Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2284: Question of the real dragon

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The first confrontation between the two ended with the victory of innate soul rebellion.

Pedal Pedal!

The demon's body keeps receding, finally stabilizing his body, his dark eyes staring at Fang Chen.

"What kind of Soul Taoism are you?"

The devil believes that his own soul Taoism is already very strong among the heavenly gods.

Who would have thought that Fang Chen's Soul Taoism could actually suppress his own Soul Taoism.

This is simply incredible.

"How much do you know about the magic of Soul Tao in the chaotic void sky?" Fang Chen chuckled.


When Fang Chen said this, the fiend was even more enraged.

He reached out with a big hand and sipped, urging the violent soul power in his mind to echo the soul power in the magic dragon **** plate.

"The wind is coming."

The fierce roared, and suddenly a calm space, an abrupt storm began.

"The rain is coming."

At the next moment, there was drizzle in the sky.

This made Fang Chen a little stunned, is this your card?

"I don't believe that the wind and rain soul sky magic blessed by the magic dragon **** disk can't defeat you?"

The evil fierce eyes are scarlet, and the face is fierce, his hands are waving, the wind and rain are combined, and the power of the soul road blends with each other, and a bright and extreme light erupts.

However, all this does not change anything.

His soul path cultivation is far worse than Fang Chen.

After the congenital anti-soul technique broke through to the third floor, Fang Chen's soul path cultivation was enough to completely suppress the evil spirit.


Fang Chen sipped softly, and the innate soul rejuvenation technique was urged to the extreme. The terrifying soul power instantly condensed into a long sword, piercing the evil fierce at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye.


The breath of Soul Dao above the demon's head exploded in an instant.

This menacing sword severely cut off the power of the evil spirit's soul road and the power of the magic dragon **** disk.

After severing the connection, the evil spirit's soul power weakened a lot.


There was another loud noise, the last trace of the devil's defense, completely collapsed.

His eyes were full of despair, and a great force came from his body, and he flew out uncontrollably.


A loud noise hit the devil's body on the ground, dusty.

There was a trace of blood in the corner of his mouth, and his face was pale.

Crawling hard from the ground, the fierce eyes looked at Fang Chen with complicated eyes. He did not dare to imagine that a warrior who opened the sky in the early days, Soul Daoxiu was so strong.

"How can it be?"

The potential of martial arts is enough to withstand the sky. In addition to the potential of soul road, the devil has treated Fang Chen as an enemy.

Just when the murderous intentions appeared in the evil spirits, the real dragon came.

"Isn't it shameful enough?"

The real dragon yelled at the fiend.

Now the blood sword saint, the name of the sky Qing space, all the masters are secretly concerned. If the fierce fierce shot, it will inevitably be ambushed by the masters.

On the surface, the real dragon is reprimanding the evil, but it is actually saving him.


Being so scolded by the real dragon, the face of the evil fierce changed, and he was a little ashamed.

"It's not terrible to lose. The terrible thing is to lose your fighting spirit. The years of your practice are too short. The more time you have in the future, the temporary failure does not explain anything. Maybe one year later, two years later, ten years later, you are still alive, He is dead."

Speaking of which, the real dragon shook his head and said: "When you arrive at the Holy Land, you will understand that it is better to live than anything."

"The lesson of the House Master is that I will definitely work hard to practice."

The evil fierce clenched his fist, and at the same time he looked into Fang Chen's eyes, a flash of cold color flashed through him.

"The bet hasn't been given to me yet."

Fang Chen said quickly when he saw that the devil was leaving.


The fierce snorted coldly, waved his palm, threw a yellowed book to Fang Chen, and hated to leave.

"It's a blood sword saint. The martial arts potential is enough to turn against the sky. I didn't expect Soul Dao to be so powerful. It was really amazing." Molong looked at Fang Chen with a smile.

Fang Chen could feel that the latter had a killing intent on himself.

"Do not worry about the real dragon."

After coping for a while, Fang Chen left the Demon Dragon Mansion.

Although there are still half a month, but it has no great effect on him.

At this time, it is better to take a closer look at the fierce wind and rain soul magic.


Absolute Xu Mansion, courtyard.

