Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2248: Alarm City

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Stand up!

The brokenness of the first five gold figures, Fang Chen's Yuanshen is almost in a state of collapse.

That is, the key to this life and death is that he has realized a higher level of soul Tao, and in his heart, he has suddenly lifted the Yuanshen to a higher level.


The last broken gold man was quickly repaired.

At the same time, Fang Chen's breath of Yuanshen is gradually improving, and in a blink of an eye, he has reached the peak.

In just one breathing time, the other five little gold figures also fully condensed. At this time, Fang Chen, the breath of Yuanshen has been raised to the extreme.

Immediately afterwards, his mind concussed, and the seventh little golden man began to take shape.

"Seven Yuan Realm."

Fang Chen smirked in his heart, clenched his fists, and his eyes were full of hot colors.

In the electric light and fire stone, the seventh little golden man condensed and completed, Fang Chen felt his soul power, unprecedentedly powerful.

"Innate Contrary Soul."

There was a feeling in his mind, Fang Chen moved his heart, and the innate anti-soul technique was perfectly displayed.

"This is ... the third floor?"

Fang Chen shouted in surprise. He didn't expect this to stand up. He actually succeeded in practicing the third layer of Congenital Rebellion Soul, which made him very excited.


The third layer of innate soul rebellion was quickly displayed, and then Fang Chen's head exploded with a palpable soul breath.


The crisp sound rang, and Chen Fan's attack was fragmented.

"How can it be?"

Chen Fan exclaimed, some could not believe that, in such a short time, Fang Chen's Yuanshen had undergone earth-shaking transformation.

"I do not believe."

Chen Fan shouted and continued to exert a powerful soul power to invade Fang Chen's Yuanshen.


Fang Chen saw it, a disdainful look appeared on his face, and his heart moved immediately. The third layer of the powerful innate anti-soul technique was displayed. Chen Fan's soul attack attacked nothing.


After smashing Chen Fan's Soul Dao attack, Fang Chen had time to fully confront Chen Fan.

"What are you doing now?"

With a sneer, Fang Chen stepped out and came to Chen Fan.

The lingering spring water around was madly surging. He bound Chen Fan's body steadily and pulled it downward.

Chen Jia's fifth attack on Jiajianchen's innocent sword technique, Chen Fan was helpless for a while.


Chen Fan shouted in anger and struggled desperately, but found that everything he did was nothing more than futile.


Shenquan surging, Fang Chen perfectly used the power of Yinling Spring, directly pulling Chen Fan's body to the bottom of Yinling Spring.

The extreme ice cold breath instantly invaded Chen Fan's mind.

The latter's primordial spirit is being frozen, and he roars wildly.


Over the Yinling Spring, the white-dressed priest heard his words and his face changed greatly.

"No, it's difficult to protect the elders.

The white-faced priest's face became somber, but he did not rescue Elder Guardian as Stone Axe guessed.

Instead, he fled the northern ice sheet.

The miserable cry gradually weakened.

The violent shadow of the spring water gradually calmed down.


Fang Chen rushed out of it, with drops of water on his body, but his face was full of smiles.

"He is dead?" Stone Axe asked.

Fang Chen nodded, although Chen Fan was very strong, after some twists and turns, he still beheaded.

"The white priest escaped, some trouble." The stone axe king said with concern.

"Are you afraid of the remnants of Tianqing's legacy?" Fang Chen asked.

The stone axe king shook his head and said, "The remains of Tianqing's survivors are secondary. What I am most worried about is that they spread the news and caused the magic city to shake."

"You need to know that a united warrior who can control the Yinling Spring and kill the strongest who has broken the top of the ground. This news will definitely trigger an unprecedented shock in the magic city. Even the most holy realm powerful May be attracted. "Stone Axe Shen said in a deep voice.


Fang Chen frowned, he seemed to forget this.

But soon, his complexion returned to calm.

"I take Yinling Spring as the foundation. As long as I don't leave here, even if the most holy realm comes, I can't help me." Fang Chen said.

