Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2246: With the power of Yinling Spring

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Originally, the main goal of the Celestial Pavilion Lord and Demon Sword Lord was the Battle Axe of the Stone Axe King.

Now, they have changed their attention, not only to obtain the battle axe of the stone axe king, but also to obtain the secret treasure of Fang Chen.

Needless to say, the weapon of the stone axe king, after integrating the heart of the battle axe, it is only a matter of time to break through to the Lingtian level.

As for the secret treasures on Fang Chen, those treasures that can resist the erosion of Yinling Spring must be obtained.

"Once we get this secret, we can enter the Yinling Spring and look for opportunities."

The two looked at each other, their faces showing excitement.

Immediately afterwards, the two of them swayed in breath, stepped out, suspended in the sky, and confronted Fang Chen.

"Boy, quickly hand over the treasures in your body." Tian Qing Pavilion said coldly.

"Do you think that with the help of the secret treasure, you can resist the attacks of the two of us?" The Lord of the Magic Sword sneered.

At this moment, Fang Chen stepped on the void, and below him, it was the legendary Yinling Spring.

I saw the Yinling Spring, the spring surging, the ultimate cold breath, rushed to the face.

"I'm here, you have the ability to come and get it." Fang Chen said coldly.

"you wanna die."

Master Tian Qing stepped out in one step and rushed directly to Fang Chen. At this moment, a strong azure-like breath emerged from his body, and these breaths formed a powerful defense for his ability to resist the corrosion of Yinling Spring.

"The warriors in a unified area are not worth the devil's landlord's shot. Let me pick him up." Tianqing Pavilion said.

Wen Yan, a glare of displeasure flashed in the eyes of the Lord of the Sword.

The Celestial Patriarch clearly went to Fang Chen's secret treasure, but in the face of interests, the so-called alliance is not worth mentioning at all.


The master of the Qingqing Pavilion shot, and the other party launched an aggressive attack.

However, Fang Chen secretly mobilized the power of Yinling Spring, and then exhibited the fifth trick of the invisible sword technique.

call out!

The battle was fierce, but it was not as the Celestial Pavilion Master thought.


After a fierce battle for a long time, the face of the azure pavilion was completely gloomy.

He roared, the azure breath quickly gathered in his palm.

In an instant, a terrifying ball was formed, and his stern eyes looked at Fang Chen and threw hard.

"Get up."

Upon seeing this, Fang Chen did not dare to carelessly, his palms spread out and flicked upward.


The deafening sound instantly sounded, and the calm surface of the Yinling Spring suddenly became boiling.

Countless springs, like gossip, spin up quickly.

In the most central position, a vortex appeared, and a huge column of water flew out of the vortex, hitting the main body of the Azure Pavilion hard.

With a bang, the body of the Azure Master was directly knocked off.

"Sure enough, I was already in an undefeated battle against Yinling Spring." Fang Chen said secretly.

The Celestial Pavilion Master is just a warrior who breaks the ground and cannot resist the powerful corrosion of the Yinling Spring at all.

Even the strongest in the most holy realm, dare not carelessly in the face of Yinlingquan.

"How can it be?"

The Master Qingqing stood up with difficulty, his eyes full of hot colors.

"Can he actually use the power of Yinling Spring?"

Thinking of this, the mind of the Celestial Pavilion is hot, and there is only one thought in his mind, that is, at all costs, to seize the treasures of his body.

"Join together."

At this time, the Demon Sword Master finally could not sit still, whispered.

"it is good."

The two strong men jointly attacked Fang Chen, over the Lingling Spring, Fang Chen was one enemy and two.

He used the time and space collapse technique to continuously dodge, while using the Yinling Spring to form an obstacle for the two.

"This is not the way to keep going."

Thinking while avoiding.

"To find a way to trick them into Yinling Spring." Fang Chen thought to himself.

For a moment, a thought flashed through Fang Chen's mind.


At this time, the attack of the Lord of the Sword happened to rush.

Fang Chen secretly urged the body of Wan Jian to resist the sword gas attack of the Lord of Magic Sword.

However, just when the body of Wan Jian quietly resolved the attack of the sword sword landlord's sword, Fang Chen pretended to be injured and his body fell down.


His face was pale and disordered, and he fell into the Yinling Spring.


