Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2269: exchange

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The Dark Lord leader seems to know that the Sovereign of the Sword God will inevitably contact himself.

Not surprised at his communication, as if he had been waiting.

"how about it?"

The Dark Lord leader first asked.

Since you want to cooperate, you must show enough sincerity.

If it were before, their Tianqing survivors' ambitions will certainly not take Sword God Sect in their eyes, let alone cooperate with them.

However, since the comeback, they only awakened after hitting the wall. The current virtual star sky is no longer the original virtual star sky, and has changed a lot.

Finally, after weighing the pros and cons, he decided to cooperate with Dao Shenzong.

Sword God Sovereign was silent for a moment, and then his voice was hoarse: "I agree to cooperate with you, but you must ensure that the other two major sects must be completely destroyed."

In fact, did the Sword God Sect Master use the hands of Tian Qing's survivors to destroy the other two major sects?

In the territory of Eastern Xuantian, there are a total of three major sects. If the other two major sects are eliminated, then they will be able to unify Eastern Xuantian.

"Relax, you won't be disappointed."

The Dark Lord said vowedly.

Afterwards, he had a detailed conversation with Sword God Sect Master for a while.

After cutting off the communication, a hot smile appeared in the eyes of Sword God Sect Master.

It seems that the wish for many years is coming soon.

Dominating Dong Xuantian is no longer a dream, but will soon become a reality.

"Take your Promise Sword Sect."

Sword God Sect Master's fingers flicked lightly on the bronze throne, making a clear voice and secretly said.

The hot sun hangs high and the sky is clear.

A glance of mighty wind blew through, and the dark eyes of Sword God Sect Master looked away.

He frowned slightly, and seemed a little unhappy.

"Did Fang Chen really die if he died?"

Sword Master Sect thought secretly, they will punish Fang Xi's news, announced that Wuji Promise has received the news.

It's noon, they haven't appeared yet?

"Huh, I want to see, what tricks can you play?"

Cooperating with the Tianqing survivors, the Sword God Sect Master has no fear of the Promise Sword Sect, even if the old Prophet of Sword Promise leads the entire Promise Sword Sect to attack, he can easily deal with it.

"If you don't come, then blame me for being welcome." Sword Lord Sword said coldly, his words full of cold murderous intention.

In the square below, Fang Xi, bound by ropes, was covered with dignified colors on Qiao's face. She was worried that her father would come on impulse.

She knows her father too well. If she knows her situation, she will inevitably save herself at all costs.

"Father, don't come, they set a trap and wait for you to jump in."

Fang Xi is anxious, but there is no way.

Time passed bit by bit, and in an instant, a few more hours passed.

At this time, Sword God Sect Master was obviously a little unhappy. His purpose this time was Fang Chen.

If the latter does not come, it undoubtedly means that his plan has failed.


Sword Master Sect clenched his fists, cursing.

However, just after his words fell, he suddenly raised his head suddenly, his dark eyes, and looked into the distance.

In the distant sky, there is a trace of obscure space fluctuations, and other warriors in the Sword God Sect are not aware of it.

Only the eyebrows of the Sword God Sect stretched out, and there was a gloomy smile on his face, was it finally here?

With a hint of playfulness in his eyes, he looked into the distance.


Soon, the energy fluctuations became larger and larger, and in the end directly alarmed the entire Sword Divine Sect, many elders waited for it, fearing that Sword Wuji would go crazy and destroy the Sword Divine Sect.


Suddenly, the void tears, three figures, walking out of the void.

"I thought you dared not come."

Sword God Sect Master looked at Jian Wuji with a grin, grinning.

Fang Chen's eyes looked directly at the square below. When he saw the daughter bound by the rope, his inner anger reached the extreme.


Fang Chen shouted loudly.

"Father, leave quickly, leave me alone."

Tears poured out of Fang Xi's eyes, she didn't want to put her father in danger because of herself.

Fang Chen clenched his fists and endured the anger in his heart, saying word by word: "I will definitely save you back."

After all, Fang Chen's scarlet eyes stared at the Sword Master Sect.

