Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2234: Tomb open

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Fang Chen asked in a hurry.

The stone demon king looked at Fang Chen and said, "I just heard from the elders of Zongmen. The truth is not clear. But I don't think it is possible to be groundless. Since there is this rumor, then it must be true."

"Heavenly milk is born of the tremendous creation, every drop is worth the price. Even if I accumulate endless years in the Devil Sect, there are only three drops. As for what can replace the heavenly milk, it is a kind of thing. It ’s called Lingquan Milk, and I do n’t know exactly where it is in the Magic City. "

After listening to the Stone Demon King, Fang Chen's heart moved slightly.

No matter what the Stone Demon King said is true or false, he has to try it, this is also the only way to save the old magic stick.

"Relax, I will surely heal you."

Fang Chen stared at the old **** stick and said lowly.

After a war, the maze was dilapidated, and Fang Chen and others were in a low mood.

After three days of cultivation, the injuries of Little Mouse, Little Yellow and Xiao Hai have basically stabilized. As for the pangolin, the injury is slightly more serious, especially his cracked carapace, which needs heaven and earth treasure to repair.

Only the old **** stick is still in a coma.

Outside the maze, in the tomb.

A dark shadow was hidden in the void, staring at Fang Chen and others.

"It's really wasteful."

This black robe figure is awesome from Tianqing's legacy.

He was originally prepared to shoot, but after realizing Chen Fan's existence, he prepared to borrow a knife to kill.

Who would have expected the final result to be like this.

This made him very helpless, he could only wait for the opportunity to act, and shot his own.

"about there."

After a few days of observation, he felt the time was ripe and he was ready to start.

While Fang Chen and others relaxed their vigilance, this person quietly used the special means of Tianqing's survivors to quickly approach Fang Chen.

"Huh, with my technique of vertical space, you can't find me at all."

The black-robed warrior sneered sneerly and continued to approach.

Fang Chen, who was taking care of the old **** stick, suddenly frowned slightly.

"what happened?"

Fang Chen thought inwardly, he felt that the void seemed to fluctuate vaguely, not very obvious.

Continue to sense, it seems to be unable to sense again.

At this time, Fang Chen did not say anything, and continued to take care of the old **** stick, but his Wanjian realm had quietly opened, covering everyone in it.

At the same time, the consciousness emerged quietly, observing every move around.

Soon, the black-robed warrior came to Fang Chen, but he knew Fang Chen's power.

If it is a head-to-head battle, he may not be able to slash this son, and a secret attack must be killed.


Suddenly, in the palm of a black-robed warrior, a long sword twisted and twisted, similar to the golden snake sword that Fang Chen had seen on earth.

A little light appeared above the tip of the sword, and the wild evil breath instantly penetrated into the long sword.


The long sword pierced the void, and immediately appeared in front of Fang Chen.

"not good."

Nangong noon and others shouted out of silence, forced to retreat by the terror released from the sword.

"I've been waiting for you."

Upon seeing this, Fang Chen didn't have any exclamation. He grinned, turned around immediately, and reached out with a big hand, grabbing violently towards the void.

Suddenly, the void shattered, and the sound of the explosion continued.

The figure of the black robe warrior appeared in front of Fang Chen.

"How can you ... find me?"

The black-robed warrior stared at Fang Chen with wide eyes, and the method he used was the one that could be ranked among the top three among the hidden methods of the Tianqing survivors.

He really couldn't understand whether this guy was hitting by mistake, or really found himself.

"Small means, also want to fool me? How can Tianqing's survivors send you such a fool to deal with me?"

Fang Chen spread his hand and said with a smile.

"court death."

The black robe warrior knew that Fang Chen could not be given any breathing opportunities.

The long sword in his hand made a subtle voice, as if the snake was gasping.

"Like the Golden Snake Sword."

Fang Chen smiled, but this long sword is a sky-level weapon, and the Golden Snake Sword is not at the same level as it.

"However, it is still too weak."

