Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2238: Yinlingquan

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The deafening voice resounded through the sky.

Inside the Yinling Spring, milky white cold air continuously spewed out.

The entrance of the Moro killing made the entire Yinling Spring turn over the river and seemed to be angry, and the scorching sun in the sky was also greatly affected and swayed.

"Yinling Spring is too strong."

At this time, Fang Chen was a little afraid, if he didn't encounter Moro killing, he entered the Yinling Spring indiscriminately, and there was only one way to die.

The distant sky, an old man of immortality, suddenly came.

"Dare you come to the northern ice sheet so weak?"

The old man's palm waved, and the violent power suddenly emerged directly, forming a huge tornado.


Fang Chen did not have any resistance and was swept away directly by the tornado.

call out!

The old man controlled the tornado and drilled directly into the Yinling Spring, disappearing even with Fang Chen's body.

The Yinling Spring changed, and the extreme coldness spewed out suddenly.

call out!

Suddenly, a black light emanated from the Yinling Spring, and then the black light exploded into the sky with a radiant force.


A hearty laugh came from the shadow.

I saw him as the center, within a hundred miles of the original power, madly poured into his body.

And the space inside him began to evolve the universe.


Almost in a blink of an eye, the shadow body has evolved into a universe, and his breath has become stronger.

"Moro killed this guy and broke through?"

The old man of the immortal wind was slightly stunned when he saw Moro killing.

"Finally broke."

Moro was very happy, stuck in the bottleneck for so many years, has been unable to take the last step.

Unexpectedly, today's whim, helping his younger brother to break through the Yinling Spring, actually hit by mistake and broke through.

Feeling the amount of violent violence from the universe inside, Moro was very excited to kill the heart.

"It won't take long for the universe to fully function and then to pull it out of the body. At that time, my state will be completely stabilized." Moro said excitedly.

Stuck in the most holy realm for a long time, only to break through now.


At this moment, Moro found the old fairy bone underneath, and was shocked, and found that Fang Chen was no longer.

"Maku, what about my little brother?" Moro asked Shen Sheng.

"That unity is your little brother? When will your Moro kill the weak?"

The old man, who is called Mugu, sneered and said, "I don't think he is pleasing to the eye, and he was thrown into the Yinling Spring."


Morrow's eyes widened, and his heart was furious.

"Dare you move my brother."

Moro let out a roar, his eyes were scarlet, and he attacked Mugu insanely.

"Just broke through, the realm is not stable, dare to do it to me?"

Mu Gu's face was gloomy, his palm waved, the void was misaligned, and he appeared directly in front of Moro.

"Devil kills Kendo."

After the breakthrough, the Moro killing, the mastery in the magic killing kendo is stronger, and the attacking force that erupted at this moment is shameful.

On this day, a fierce battle that was rare in the world took place on the northern ice sheet.

Soon, news of the battle spread throughout the magic city.

The eleventh Moro kills in the Devil's List, and the tenth battle in the Devil's List.

The two fought a day and night on the northern ice sheet, and finally Mugu lost, and was seriously injured to escape.

Moro's murderous momentum, began to endlessly kill Mugu.

Many people heard this news, their hearts tremble.

The top ten of the Devil's List are unshakable. This is already the iron law of the Magic City.

And the tenth-ranked Mugu was actually defeated by Moro, and it was crazy.

"What? Moro defeated Mugu, how could this be possible?"

"This is true. Many strong men have confirmed it. Even the other top ten in the Devil's List have also recognized the Moro kill, thinking that they are eligible to replace Mugu's ranking."

"God, Moro killing is too perverted? To be able to defeat Mugu, it must have reached that level."

"Maku is about to be killed by a lunatic like Moro."

The magic city shook, maintaining the top ten rankings of the Demon Gods for millions of years, and finally changed on this day.

The lunatic Moro killed, with its extremely strong potential, successfully broke through to that level and defeated Mu Gu in one fell swoop.

