Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2203: Soul way

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The fighting is fierce as always.

However, the results are always surprising.

Dark horse Chen Fan, once again creating a miracle, after defeating the disciple of Dao Shenzong, he has already stood in the top ranks of the young generation of Dong Xuantian.

Winning this victory means that he has already ranked among the top 25 of the Dongxuan Festival.

Looking at Dong Xuantian, no more than 25 people can surpass him in the younger generation.

What honor is this, how strong is this?

Before that, who would have thought that Chen Fan of Dragon Demon Sect could come to this step.

The eyes of the people were all concentrated on Chen Fan. There were surprises and shocks on their faces, and they were even more confused and confused.

Some of them can't believe it, how strong is Chen Fan's Fu Lu?

Before the rostrum mocked Jian Wuji and Divine Phoenix Sect Master Sword God Sect Master, his face also became dignified.

At this time, he also found something wrong.

"The Fulu he displayed is not a Fulun at all."

At the beginning, everyone thought it was Qiankun Fulu.

However, with the passage of time, the three major suzerains still saw some clues.

"What is Fulu in the end, and why is it so powerful?" Sect Master Sword God is puzzled.

The disciples on the Shenhuang Square were shocked and could not be added.

Especially Han Shui, who once competed with Chen Fan for the strongest dark horse, has a bitter taste on his face.

After losing to Chen Fan, he was still not convinced. It is believed that the latter used Qiankun Fulu to defeat himself.

Now, however, he finally understood the gap between them.

It turned out that people did not consider themselves as opponents at all.

Thinking of this, Han Shui shook his head helplessly and sighed.

Fang Chen and others also squinted and stared at Chen Fan.

"His rune seems strange."

Only Fang Chen seemed to sense something, but he was not sure.

The devil in the sword is still very calm, thinking that although Chen Fan is strong, it is not his opponent, and it is not even worth paying attention to.

The second round of the finals became more and more intense.

The final game was finally Fang Chen's turn. His opponent was the third disciple of Divine Phoenix Sect, called Phoenix Cloud.

"Sister Huang Yun, you must give this guy a good lesson."

Many disciples of Shenhuangzong shouted.

Huang Yunlian walked lightly and walked into Wutai.

Her weekly photos, filled with a strong soul road breath, beautiful eyes twinkling, staring at Fang Chen.

"I have long heard that the owner of the natural order **** pattern is very young. When I saw it today, it really deserved its reputation." Huang Yun Jiao said.

Fang Chen was unmoved and stood quietly.

In Huang Yun's voice, there is a spirit of soul, trying to disturb Fang Chen's mind.

It is a pity that Fang Chen's attainments in Soul Road are not weaker than hers.

On the rostrum, some Zongmen leaders whispered.

"Huang Dao's Soul Dao method is very powerful. I guess Fang Chen can't resist it."

"Fang Chen's physical strength is strong, and the natural order of God pattern is too powerful. As long as he is not allowed to get close, Huang Yun uses the soul path to attack, Fang Chen has no way."

"Unfortunately, the owner of the natural order **** pattern is only the **** pattern realm. If he enters the unity realm, the Dongxuan grand meeting will be the first. It is really hard to say."

Obviously, many Xiaozongmen leaders are not optimistic about Fang Chen.

After all, Xiuwei is there, and the gap cannot be bridged.

However, the three major suzerains have their own views.

"In the case of melee combat, Huang Yun estimates that he has to lose before he can have a chance in far combat." Sword God Sect Master said.

"That's not necessarily, the potential of Phoenix Cloud is very strong, but it has been cultivated as a soul requisition. I am optimistic about Phoenix Cloud." Lord Shenhuang smiled.

The sword on the side was silent.

He knew the result before the battle. In this battle, Fang Chen will win.

In terms of overall strength, Huang Yun is estimated to be not much stronger than Thor.

Fang Chen's sword almost killed Thor, it is conceivable that his strength is completely above Thor. If you really play against Huang Yun, the odds are great.

Return to Yanwutai.

Huang Yun found Fang Chen unmoved, her red lips clenched, and there was a strange flash in her eyes.


Since he couldn't disturb his mind, he used the technique of Dementor directly to trap him.