"Sect Master Dangdang, who actually did such sleazy things, what other face is sitting here?" Fang Chen scolded loudly.

Facing Fang Chen's scolding, Sword God Sect Master sneered: "Huh, what are you? Dare to talk to me like this?"

After all, Sword God Sect Master looked directly at Jian Wuji and said, "Why? Did you make a decision?"

Jian Wuji frowned and said inwardly: "Old knife, is it too much for you to do this? The power of Xi'er has been banned by you. Do you still bind her with rope?"

This is humiliation, naked humiliation.

"She is a prisoner of my rank, I will do whatever I want." Sword God Sect Master, he now has the initiative, no fear of sword Wuji and others.

"My daughter, I will never let her suffer any grievances."

Fang Chen's heart was roaring, seeing Fang Xi's being bound, he wished to overturn this piece of heaven and earth.

However, reason told him that he could not do it yet.

"Your goal is me, and now I come to you, should you let my daughter go?"

Fang Chen stepped out and came to the front of Sword God Sect Master, Shen said.

Sect Master Sword God carefully looked at Fang Chen, faintly admiring Fang Chen's courage, if he was a disciple of Sword God Sect, how good would it be?

Unfortunately, he is not!

After a little sigh, Sovereign of Sword God stood up, waved his palm, and the rope tied to Fang Xi's body suddenly broke directly.

At the same time, Fang Xi's body, suspended in mid-air, burst into his body with a ray of light.


Suddenly, the power in Fang Xi's body recovered, and at this time the big hand of the Sword God Sect Master rested on Fang Chen's shoulder, and suddenly suppressed the power in his body.

"Sect Master." Fang Chen looked at Jian Wuji.

The latter nodded, carefully inspected Xi Xi's body, and it didn't matter.

Fang Chen breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Jian Wuji nodding.


Fang Xi's face was covered with tears. If it wasn't for the sword master, she had already rushed to her father's body.

"Xi'er rest assured that his father will be fine." Fang Chen comforted.

"Huh, offended the Qiu family, do you think you can survive?"

Hearing the words, Sovereign of the Sword God sneered.

"Sword old monster, you also got it? Why? Not leaving yet?"

For the time being it is not the time to fight with the Promise Sword Sect, so the Sovereign of the Sword God directly issued the order to chase away the guests.

Fang Chen is already under his control. As for Fang Xi and others, he doesn't care at all.

"Old knife strange, have you ever thought that your actions will cause the knife Shenzong to suffer heavy losses."

After Fang Xi was safe and sound, Jian Wuji's face showed a cold smile, and said in a deep voice.

Wen Yan said, Sovereign of the Sword God frowned, staring at Sword Promise: "Old Sword, don't challenge my patience."

"Fang Chen is my disciple of Promise Sword Sect."

Jian Wuji's words showed his attitude, the sword master beside him, his whole body was agitated, and he waited for it.

"How? Want to rob?"

Upon seeing this, Sword God Sect Master laughed as if he saw a big joke.

With his palm, he lifted Fang Chen directly and said, "Your Wuji Sect's most outstanding disciple is in my hands. What can you do?"

"Huh, heaven and earth reincarnation, people like you are not worthy of martial arts."

Fang Chen said coldly.


Sovereign of the Sword God slaps violently, pumping it on Fang Chen's body, and immediately pumping his body away, blood flying.

Soon, the Sword God Sect Master grabbed Fang Chen again, and saw the latter's embarrassed look, disdainful: "You can't even control your life, what qualifications do you have for me?"

Fang Chen's dark eyes stared at Dao Shenzong, saying: "In order to deal with me, he kidnapped my daughter, this is the so-called Dao Shenzong. I said before the Dao Shenzong, no matter who, dare to move My daughter, I want to make him sick. "

"Dogs restless?"

Sword God Sovereign laughed and said: "I think you still think about it, how can you die more comfortably."

Fang Chen turned his head and glanced at Jian Wuji.


The violent sword gas rushed out of the latter body and ravaged the whole world.

"Old Sword, do you really want to do it?"

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