However, no one knows that Fang Chen was thrown into the Lingling Spring by Mugu.


Northern Ice Sheet, Yinling Spring.

The Yinling Spring is much larger than expected, and the cold breath contained in it, even if it is the Moro Killer and others, dare not invade for a long time.

Fang Chen is in a united state. According to the truth, he was thrown into the Yinling Spring and died for ten years.

However, he survived miraculously.

It was about ten miles away from the top of Yinling Spring. Fang Chen was lying at the bottom of Yinling Spring at the moment, and his breath was weak.

His Yuanshen was frozen. Fortunately, at the critical moment, Shenquan shined before saving his life.


Fang Chen can feel that Shenquan is resisting the breath of Yinlingquan.

"It's so cold."

Fang Chen felt cold all over his body and would die at any time.

"How do I get out?"

Shenquan is evolved from the natural pattern of the natural order, very strange. Even the cold in the Yinling Spring can be resisted, which is something that Fang Chen never expected.

Otherwise, with him as a warrior in a unified state, how can he resist the frightening Yinling Spring?


Within the Shenquan, the breath of the natural pattern of the natural order was released, slowly resisting the surrounding cold attack.

Fang Chen struggled to get up, feeling that the strength in his body had been consumed.

He took out the Soul Stone from his arms, held it in his hand, and began to absorb the power inside the Soul Stone.


The soul power in the Soulstone is injected into the Yuanshen, gradually reviving the frozen Yuanshen.

After half an hour, the power in the Soul Stone has been consumed, and Fang Chen's Yuanshen finally recovered completely.

Seeing the soul stone in the palm of my hand turned into an abandoned stone, I felt a lot of emotion.

"It's hard to die."

Fang Chen laughed self-deprecatingly and wanted to find Lingquan milk, but he didn't even see the shadow of Lingquan milk and was thrown into Yinling Spring.

"I don't know who is the elder of the immortal spirit?"

Thinking of that man, Fang Chen was filled with anger.

"If Fang Chen can leave this place, he will revenge this day." Fang Chen vowed secretly.

"Where is Lingquan milk?"

Fang Chen looked around and found nothing related to Lingquan milk, which made him very anxious.

His body cannot move by half a step. Once it moves, the power consumption in the Shenquan will accelerate, and the cold air in the Yinling Spring will invade the body.

Therefore, he did not dare to take risks.

"You can't always be like this?"

Fang Chen was anxious and murmured.


At this moment, a ripple appeared in the Yinling Spring.

Immediately afterwards, these ripples formed a fascinating flower near Fang Chen.

In the blooming petals of the flower, a blue breath emerged. In Fang Chen's gaze, the blue breath gradually condensed into a ghost image.

"You finally came."

Blue phantom sighed, staring straight at Fang Chen.

He was shocked, and suddenly Fang Chen felt that the oppression of his whole body disappeared instantly, and even the cold breath in Yinling Spring could not get close to his body.

"How can it be?"

Fang Chen exclaimed, and immediately looked at the blue phantom.

"Senior, who are you?"

Fang Chen asked in a hurry.

"Ha ha……"

Blue phantom smiled and shook his head immediately: "I have long forgotten who I am, and I have been waiting for you."

The sound of the blue phantom contains a sense of vicissitudes.

"Wait for me?"

Fang Chen is puzzled. What is his intersection with the Blue Virtual Shadow?

call out!

A substantive light emerged from the blue phantom's eyes, directly invading Fang Chen's body.

Suddenly, Fang Chen felt the movement of Shenquan, and seemed to jump out of his body.

"Out of control?"

He was shocked to find that Shenquan was not under his control, and his heart was filled with shock waves.

The Shenquan is the core energy source of the warrior in the united realm. The Shenquan is not controlled, which is a very dangerous thing.

However, as he exclaimed, a special breath emerged from the Divine Spring, the substantive light wrapped in the blue phantom, leaving the body.

"Natural Order God Mark?"

Fang Chen exclaimed.

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