Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2262: Shame should be washed with blood

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The Qiu family cannot be humiliated.

This is the iron law to kill the sky, and no one dares to be arrogant enough to provoke the Qiu family.

From this point we can also see how huge the Qiu family is.

"Qiu family can't be humiliated? Can others be humiliated?"

Jian Wuji sneered, "You are only allowed to kill others in the Qiu family, but are you not allowed to kill people in the Qiu family?"

"My cousin ..."

Qiu Longyu also said to justify, but he was directly suppressed by Jian Wuji's fierce momentum.


Qiu Longyu's whole body rang and his body shivered.

As he said, the Qiu family cannot be humiliated. In this world where the strong are respected, the strong cannot be humiliated.

Although in front of the huge Qiu family, Jian Wuji is nothing, but in front of Qiu Longyu, Jian Wuji is an uncompromising powerhouse.


Qiu Longyu stubbornly raised his head, his eyes were scarlet, staring at Jian Wuji, he did not believe that Jian Wuji would dare to kill him.

"Do you want the entire Promise Jianzong to be buried?" Qiu Longyu shouted angrily.

Sword Wuji's face slightly changed, his whole body swayed, squeezed from all over.

"Your cousin Qiu Longying wants to seize Fang Chen's friend, he tries to block the unsuccessful, and kills him." Jian Wuji said calmly: "This matter is wrong with your cousin, look at the face of Qiu Go, let me go this time, if you dare to break into the Promise Sword Sect, I will kill you. "

After all, Jian Wuji's palm waved, and a terrifying air wave directly rolled up Qiu Longyu's body, and threw out the Wuji Promise Sect.

"Sovereign, why cut the grass?" Fang Chen asked.

Sword Promise shook his head, and the sword-owner's face beside him said solemnly, "The Qiu family's methods are unbelievable, and if they do their best to investigate, even if we do it cleanly, they will not escape. It is very likely that they will anger the Qiu family. "

"On the contrary, the suzerain shocked Qiu Longyu and made him feel terrified. This matter may come to an end. After all, that Qiu Longying is just a non-influential disciple of the branch. If he wants to come, if Qiu Longyu is smart, he will not come. You are in trouble. "The sword master continued.

After hearing the words, Fang Chen nodded gently.

He understood what the suzerain meant. They were in high positions and needed to think too much.

They have to consider the future of the Promise Sword Sect, and also whether they can withstand the anger of the Qiu family.

Therefore, even if Qiu Longyu did such extraordinary things, the Sect Master only punished him slightly.

In the final analysis, he Qiu Longyu was the man who killed the Qiu family.

Thinking of this, Fang Chen sighed.


Under the dark night sky.


A loud noise broke the silence at the foot of Promise Jianshan Mountain.

The sound of the ghost crying wolf is endless, and many monsters are carefully approaching after they notice the movement here.

However, Qiu Longyu in anger directly released the breath of the ultimate level of open heaven, and instantly scared these monsters back.

His face was pale and his bones were broken. Although it didn't matter, it was a shame.

"Damn Fang Chen, **** Promise Sword Sect."

Qiu Longyu's eyes flashed cold killing intentions.

He is a disciple of the Qiu family. He has been walking for so many years and has been respected everywhere he goes.

But now, it is humiliated by the little Promise Sword Sect.

"I must report this hatred."

Qiu Longyu clenched his fists and said coldly.

However, it is imperative to repair the injury and wait for the injury in the body to heal.

Devil Killing Heaven, Qiu family branch.

Qiu Longtan, the undisputed first person of the younger generation of the Qiu family, a month ago, he successfully broke through to the ground and became the most dazzling existence of this branch.

Even the Qiu Family Headquarters sent elders to congratulate them. Such achievements at a young age will be limitless in the future.

Moreover, the elders of the Qiu family headquarters promised that after Qiu Longtan's repairs were consolidated, they would be taken to the headquarters to practice.

This news shocked the entire Qiu family.

Qiu's branch mansion has banquets everywhere to celebrate Qiu Longtan.

Qiu Longtan himself, obsessed with kendo, does not like this environment, sitting alone at the top position, without a word, raised his head to the sky.

