? Do you think I'm that Hou Hu idiot?"

Han Qi came down from the altar, admiring the mocha in rage, and continued: "As long as the two of us joined together to exclude you, I have been using Hou Hu. Even I have mastered the control of the hammer Methods."

"But thanks to your help, otherwise it would be difficult to get rid of Hou Hu's entanglement." Han Qi sneered and looked at Fang Chen and Mocha as if they were idiots.

"The Warhammer has arrived, and you have no need to exist."

During the speech, Han Qi raised the warhammer, and the pattern of order flashed. He wants to use the order **** pattern to kill Fang Chen and Mocha.

Moka's eyes were scarlet, and he roared angrily: "Lao Tzu fights with you."

However, Fang Chen stopped Mocha's impulse and looked at Han Qi quietly, "Do you think you succeeded?"

When asked by Fang Chen, Han Qi laughed wildly and pointed to the Warhammer: "The Warhammer is in my hands."

"So what? Let you save it for me for a while." Fang Chen said calmly.

"Do you know how the pig died?" Han Qi sneered, holding the warhammer in hand, the **** pattern flashing in order to prepare the other party to attack.

"You know, stupid. But comparing you to a pig is an insult to the pig." Fang Chen said.

"you wanna die."

Han Qi's face was completely gloomy, and the hammer suddenly fell in his hand.


However, just as his warhammer fell, his proud formation suddenly shattered.

The figures of Fang Chen and Mocha disappeared into the void.


The warhammer hit the ground fiercely, and the dust was flying.

"I say you, you are busy and in vain, the Warhammer just lets you save it for a while."

Fang Chen's figure appeared in the void and grinned.


Seeing this, Han Qi was overwhelmed with shock and quickly pulled up the Warhammer, trying to deal with Fang Chen.

However, would the latter give him a chance, the six swords of the Taikoo Refining God's tactics were all sent out together, and the terrifying offensive power spread instantly.

call out……

The destruction of Jianguang instantly penetrated Han Qi's palm, and the suddenly held warhammer fell to the ground.

Han Qi shouted miserably and was about to rise up to resist. Suddenly, behind him, a tomahawk slashed fiercely.


Han Qi, who was injured, could not withstand the repeated attacks of Fang Chen and Mocha.

In an instant, the vitality has disappeared for the most part.

"Do not……"

Seeing that it was about to fall, Han Qi was not reconciled.

"You can't kill me."

However, he just finished saying this and was completely slashed by Mocha's Tomahawk.

Fang Chen walked to the Warhammer and picked it up gently.


The power that emerged from the Order God's Mark seemed to repel his physical body.

Fortunately, his physical strength is already comparable to that of the **** pattern realm, barely resisting the impact of the order **** pattern.


Fang Chen tried to bring the God of Order into his mind.

He urged all his strength to infiltrate the Order God Mark and establish a connection with the Order God Mark. Finally, I successfully put it into my mind and leaned with Yuanshen.

However, taking Fang Chen's current cultivation as an example, there are still some difficulties in understanding the order of the gods.

"Warhammer to you." Fang Chen said.

Moka was very excited after taking the Warhammer. Although he didn't get the Order Godmark, this Warhammer is also a cosmic weapon level.

"Let's go, we should go out." Fang Chen said.

"Okay, let's go out."


Although Mo Yuan's trip was short, it was a huge gain.

When Fang Chen and Mocha came out of Moyuan, the whole Eastern District changed.

When Hou Hu came back, he immediately issued an order to recapture the Hanshan tribe without a leader.

After that, some weak tribes that had been recovered by the Tribe tribe were recovered successively.

At this moment, Hou Hu is leading the powerful under the Void Realm to come to fight against the Tribe.

"The people of the Tribe tribe listen to me, surrender at a speed, otherwise there will be no amnesty." Hou Hu said coldly.

His heart was full of anger, and he thought that he was forced to retreat by the three of them, and he also used a break symbol. He was very distressed.

"Unify the 31 tribes, search for countless resources, and break through to the realm of **** pattern as soon as possible." Hou Hu thought to himself.

"Hou Hu, are you afraid of the guardian's anger by doing this?"

Among the tribes, there is a strongman in the Void Realm who spoke across the sky.

"It's ridiculous to buy you three interest time."

Hou Hu didn't want to waste time, he said directly.

Suddenly, the people in the Tribe tribe were panicked and worried. Once the **** monkey tribe launched an attack, they could not resist it.

"We would rather die, and the leader of Mocha would avenge us."

I don't know who said it, and it immediately triggered the response of the entire Stein tribe.

The deafening voice resounded through the sky, and the emotions of the many tribes of the Sister tribe were suddenly mobilized.

They vowed to die, rather than die.

In this way, Hou Hu's face was extremely gloomy.

"Toast without eating fines."

Hou Hu said coldly that before he ordered it, the strong man in the Void Realm behind him had already shot quickly.

"The Tribe Tribe, against the will of the God Monkey Tribe, kills without amnesty."

This strong man in the Nether Realm wants to invite Hou Hu for credit. The first shot, very contempt for the strong of the Tribe.

Huh ...

In the distant sky, two figures are coming quickly.

"No, Hou Hu wants to wash the Horde." Mocha's face was somber, worried.

Wen Yan, Fang Chen said: "You are behind, I will go to the rescue first."

He is a warrior in time and space, and he does not know how many times faster than Moka. One step ahead should be able to rush to the Horde before the Hou Hu's killing.


As if a breeze was blowing, Fang Chen's figure escaped into the void.

In the next moment, he had appeared above the Sterling tribe. Seeing that the Void Warrior shot against the Horde, Fang Chen's voice spread throughout the sky.


Immediately, he furiously punched the vanguard who was the first to do so.


Unexpectedly, the arms of this Void Realm were actually broken by Fang Chen's shock.

"Who is he?"

Many who did not know Fang Chen exclaimed.

Everyone in the Tribe tribe saw it, and his face was full of excitement.

"It's you?"

Seeing Fang Chen, Hou Hu flashed a complex look in his eyes, and said darkly.

"It's me." Fang Chen said.

"Huh, I thought you would die in Moyuan. But since you came out, should the grudges in Moyuan also be settled?" Hou Hu grinned.

"Yes, it should be finished." Fang Chen said.

"Today, I want to see who can save you." Hou Hu said.

"You're so much nonsense."

As soon as Fang Chen's voice fell, he shot directly.

The six swords of the Taigu Refining God's tactics come out at the same time, and the power of terror emerges in an instant.


In the sky dome, the six great sword moves were transformed into six brilliant sword lights, and under the control of Fang Chen, they quickly merged together.


In the only sword light, the breath released actually made the Void Powerful feel trembling.

"What power is that?"

The powerful monkey tribe was completely shocked. They never dreamed that Fang Chen was so strong.

"So it's mysterious."

Hou Hu sneered, his big hands spread out, and the powerful power suddenly appeared, his palms shot fiercely towards the only sword light.


After the only sword light touched his palms, he easily broke his defense and penetrated his palms.


The miserable cry came from Hou Hu's mouth.

Fang Chen did not give Hou Hu any chance, jumped forward, and came to Hou Hu, his fists blasted heavily.


Hou Hu's body flew out like a kite.

For a moment, Hou Hu was completely suppressed by Fang Chen's momentum, without any resistance.


After Mocha arrived, he was shocked when he saw this scene.

"This ... is it too exaggerated?"

This is the tea time, Fang Chen suppressed Hou Hu?


Hou Hu's eyes were scarlet, and he counterattacked wildly, but to no avail.

Fang Chen's strength is too strong, breathless to suppress him.

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