On his body, his clothes showed signs of cracking, and he struggled desperately in Yinling Spring.

"Do you want to go down?"

The Lord of the Magic Sword and the Lord of the Azure Pavilion glanced at each other.

"This child has a treasure, although it fell into the Yinling Spring, but it will certainly not die in a short time." Tian Qing Pavilion Master Shen said: "This is a great opportunity. There is nothing wrong with it, I think Worth taking the risk. "

"Okay, we rushed into the Yinling Spring at the fastest speed, killed the son, and then quickly withdrew." Lord Mojian nodded.

Both of them are powerful players who can open up the ground. If they dive slightly into the surface of Yinling Spring, they can resist it.

After making a decision, the two raised their body defenses to their strongest, and then came to the surface of Yinling Spring with a little toes.

Seeing that Fang Chen was still struggling, the two of them displayed a thunder attack.

"Hum, that's good."

Fang Chen looked at the situation and smirked in his heart.

When the two powerful men came into contact with Yinling Spring, Fang Chen's heart moved, and suddenly the entire Yinling Spring suddenly surging.

The violent waves, wave after wave, directly submerged the bodies of the two powerful men.


The two powerful men were drawn into the Yinling Spring, and they screamed desperately.

"Go down."

Yinling Spring is the world of Fang Chen, and the Lord of the Azure Pavilion and Lord of the Magic Sword cannot resist.

"Do not……"

The bodies of the two were swept into the bottom of the Yinling Spring by the violent Yinling Spring water.

The lower the dive, the stronger the power of corrosion.

After a few breaths, their primordial spirits have been frozen and their bodies have been completely stiff.


Immediately afterwards, their heads were planted directly into the depths of Yinling Spring, leaving their lives here forever.

"Fight me?"

Upon seeing this, Fang Chen moved to the bottom of Yinling Spring, took away the two men's Xu Mi ring, and then returned to the sky above Yinling Spring.

In the void, Stone Axe's eyes widened and he looked at Fang Chen.


In his heart, a turbulent wave was set off.

He could not imagine that a warrior in a unified state could actually enter and exit in the Yinling Spring.

"Are you really pregnant with treasures? Can you resist the erosion of Yinling Spring?" King Stone Axe asked.

Fang Chen smiled at the stone axe king and said: "Why? Is the master interested in it?"

The stone axe king hurriedly shook his head and said, "Of course not, it's just a little shock. By the way, what about Master Tianqing Pavilion and Lord Lou Jian?"

"When they entered Yinling Spring, they were already doomed." Fang Chen said indifferently.

It is said that the stone axe king is stiff, and Mu Ne looks at Fang Chen.

The Lord of the Demon Sword at the 42nd of the Demon God List, and the Master of the Azure Pavilion at 49, just fell here.

And the root of all this is the guy in this unity?

After being shocked, the stone axe king was very pleased.

Fortunately, Fang Chen chose to join the giant axe gang, otherwise, his tomahawk might be lost.

"I want to come, it should be that he came to Yinling Spring last time to look for Lingquan milk, got some chance?"

Although the Stone Axe is curious, what is the secret of Fang Chen.

But deep down in his heart, a decision has been made. From now on, in any case, it can't be right with Fang Chen, but better.

Once such an evil demon grows up, it is terrible.

"Although it succeeded with the help of Yinling Spring, with his strength, it is not a problem to be included in the Devil's List." Stone Axe said.

At this moment, outside the northern ice field, Chen Fan, the black shadow, and the white clothes sacrifice stood on Tianxu Mountain and looked around.

"After a war here, Fang Chen and the stone axe king seem to have left." Black Shadow said.

"They entered the northern ice sheet." Chen Fan said indifferently.

Hearing the words, the white-dressed priest and the black shadow's eyes lit up.

They knew very well that Chen Fan in front of him was no longer the original Chen Fan.

It was their famous law-protecting elders who were once the dynasty of Qingqing.

"Northern Ice Sheet?"

"I remember Yinling Spring is in the northern ice field. If you can get some Lingquan milk, it will be of great benefit to the elders." Bai Yiji said with a smile.

Chen Fan nodded, his dark eyes, pierced through the void, and looked in the direction of Yinling Spring.

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