Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2042: Three Orders of God

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Fang Chen crossed his knees and carefully sensed the pattern of order in his mind, with a smile on his face.

"This **** pattern of order seems to be different from that of the guardian." Fang Chen said secretly.

After carefully sensing, he was shocked to find that although the appearance was the same, the power contained inside was not the same.

He called Mocha immediately and asked about it.

After hearing this, Moka smiled and said: "Master, you don't know this. In fact, the order of the gods is also different."

"Oh? What's the difference?" Fang Chen asked.

"Master, you listen to me carefully." Mocha said: "The **** pattern of order can be condensed by every **** pattern realm, but it is only more and less condensed. There are three kinds of chaotic void Order of God. "

"Three kinds?" Fang Chen was more curious.

"The first kind of order **** pattern is formed by relying on your own strength, which is the most common order **** pattern, such as the order **** pattern condensed by the guardian." Mocha said: "And the second order **** pattern, It is that the strong man falls behind, and the order **** pattern in the body remains in the world. This kind of order **** pattern is more powerful than the ordinary order **** pattern. "

"Why is this?" Fang Chen puzzled.

"If you think about it, if the cosmic **** in the unity realm falls, how many lines of order are there in his body?" Mocha asked.

The cosmic gods in the united state need to fully integrate their own **** marks, that is to say they fall behind, and there is only one order **** mark in their bodies.

This order **** pattern, but is made of a large number of ordinary order **** patterns, and its power is naturally much stronger than the ordinary order **** patterns.

"It turns out so."

Fang Chen nodded, suddenly realized.

The order of God's pattern he obtained was engraved on the Warhammer after the strong fell. The idea is also formed by the countless ordinary patterns of God.

"The second kind of **** pattern of order is also the dream of many **** pattern realms in the chaotic void. Once you get it, you can absorb it, it is comparable to tens of thousands of years of hard work, and the attack power is also super strong." Mocha said: " However, it is also very difficult to obtain this order of godliness. As far as I know, only those powerful forces can train younger generation disciples in this way. "

Suddenly, a crazy idea appeared in Fang Chen's mind.

If all the order **** marks in the body are this kind of order **** lines, how strong will the attack power be? Absolutely can kill the warriors in the same realm, and even be able to call the powerful one of the board.

Of course, it's just a matter of thinking.

"What about the third one? What is it?"

The second order **** pattern is so powerful. Fang Chen is curious about the third order **** pattern. How strong is it?

"The third kind of order **** pattern exists only in legends. So far I have lived 300 million years, and I have never seen this kind of order **** pattern." Speaking of the last order **** pattern, Moka's face , Full of excitement.


It only exists in legends, and if you want to come to this last kind of order **** pattern, it must be very rare and too precious.

"Chaotic void, everything is there. Many things you dare not think about, some things even violate the operation of chaotic void, but still exist. And in the vast chaotic void, there is a natural order. God pattern, this kind of order God pattern is formed by the power of the origin between heaven and earth, through the operation of chaotic void, through the endless years, and gradually formed. "Mocha said.

Hearing the words, Fang Chen's heart shook.

The natural pattern of natural order, is this too exaggerated?

"According to legend, as long as it can absorb this kind of order **** pattern, it can become the entire chaotic void, the most powerful **** pattern realm." Mocha said: "Of course, this order **** pattern is even rarer. It did n’t appear a few times. Not to mention our little Wanmo Island, some people have never heard of it. "

Moka laughed at himself, and Wanmo Island was a little bit too small.

Fang Chen's heart is hot, and his mind is full of illusions about the natural pattern of the natural order.

"If it were such a godmark of order, how good would it be?"

However, it is just fantasy. On this remote island of Ten Thousand Demons, nothing will ever appear.

"Where will the god-like patterns of that order appear that day?" Fang Chen asked.

Moka shook his head and said: "The time and place of this order of **** pattern will not be determined, maybe you will encounter it when you walk, maybe you will not get it in front of your eyes. In short, everything depends on fate."

The first kind is called the ordinary order **** pattern, the second kind is called the fusion order **** pattern, and the third kind is called the natural order **** pattern.

Three kinds of order **** marks divide the hierarchy of the **** pattern realm.

But so far, many of the top powerhouses in the Chaos Void are basically the absorbed Order Godliness.

Only those divine realms that have no backstage and no strength will condense the divine lines themselves.

As for the third kind of natural pattern of natural order, no need to think about it. I'm afraid there is not even "Void Star"?

"Master, your potential is endless, and the Void Realm can fight against the **** pattern. If you have the opportunity, you should still look for some fusion order patterns." Mocha said: "With your strength, if you absorb the fusion pattern, Soon, he will be able to stand out and be noticed by the owner of Wanmo Island. In the future, Wanmo Island will definitely have your place. "

After sending the Mocha away, Fang Chen recovered his inner shock.

The three kinds of order patterns are completely different.


Fang Chen was able to sense the immense power contained in it by releasing the pattern of order in his mind.

"Try to see if it can be merged." Fang Chen sat cross-legged and put all his body and mind into the gods of order.

This **** of order contains a fire-like breath, which is very domineering. I do n’t know how many times I ’m tyranny.

To absorb it, we must first dissect its internal structure.

Fang Chen's divine consciousness gradually penetrated into the inner divine pattern.


The horrible flame directly enveloped its consciousness. The surrounding temperature was rising sharply, and Fang Chen felt a little uncomfortable.

"There are a lot of very different atmospheres inside the Order of Gods. I think this is because of the fusion of Gods?" Fang Chen said secretly.

The fanatical flame is burning Fang Chen's consciousness.

The latter felt painful, but he was clenching his teeth.

After about a quarter of an hour, the fire suddenly disappeared.

An ancient voice came slowly: "It can resist the burning of my fire, and is qualified to absorb my godliness of order."

This voice exploded in Fang Chen's mind, and Fang Chen's body suddenly shocked, immediately ecstatic.

"There is the obsession left by the original owner in the God of Order, he recognized me."

Fang Chen was ecstatic, and soon began to absorb this flame order **** pattern.


After being recognized, the speed of absorbing the Order of God's Marks was also much faster, and in the absence of rejection, it was inhaled into the body almost quickly.


After entering the body, the order **** pattern quickly merged with its own power.


When a wonderful voice sounded, Fang Chen knew that this pattern of fusion order had become something in his pocket.

"Curious feeling."

The Void Realm absorbs the God of Order, but it is a very remarkable thing.

In general, only peerless evildoers can barely absorb the order goddess in the void to lay a good foundation.

Then he was looking for opportunities and stepped into the realm of God.

Fang Chen, after absorbing a **** of order, is in a good mood.


As soon as the mind moved, the **** of order was instantly released.

"Try your strength."

Soon, Fang Chen called Mocha.

"I want to try my strength, you come to attack me." Fang Chen said.

Immediately, he released the God of Order.

Suddenly, the terrifying order of God's pattern exuded violent coercion, directly confining Moka's body.


Order of God's pattern only gently attacked, so Moka flew away.


Moka's eyes widened and she looked at Fang Chen. "It's too evil."

"Really tough." Fang Chen grinned.

Moka got up from the ground, walked quickly to Fang Chen's side, and gave him a thumbs up.

"The chief lord is worthy of being a genius of evil spirits, and the Void Realm can absorb the God of Order. If you step into the Realm of God, will it still be good?"

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