"Huh? Why is Longyu not here?"

Qiu Longyu is Qiu Longtan's younger brother. His parents fell in a mission, and the two have been living together since childhood.

Under his own care, his younger brother Qiu Longyu's strength is also increasing.

It stands to reason that such a happy day, his brother will definitely come to congratulate, why is it missing today?

Qiu Longtan's consciousness enveloped the entire branch mansion, and he did not find his brother's figure. Soon, he took out a special message, Yu Pei, and transmitted it to his brother.

"Brother, where are you?"

There was no sound from Yupei's head.

This made Qiu Longtan a little uneasy. He continued to preach: "Brother, what happened to you?"

A long time later, after hearing Yu Pei, Qiu Longyu's weak voice came.

"Brother, I'm in the starry sky."

"What's wrong with you? Why is the breath so weak, what the **** happened?" Qiu Longtan asked quickly.

"Brother, Qiu Longying was killed during the training of the Void Star Calendar. Before he died, he sent me a message saying that the person who killed him, possessing the Shura Kendo, was a disciple of the Promise Sword Sect. So I took two guards to the Void Star , Want to kill this Shura Kendo warrior. "

Needless to say, I know that my brother is too greedy and must have failed.

"Failed?" Qiu Longtan asked.

"The man's strength is very strong, and cultivation is just a united state, but it easily kills my two servants. My tiger swallows the world to no avail for him. At the critical moment, the high level of the Promise Sword Sect came and drove me away. . "

Qiu Longyu informed Qiu Longtan of everything.

The latter's complexion immediately became somber.

"You come back first."

Qiu Longtan pondered for a moment, said.

"Brother ..." Qiu Longyu was not reconciled.

"Come back." Qiu Longtan finished, and hung up the communication Yu Pei directly.

At this time, there were several branches of younger generation, holding wine glasses, came to Qiu Longtan.

"Brother Longtan, you are the most outstanding genius in our branch, an idol for all of us, and we have a cup for you."

"Yes, Longtan, you will enter the arrogance of the Qiu family headquarters in the future."

"I really envy Brother Longtan. The potential is so strong that it has attracted the attention of the headquarters. It has a promising future."

Several young warriors flattered.

However, Qiu Longtan was so worried that he closed his eyes and ignored them.


Dong Xuantian, a hidden place at the foot of the Promise Jianzong Mountain.

After half a month of healing, the injury has finally healed.

Thinking of what Big Brother said to himself, his heart was filled with anger, he was not willing, when was Qiu Longyu so humiliated?

"Isn't it the garbage sheltered by Wuji Promise? I don't believe that you can keep hiding in Wuji Promise?" Qiu Longyu said yin.

He stood up slowly, looking up at the blue sky.

"I remember, our Qiu branch, seems to have business dealings with Dao Shenzong?"

Having finished speaking, he stepped out and left the Promise Sword Sect Realm to the Sword God Sect Realm.

After waiting for half a month, there was still no movement, which made Qiu Longtan uneasy.

"Brother, why don't you come back?"

Qiu Longtan preached.

Soon, the hearing Yu Pei heard Qiu Longyu's voice.

"Brother, brother here, congratulations on your breakthrough to the ground." Qiu Longyu said: "Since I was young, my elder brother has been sheltering me, I am very grateful. But this time, I don't want to listen to my brother's words. Take it back. "

"Long Yu, don't be impulsive." Qiu Longtan hurriedly dissuaded.

"Brother, rest assured, my brother, I will not act blindly. I have contacted Qiu's business partner Dao Shenzong in the virtual star sky, and Dao Shenzong has agreed to be willing to help me. Brother, just wait for my triumphant return, I'm going to bring Fang Chen's head back to Demon Killing Heaven. "

After that, Qiu Longyu directly cut off the communication with Yu Pei.

Qiu Longtan was stunned on the spot. He was anxious and worried about his brother's safety.

"Silly brother, there is a virtual star sky, not a devil-killing sky. If you do this, you will be killed."

He got up and stood up, tearing the void and leaving the mansion.

"I hope you will not hurt my brother, otherwise, if heaven goes to earth, I will not let you go by Qiu Longtan."

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