The wild soul road breath filled instantly, and suddenly the wind screamed past, and there was a dark and terrifying breath in the surrounding air.


Huang Yun snorted and waved his palms, controlling the strong soul road breath, and came to Fang Chen with a tricky route to wrap it.

Fang Chen stood quietly, motionless.

On Shenhuang Square, many disciples exclaimed and exclaimed.

"He didn't dodge? Wasn't he frightened?"

"This is ... the soul-taking technique, bad, Fang Chen is very likely to be trapped in his mind."

"What a terrible soul Dao art, this Phoenix Cloud is not simple."

Many disciples exclaimed loudly.

The disciples in Shenhuangzong area and Dao Shenzong area also sneered contemptuously and mocked Fang Chen.

"For this kind of thing, want to compete with Brother Dao? It's ridiculous."

"Even if it's Korean won, it's not Brother Sword's opponent."

Some disciples of Shenhuangzong were preparing to ridicule, and suddenly found the soul breath of Fang Chen.

"Huh, is he also a soul repairer?"

"Is he using Soul Dao means to fight against Dementor?"

"Ignorance is the most terrible. Does he think he is a soul genius? It's ridiculous to try to use the soul path to counter the soul-taking technique."

Even if it is known that Fang Chen is using the Soul Dao method, trying to counter the Soul Dementor.

But the disciples of the Divine Phoenix still sneered at them. What can a sword repairer do on the soul road?

It's just a mess.


The violent soul breath breathed into Fang Chen's body.

Surrounding his mind with Yuanshen group, want to control his body.

"Shen Huangzong's Soul Dao method is also strange."

Fang Chen sighed, "However, the technique of dementia can't help me."


While thinking about it, Fang Chenshi exhibited the innate anti-soul technique.

His heart moved, the power in the Soul Stone emerged quietly, and merged into the Soul Dao.

Controlling the innate anti-soul technique formula, a cold long sword is formed above the head. In the eyes of everyone, this long sword may break at any time, and it cannot resist the attack of Soul Dementor.

"It doesn't help."

Huang Yun also shook his head gently and continued to increase the offense, wanting to end this battle.

Suddenly, Fang Chen's dark eyes penetrated the soul road and fell on Huang Yun's body.

In a trance, Huang Yun felt his heart tremble, and Jiaosi stepped back involuntarily.

"What's wrong with me?"

Huang Yun was a little dazed, but soon recovered his composure and continued to attack.

When everyone saw that the Soul Power Sword was about to collapse, suddenly the violent Soul Power emerged from Fang Chen's body.

The overwhelming soul road breath instantly submerged the entire Yanwutai.


Soul Power Sword carries the power of terror and pierces Huang Yun's Soul Retrieval, flying it away.


The miserable cry came from Huang Yun's mouth.

Her Yuanshen was hit hard and her body fell softly to the ground.

Unprecedented fear appeared in his mind.


The whole square was in an uproar.

Sovereign Divine Phoenix on the podium, Teng also stood up and stared at Fang Chen.

"Innate Contrary Soul?"

He also knows the innate anti-soul technique of Promise Sword Sect, but since the endless years, few disciples have been able to cultivate it.

"Is this guy too perverted? The physical strength is far more than his age, and even the Soul Dao means are so weird?"

Lord Shenhuang's heart shook, and Fang Chen was excellent in every aspect.

It is difficult for him to imagine how a warrior can collect so many incredible things on his body.

Even Sword Lord Sect Master's gaze turned to dignified.

Now, he finally knows why Fang Chen can absorb the natural pattern of natural order.

Before, he underestimated Fang Chen.

Now, it finally began to pay attention.

Sword Wuji sat quietly, nodding with satisfaction.

"It's really beautiful, it beats Huang Yun with soul way, this face is really loud."

"Yeah, ridiculously ignorant, still mocking Brother Fang."

"The Soul Dao method of Shenhuang Sect is nothing more than that. In my opinion, Brother Fang's Soul Dao method can already hang Shenhuang Sect disciples."

In the Shenhuangzong area, many disciples looked dignified and lowered their heads, feeling very humiliated.

Even the strongest Tianjiao Huangjiao, looking at Fang Chen's eyes, also showed a look of fear.

A sword repair defeated Huang Yun by means of soul, which was the most powerful counterattack.

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