The big deal is hiding at the bottom of Yinling Spring and practicing all the time, waiting for strength to come out.


The face of the stone axe king was covered with sorrow: "The strength of the most powerful in the Holy Realm cannot be imagined."

Fang Chen shook his head. He didn't care as long as Moro hadn't killed the strong man.

"Help the Lord, you go back first. I will dive in the Yinling Spring in the next time. Even if someone comes here, I won't find me." Fang Chen said.


The white-clothed priests fled back to the secret stronghold of Tianqing's survivors.

When the Red Devils learned this news, he was very angry, and immediately went to Yinling Spring to kill Fang Chen.

However, the words of the white clothes sacrifice changed his attention.

"You mean, let this news go out and let the warriors of the whole magic city know about it?" The red demon master flashed his eyes and asked.

"Yes, Master, think about it. A united warrior can control the Yinling Spring. This news will surely cause a lot of waves in the magic city. And there is a high probability that there will be a Divine Spring Pearl in his body. Can it be resisted? "Bai Yi sacrificed Yinsen:" Let their human dogs bite the dog first, and the boy Fang Chen occupies the innate advantage of Yinling Spring. The warriors below the Holy Land dare to enter Yinling Spring to deal with him, and they will die without burial. "

"Even the most holy warrior, it will also be hurt. When they are both defeated, it is when we shoot." Bai Yi sacrifice said.

After listening to the analysis of the white sacrifice, the Red Devils nodded and said, "You are right, let them bite the dog first."

The people of Tianqing's survivors secretly spread the news.

Soon, the news spread throughout the magic city. At first, everyone didn't believe it. A martial artist in one state would die near Yinlingquan, not to mention controlling Linglingquan?

However, when they knew that all the warriors in the Heavenly Eye Palace had fallen, they gradually began to believe.

"Have you heard? A united guy called Fang Chen can control the Yinling Spring, and with the power of the Yinling Spring, the warriors who can't break the ground can't resist.

"Yeah, I also heard that it is said that Lord Tianqing Pavilion and Lord Lou Jian also died in his hands."

"What? Lord Demon Sword is the 42nd strongest player in the Demon God List. Even he is dead?"

At the same time, there were warriors talking about the magic city everywhere.

Many warriors in Tianqing Pavilion and Mojianlou were very angry, but they dared not take revenge.

What a joke?

Even the landlord and the patriarch are dead. What can they do if they go?

For a time, the top-ranking warrior on the Demon Gods list gave birth to a trace of greed.

Somewhere in a towering tree, a man in a gold armor sat cross-legged.

"The warriors in one state, control the Yinling Spring?"

The Jinjia man said to himself, although he didn't believe it, that was the case.

"I want to come, he has a big secret in his body. If I can control the Yinling Spring, the Devil's List will be ranked at least in the top 20?" Said the Jinjia man.

If anyone is here, it will certainly be shocked.

Because the Golden Armor man is the 21st Golden Armor War Demon on the Devil's List.

The Golden Armor War Demon is a warrior at the initial level of the Holy Realm. If it is placed in the outside world, it is definitely a strong player.

However, in the Magic City, it is only ranked 21st, it is too difficult to enter the top 20.

"I want to see, where is this Fangchen sacred."

After all, the Golden Armor War Demon flickered and disappeared into the sky.

A few days later, the northern ice sheet, in front of the Yinling Spring.

In the wind, the figure of the Golden Armor War Demon suddenly appeared, and his foot stepped on the northern ice field, and the sound of a click sounded, and there were cracks in the ice, as if it was about to melt.

"no one?"

His consciousness swept across the Yinling Spring and found no breath.

Immediately, his consciousness dived into the Yinling Spring and dived continuously.

"It's worthy of Yinling Spring, so domineering."

Soon, he felt that his consciousness could not dive, otherwise he would be frozen.


With the return of the consciousness, there was a layer of frost on the face of the Golden Armor War Demon. Obviously Yinling Spring posed a great threat to him.

With his powerful Yuanshen, he was only able to dive a short distance, and could not stay for a long time.

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