Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2083: A sword spike blue river

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The fact that Fang Xi owns Wanrong's body has not yet been known to the outside world.

Moreover, she was just accepted as an official disciple of Xinghe Mansion, and the people of Lanyue Mansion didn't even know about it.

The Blue Devils and the Blue River hate the Star River House, so they can't wait to start against the people of the Star River House.

On the square, Fang Xi walked around vigorously. Among them, there are some young generations of Junjie who have a good attitude towards them and talk to them.

However, they were rejected by Fang Xi.

"This girl, looking at your face, seems to have just joined the Promise Sword Sect?" A disciple with a folding fan, Wen Wenruya, said with a smile: "The Promise Sword Sect has strict levels and a lot of rules. The girl has just arrived, there are many If I do n’t understand, can I help the girl? "

Fang Xi's appearance, like her mother, also belongs to the type of Qing Guo Qing Cheng. It's just that she is not as cold as her mother, and her personality is particularly fiery.

Therefore, whenever they saw some of her young disciples, they all showed affection for her.

"No," Fang Xi politely refused.


With a folding fan in hand, the man still wanted to speak, but Fang Xi turned around and left.

Many disciples are pointing at Fang Xi, and there is much discussion.


After Fang Xi passed the square, the Blue River finally arrived.


Blue River's figure landed directly in front of Fang Xi, his dark eyes staring at Fang Xi.


Seeing that a stranger blocked his way, Fang Xi was a little surprised and frowned slightly.

"Don't Fang Chen tell you that disciples of Promise Sword Sect can't leave the mansion and go out at will?" Lan He said coldly.

"I saw the killing intention in your eyes. You and I have never seen it before, but you have a killing intention towards me. There is only one possibility, that is, you have a grudge against my father." Fang Xi said calmly.

"Humph, sharp teeth and sharp lips." Lan He sneered. "Whether you are Fang Chen's daughter or something, anyway, you left the Xinghe House without permission and violated the rules of the Promise Sword Sect. As a disciple of the outer sect, I have the right to treat you catch."

After all, Blue River shot directly.


The wild pattern of order, suspended in the sky, exploded into a vast force.

Seeing this, Fang Xi's face changed greatly.


Faced with a strong enemy, Fang Xi was not afraid, and calmly urged the body of Wanrong to deal with the Blue River.


After the collision between the two patterns, the dazzling light erupted. Fang Xi's body was forced to step back a few steps. After she stabilized her figure, a hint of cunning flashed in her beautiful eyes.

Just just now, she has used the power of Wanrong Body to secretly invade the body of Blue River, absorbing the talents of Blue River.

"Amplification power? Is this talent supernatural too rubbish?"

Fang Xi's white little hand patted the dust on his clothes, and then said with a lip, his face full of disdain.

"Huh? How do you know?"

Blue River heard his words, his face changed greatly. He comes from a powerful ethnic group in the Blue Moon universe and has innate talents and magical powers.

Their talents and supernatural powers at the beginning are only strength increase, and later, they will evolve into more powerful talents and supernatural powers.

So far, Blue River has been disguising. Because it is an increase in strength, outsiders can hardly see it.

However, this little girl actually saw her talents at a glance.

"who are you?"

At this moment, Blue River had to seriously examine Fang Xi.

"Don't you know already?" Fang Xidao said.

Lan He's face changed a bit, and the last time he gritted his teeth, he exhibited thunder means against Fang Xi.

"No matter who you are, if you violate the rules, you will be punished."

Blue River attacked with all his strength, and Fang Xi was naturally unable to resist, but with Wan Rong's body, he was still able to cope with one or two.

The battle was very fierce, and in a blink of an eye, it entered a fierce stage.


In a confrontation, Fang Xi was forced to retreat by Lan He, a spit of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and his face was slightly pale.

"Come on, just grab your hand."

Blue River walked towards Fang Xi step by step, with a hint of cunning flash in his eyes.

You can take this opportunity to capture her, and then come to threaten Fang Chen.

Inside the galaxy.