Fang Chen took out the Star Hidden Sword and exhibited the invisible sword technique. At the same time, the special attributes of the Star Hidden Sword were unfolded, and the long and winding sword was imprisoned in the void.

"Do not."

The black robe warrior shouted hysterically, his eyes widened, and he looked at Fang Chen in shock.

"Xiapin only open heaven-level weapons, how to compete with my star hidden sword?"

Fang Chen sneered and gave a shit, Xingyin's sword shot at the meandering golden sword, and then released a terrifying breath, drowning it.

After a while, the golden sword was swallowed by the star hidden sword.

At the same time, the transparent sword light has also penetrated the body of the black robe warrior.

He didn't even have time to send a message to other companions, he had already fallen.

"Unexpectedly, Tianqing's survivors also mixed into the magic city."

Fang Chen's face is a little dignified, Tian Qing's survivors are really everywhere.

"Boss." The little mouse cried.

"It is not appropriate to stay here for a long time. Let's go out and talk." Fang Chen said.

The remnants of the Tianqing survivors fell, and other companions would surely feel that they would come here soon.


Fang Chen re-entered the five of them, the little mice, into the Shenquan again, and then led Han Yuan and others to quickly leave the tomb of Lord Tianquan.

There are many warriors outside the main tomb of Tianquan, and their breath is very powerful.

"Thunder King."

A blue warrior saw Thunder King and whispered.

Upon seeing this, the Thunder King came here in a hurry.

"Meet the chairman."

The Thunder King is very respectful of the blue warrior. This person is the president of the thirty-sixth demon club, and his status in the headquarters of the devil club is also very special.

"Have you found anything?" The blue warrior asked.

"One person escaped from the tomb before, but was taken away by the people of Jingyue Palace." Lei Shou Wang Dao.

"Jingyue Palace?"

Hearing these three words, a wave of emotions also appeared on the face of the blue warrior.

"They also come to join in the excitement?" The blue warrior puzzled.

Jingyue Palace is at the same level as the headquarters of their Demon Society, and is also one of the five most powerful forces.

Moreover, the people of Jingyue Palace usually have a weird form, and their eyes are higher than the top. They simply can't look down on these new martial artists.

But this time, why did it appear before the main tomb of Tianquan.

"How about the warriors taken away by them?" The blue warrior asked.

"The man was seriously injured and his breath was weak. The specific potential is unknown to his subordinates," said Thunder Hand.

The blue warrior heard the words and nodded, knowing that he could not ask anything.

At a glance, there are many warriors on the entire plain, all representing their own forces.

The top five forces, except for the previous Jingyue Palace, did not come.

As for the Devil God Club, it just sent thirty-six branches.

Then come down, there are some small forces, such forces are like a lot of hair in the magic city.

"Lord Eye Palace, how are you?"

In a certain area, a man with an eye on his forehead quietly looked at the tomb.

Beside him was a man with gold armor holding a battle axe. He smiled and said, "The tomb of the Lord of the Springs is in your Heavenly Palace. I told you that if you want to build something, you must occupy the main tomb of Tianquan. "

The gold-clad man with a battle axe is the lord of the giant axe, the king of stone axe.

"Hum, don't worry about you."

Sky Eye Palace snorted coldly, and said in a deep voice.

Stone Axe's words came to his heart.

"Shen Quanzhu must be mine."

Master Tianyan Gong clenched his fists and secretly said, "When the tomb is closed and everyone is gone, I will occupy Tianquan Lord's tomb, and I will look for opportunities to break the tomb's ban. "

"Hahaha, the tomb of Lord Tianquan has opened, and it seems that the warriors in one unity are coming out."

"I don't know if anyone got the Shenquan Pearl this time."

Many warriors are paying attention to Shenquanzhu.

Once Shenquanzhu is born, it will surely trigger a war.

In the eyes of many people, the tomb opened, and finally someone came out of it.


The terrifying breath came across, making people feel a little suffocated.

Several silhouettes walked out of the tomb one after another. When they stabilized their bodies, they looked around and their hearts vibrated.

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