Fang Chen is seriously watching the wind and rain soul magic.

"This wind and rain soul magic technique is also quite magical, but unfortunately it is still a little worse than the innate soul modification technique."

After reading the complete book, Fang Chen made a summary.

Although he doesn't specialize in wind and rain soul magic, but he can also learn from some of the insights inside.

In this way, Fang Chen spent three months to perfect the innate soul rebellion technique.

During this period, Tianqing Space was as calm as ever.

However, one day a thunder suddenly broke on the ground, completely disturbing the quiet Tianqing space.

"What? Human warrior mixes into Tianqing space?"

"Damn, how did the Terran Warriors mix in?"

"Nine human warriors have fallen into the valley of Tianqing Beastmaster?"

For a time, this news, like a storm, swept through the entire sky and space.

Even the chiefs of the major governments are paying close attention to this matter.

Even some people began to doubt whether the Blood Sword Saint was also disguised as a human warrior.

Many people began to analyze Fang Chen's past, the more the analysis was found, the more suspected Fang Chen.

Seizing this opportunity, the real dragon will naturally not let go.

"Blood Sword Saint slaughtered the clan, he must have been disguised as a human warrior."

The real man of the magic dragon summoned many masters of the house to come to the Juicy Mansion, ready to capture Fang Chen.


The shocking atmosphere swept the entire House of Nowhere, and the masters of the major palaces suspended in midair, staring at the House of Nowhere.

"Masters of the House, what's the point of coming to my House of Nowhere?"

The prince of the imperial government closed down, and Lan Jue temporarily replaced his father to exercise the rights of the prince.

"Lan Jue, hand over the Blood Sword Saint."

"We suspect that Blood Sword Saint is a human warrior, hand him over." Molong said coldly.

Lan Jue frowned and said in a deep voice: "Why do you say that? Is there evidence?"

The real dragon said with a sneer: "In the Tianqing Beast Venerable Valley, nine corpses of human warriors were found, and some people were mixed into our Tianqing survivors. The blood sword is the most likely."

Another master also nodded gently and said, "Yes, a wicked genius like Blood Sword Saint, there will be no fame before. This time, when he came back, his strength has risen greatly, and he has squeezed away the top five powerhouses in Heaven. He also killed four Mokai. All his actions can prove that he is a human warrior. "

"Lan Jue, right or wrong, call Fang Chen, we should face the quality?"

Faced with the questioning of many government officials, Lan Jue's heart was slightly angry, but he dared not say anything.

He did n’t believe that Fang Chen was a human warrior. He raised his head, his dark eyes, and slowly swept across the crowd, saying: "Don't forget, you do n’t forget, Blood Sword Saint is the 20th in the battle list. The warrior, if there is not enough evidence, even the masters are not qualified to capture him. "

The battle list symbolizes the hope of the future of the Qingqing.

Being able to board the battle list shows that both the potential and the strength have been recognized by the Tianqing survivors.

The patriarch once said that anyone without proper reasons or evidence will never allow indiscriminate shots against the combatants.

This also protects the safety of the warriors from the side.

Hearing the words, the faces of the major government officials changed slightly.

"We just confront him, you can call him out." Molong said humanely.

Lan Jue knows that if Fang Chen is not allowed to come out today, they will definitely not give up.

Immediately, he sent a message to Fang Chen.

A moment later, Fang Chen appeared beside Lan Jue, his eyes swept across the crowd, and finally his eyes fell on the real dragon.

"Brother Blood."

Lan absolutely said apologetically.

Fang Chen waved his hand and said it was okay. He said: "Lord masters, you are all powerful in the most holy realm, as long as a thought, can kill me."

"My Blood Sword Saint thinks that he hasn't done anything that is apologetic to Tianqing's clan. It's the biggest harm for you to frame a clan like this."

Fang Chen said this, other masters are not easy to say anything.

"How can you prove that you are not a human warrior?" Molong asked.

Fang Chen froze for a moment, then looked at him like a fool, and said, "Then how do you prove that you are a real dragon?"

"I am a real dragon, they can prove it." Real dragon disdain. "Are you a human race warrior, are the nine human races falling in the valley of the Celestial Beast Lord, are they related to you?"

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