Fang Chen was practicing, and suddenly he heard Yu Pei flashing.

After picking up the news of Yu Pei, Fang Chen's face changed suddenly.


Fang Chen cursed and immediately applied the space-time repair system, and his figure disappeared instantly.

Worried about his daughter's safety, his speed was increased to the extreme, and in a blink of an eye, he walked through the void to the square.

At this moment, he saw his daughter forced by Blue River, who was trying to suppress her.

"Blue River, you are dead."

Fang Chen couldn't care so much, he roared, and the Xingyin sword appeared in the palm of his hand.

Immediately, he urged his whole body strength and displayed the first move of invisible swordsmanship.


Xingyin's implosion fired a trembling sword light, carrying terrifying to extreme power, penetrating the void, and shooting directly at the Blue River.

Facing the blue river of Fang Xi, he felt a trace of danger. When he looked up, his face changed dramatically.

"not good."

Blue River screamed badly and wanted to dodge, it was too late.

Thump ...

The extremely shocking sword light, without any obstruction, directly pierced the body of Blue River, then dragged his body, and inserted it fiercely on the ground.

A sword nailed the blue river of the **** pattern to the ground.


The whole square was in an uproar.

Countless disciples looked at this scene with dumbfounded eyes. They shook their heads vigorously and looked at this scene in disbelief.

"God, how strong is Fang Chen?"

"A sword nailed the Blue River? He's just a void."

"That sword technique just now was too shocking?"

For a time, countless noises from the square sounded, and everyone was shocked by the swordsmanship Fang Chen played.

Fang Chen walked to Fang Xi's side, checked the latter's body, and asked softly, "Are you all right?"

"Father, I'm fine." Fang Xi said with a grin, his tongue sticking out.

Fang Chen nodded gently and walked towards the Blue River step by step.

At this moment, the Blue River is full of panic.

His mind was full of the sword that Fang Chen had just pierced.

"That sword light is really trembling."

Lanhe thought to himself secretly, and was afraid after a while.

He felt pain all over his body. When he saw Fang Chen coming, he tried his best to smash the sword that penetrated his body.

Then, he climbed hard from the ground and looked at Fang Chen with a terrible face.

"Dare to move my daughter, do you want to die?"

Fang Chen's cold voice echoed above the square.

"Fang Chen, you ..."

Blue River's words are not finished yet, Fang Chen is another sword. The terrifying sword light penetrated the body of Lanhe again. This time, the latter fell to the ground, the breath was weak, and the combat power was directly lost.

"If it was not in the Promise Sword Sect, you would have died." Fang Chen said coldly.


Suddenly, a roar came from the distant sky.

Immediately, a sound of breaking the sky came, and then the blue demon figure appeared beside the blue river.

He glanced at the blue river, which had collapsed on the ground, and his eyes fell on Fang Chen. The dark eyes stared at Fang Chen dyingly, wishing to beheaded with his eyes.

"You hurt him?" Blue Devil asked, pointing at Blue River.

Fang Chen nodded, "Yes, I wounded him. If it wasn't in the Promise Sword Sect, I would have killed him long ago, and it would be a scourge to keep such people."

"Why did he hurt him?" Blue Devils said in a deep voice, threatening in his words.

"He shot at my daughter."

"Brother Blue Devils, you have to make the decision for me."

Blue River shouted miserably.

The Blue Devils sneered and continued: "Do you know the rules of the Promise Sword Sect? You can't leave the mansion without becoming a formal disciple of Jianzong. You condone your daughter's violation of the rules of the sword sect and leave the mansion without permission. This is a violation of Zongmen itself. It is a rule that Blue River only punishes those who violate the rules for Zongmen. What's the crime? It's you who condoned the protection of her daughter and shot Blue River to hurt him. Can you be guilty? "

The cold voice of the Blue Devils echoed in the square.

His attitude is very strong, that is to find a place for Blue River.

Fang Chen spread his hand and said disdainfully, "Why am I guilty?"

"It seems that there is no need for Xinghe to survive."

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