Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2214: Dig three feet

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After all, Fang Chen's cultivation base is only a **** pattern.

No matter how powerful the Divine Pattern Realm is, it is impossible to withstand the encirclement and suppression of so many warriors in one unity.

In particular, there is also the strongest person in the united state who has taken one foot out of the palace family. It is no exaggeration to say that the situation of Fang Chen is simply desperate.

However, Fang Chen did not give up, there was an impulse in his heart that would never be defeated.

"Must rush out."

Fang Chen quickly flashed many methods in his mind, while also resisting the attacks of the crowd.

Wan Jian's body was urged to the extreme, and the terrifying Wan Jian realm was fully controlled, raising Fang Chen's physical defense to the extreme.

At the same time, the first special attribute of the Star Hidden Sword, the devouring attribute is also a complete explosion.

The powerful swallowing power enveloped the many unity warriors around them. They were shocked to find that with Fang Chen as the core, a horrible black eye emerged, and the breath emitted from the black eye. Their weapons are also somewhat uncontrolled.


The head of the Gong family took the lead and exhibited a trembling attack. The palm of his hand waved and flowers and bones appeared in the sky.

These flowers and bones contain an annihilation breath, which directly crushes the space.

"go with."

With the loud applause of the house owner of the palace, countless flowers and bones, under his control, flew to Fang Chen and quickly enveloped him.


Xingyin Sword's engulfing properties were forcibly interrupted, and Fang Chen had no choice but to exhibit the invisible sword technique.

The fourth move has been pushed to the extreme by him, and the power is even stronger than before.


Unexpectedly, the transparent sword light struck the closest united warrior to him, who was killed directly.

It was also at this time that the joint attack of many martial warriors in one unit fell on Fang Chen.


Even the powerful physical defense did not resist it.

The defense shattered and Fang Chen's body flew out directly, but at the same time he flew out, the innate anti-soul technique was cast, and the surrounding storm rose, the wild soul road breath diffused, forming a The natural barrier will temporarily hold back everyone.

Later, Fang Chenqiang endured the injury, waved his palm, and immediately superimposed the heaven-level array and the illusion, increasing the obstacles between them.


Quickly wiped the blood on the corner of the mouth, Fang Chen said lowly.


The time and space collapse technique was performed, and the figure disappeared into the depths of the cold forest.


Deafening voices are never heard.

Fang Chen has disappeared after the palace family members joined forces to break through the double block of fantasy and the heaven-level formation.

The head of the palace was somber and clenched his fists.

With all the power of the Gong family, even a **** pattern realm can't handle it.


The house owner of the palace secretly cursed, his dark eyes staring at Fang Chen's disappearing direction.

"Catch me."

The master of the palace ordered that dozens of martial warriors in one unit immediately chase away quickly.

Three days later.

Everyone in the Gong family gathered in a certain area of ​​the cold forest. Their faces were somber and their heads were low, and no one wanted to speak.

The surrounding atmosphere is very dignified.

The head of the Gong family sat on the bluestone beside him, his eyes filled with a complicated look.

"Master, do you want to report this to Dao Shao?"

The elder elder whispered.

At this point, things are beyond their control. If he really let Fang Chen flee, Shao Shao will anger, and then he will move to their palace.

A dozen elders glanced at each other.

This time, they really planted and suffered heavy losses.

What caused all this was just a guy in the God Realm.

"That kid absorbed the natural pattern of natural order, and his strength was obviously very strong. So many of us joined forces and did not capture it." The elder hesitated for a moment, and continued: "His body is more weird. Once he escapes Endless troubles. "

The other elders nodded one after another. They agreed with the elder elders, and that was to inform Shao Shao.

With the help of Dao Shenzong, Fang Chen was beheaded to avenge Master Gong and others.

However, the head of the palace did not think so.

At this moment, his heart is full of hatred.

As for having fewer knots and getting favors, he has long been left behind.

He shook his head and said with a terrible face: "I was hit hard and I must not have escaped from the cold forest. Yu'er will not die in vain. My father must kill the thief himself and avenge him."


The elders were still dissuaded, but they were stopped by the palace master's hand.

"I know what you are worrying about." The master of the Gong family paused for a moment, and continued: "This son offended Shao Shao, who wanted to kill him. If we beheaded and then told Shao Shao, then He said that in the process of arresting, he fiercely resisted, and he wouldn't say anything if he wanted to get fewer swords. "

The result is the same, but the means adopted in the process are different.

When a king is defeated, people often only look at the results, not the process.

After hearing this, the elders no longer talk much.

The following time, led by the head of the Gong family, many elders in a united state were carefully searching for Fang Chen.

But surprisingly, they searched for almost a month, and they didn't get anything at all.

This made everyone wonder. The people of the palace family have surrounded the entire cold forest, even if a fly wants to fly out, it will be found.

There was no movement around the frozen forest, which shows that Fang Chen is still inside the forest.

But he couldn't find it. Where did he hide?


Misty forest, under a cliff.

There is a pool with a slightly invisible cave at the bottom.

Inside the cave, there is no cave. At the entrance of the cave, there is a strong illusion.

If you don't dive into the pool to watch it in person, it's impossible to find a illusion here.

Inside the cave, Fang Chen sat cross-legged on the ground, a pale ruddy face had appeared.

This month, he has been recovering from his injuries. When he was a Dan Tong in the Dan Yao Tang, he also refined some healing remedies.

At the same time, Senior Ling Danzi also gave himself some.


Slowly opened his eyes and spit out a cloud of gas in his mouth.

Fang Chen's spirit has been restored as before.

"In my current state, it is difficult to destroy the palace."

I remembered the big war a month ago. If it was not the critical moment, the people of the palace family carelessly, coupled with their hard work and escape, they would have died long ago.

Therefore, this time it can't be careless.

Anyway, the magic city has not yet opened, he has time.

"Visit Shura Kendo."

Fang Chen made a decision. This time he must understand Sura Kendo, and then break through to the unity.

"When I break into the unity, it will be your day of death."

In Fang Chen's eyes, a cold killing intention flashed.

Immediately, he closed his eyes, and the kendo sentiment of the Sword Sovereign appeared in his mind.


The wild sword energy rages on Fang Chen's body constantly, and the sword energy contains bursts of killing power.

This is the understanding of Shura Kendo of Venerable Demon Sword. If the mind is not firm enough, it is very likely to go into the devil after leaving, which is very dangerous.

Fortunately, Fang Chen has a solid kendo foundation, and can still withstand the killing power of Shura Kendo.

"Sura Kendo, based on local killing, supplemented by fast sword, magic sword ..."

Fang Chen was talking in his mouth, and he was quickly comprehending Shura Kendo.

Time is passing, the people of the palace family have not given up the siege of the other party because of the passage of time.

"How is it? Are there any clues?" The palace owner asked in a clearing.

The elder shook his head and said, "That kid seemed to have disappeared out of thin air. I suspect he has left the cold forest."

The head of the Gong family shook his head and said, "It's impossible, he must still be in the cold forest. Digging the ground three feet to find it out, I don't believe that the cold forest can have your hiding place."

The elder nodded, and then he stopped talking.

"What else?"

"Homeowner, there is news from Sword God Sect. Master Gong tried to contact Sword Shao before he died. At that time, Sword Shao was shutting down. Not long ago, Sword Shao came out of the customs and discovered this matter. meet him."

The elder said with some embarrassment.

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