Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2305: Stormy

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Fang Chen also learned the news. The huge floating castle and every corner of the Canglan district can be seen clearly.

The hearts of all warriors are very shocked.

They looked at the floating castle in dumbfounding, while also telling myths and legends about the floating castle.

The floating castle is actually called Canglan Castle.

During the ancient times, there was once a strong man named Chailan Venerable.

His strength is daunting.

Sovereign Canglan once unified the Canglan District, and he was born in the Canglan District. After his fall, the Canglan Castle appeared in the Canglan District.

Many people believe that this was left by Sovereign Canglan for the descendants of Canglan District.

Some people also said that there is a demon in Canglan Castle, and once opened, it will harm the world.

Every time Canglan Castle appears, there will be a large number of geniuses entering it. At the same time, there will be a large number of warriors, falling into the Canglan castle.

Over time, Canglan Castle became a veritable killing field.

However, there are still countless warriors who are crazy about it.

Because, once a strong man came out of the Canglan castle, he flew into the sky, and was even valued by some big gates of the congenital realm.

From this point, we can see the importance of Canglan Castle.

Canglan District, in a certain city.

"Canglan Castle?"

Fang Chen's eyes flashed with curiosity.

The current Shadow Moon Immortal Sect, with the protection of Yuanzizi, has almost no fear of any forces in Canglan District.

As for myself, I just decided to leave to look for opportunities and seek breakthroughs.

Unexpectedly, this time Canglan Castle appeared.

"Have you heard? The appearance of the Canglan Castle this time triggered a tremendous shake of the gods in the Canglan District. It is said that the peerless arrogance of the Canglan District has already started."

"Of course I heard, who doesn't know the whole Canglan District? Canglan Castle has a ban. Only the Heavenly Gods can enter it. The most powerful sacred realm of the major gates is already preparing."

"My cousin worked as a guard at Xianjian Mountain Villa, and I heard a secret from him."

A thin warrior said mysteriously.

Suddenly, several people around him gathered close to him.

"Brother, what's the secret? Hurry up and share with him."

"I really didn't expect Brother Lan's form to be in Xianjian Mountain Villa, I hope Brother Lan will take care of his younger brother in the future."

"Brother, this table of wine is my boy. I honor you."

Just because of the relationship with the guards of Xianjian Mountain Villa, they were held in the palm of hand, enough to see how strong Xianjian Mountain Villa is in Canglan District.

There are eleven first-class forces in Canglan District, and each first-class force is extremely powerful.

Even the Shadow Moon Immortal Sect who had Yuanzi sitting down, did not dare to compete with the first-class forces.

Xianjian Mountain Villa is the leader of the first-class forces.

Hearing that Blue Brother's form was being guarded at Xianjian Mountain Villa, everyone envied them and pleased Blue Brother one after another.

"My cousin told me that the Canglan Five Tigers must also enter the Canglan Castle." Blue Brother said mysteriously.


After hearing the words, the people could not help but exclaim, their hearts have produced a lot of waves.

"Don't the Canglan Five Tigers retire long ago? Did Canglan Castle even attract them?"

"God, if the Canglan Five Tigers are born, who else can be the enemy?"

"Yeah, when I was very young, I heard about the Canglan Five Tigers."

At this time, Fang Chen sitting by the window was also quite curious.

He came to Xingtiantian for a short time. His understanding of Canglan District was basically seen in the books of Shadow Moon Immortal Sect.

As for what they call the Canglan Five Tigers, he is really unclear.

Listening to the ears, I soon learned the specific information of the Canglan Five Tigers.

"It turned out to be five old guys who couldn't break through to Profound God."

Fang Chen pouted.

The five tigers in Canglan are the strongest gods recognized in Canglan District.

The reason why they are the strongest is because the five of them were severely damaged in an action millions of years ago, and their internal space was severely damaged.

However, it is shocking that everyone thinks that the Canglan Five Tigers will surely fall.

However, no one expected that after disappearing for tens of thousands of years, instead of falling, the five tigers of Canglan burst out with unparalleled strength.

In the years that followed, they became more and more courageous, and the five of them joined forces to fight against the mysterious **** of Xuan Tianjing.

Sweeping the Canglan District, invincible among the gods.

However, with the passage of time, some powerful Xuanshen still saw some clues.

The heavy damage that year caused their internal space to change, and the reason why the five people could not die is because they gave up the opportunity to strip the internal space out of the body and turned the space into the body completely.

This also allowed the five people to stay at the level of the heaven and earth since then.

The name of the Canglan Five Tigers gradually spread.

Countless warriors, mentioning the Canglan Five Tigers, will think of their past record.

Invincible in the gods, this is not bragging.

Because of the hopeless breakthrough throughout their lives, they have devoted themselves to how to enhance their own strength.

In this way, their understanding of martial arts became more and more profound, and the cultivation of divine skills became more and more handy.

It is also the most holy realm, but their strength is far from comparable to the most holy realm.

However, the Canglan Five Tigers have been reluctant to believe that the vast chaotic void must have a solution.

In the end, they retreated from the rivers and lakes, traveled through the congenital realm, looking for the treasures of heaven and earth in order to break through.

Unexpectedly, the Canglan Wuhu disappeared for so long, because of the appearance of Canglan Castle.

"However, today, the major schools no longer fear the Canglan Five Tigers. Although their strength is strong, there are many powerful sacred realms in the major forces, such as my cousin's Xianjian Mountain Villa. Fairy swordsman, one person and one sword, defeated the gods of the whole world, the name has vaguely surpassed the five tigers of Canglan. "The guy called Blue Brother said with a smile.

Everyone echoed and nodded.

Only Fang Chen shook his head slightly. This guy was just a warrior who opened the heavens. He didn't understand anything, but he heard it.

However, just as Fang Chen was about to leave, he heard an interesting news.

"My cousin told me that the goal of Fairy Swordsman this time is the sword wood." Blue brother whispered.

"Sword Wood?"

At this moment, everyone was completely shocked.

"Brother Lan, is there a sword in the Canglan Castle?"

"I don't know very well, these are what my cousin told me." Blue brother said.

Fang Chen frowned slightly. He turned to look at Brother Blue, thinking for a moment, then walked to Brother Blue.

"You just said the sword wood?"

Fang Chen asked.

When Brother Lan saw this, he was a little displeased, staring at Fang Chen squintingly. Many martial artists around him also stared at Fang Chen.

"Why? Does what I say have anything to do with you?"

"I want to know everything about Jianzhimu." Fang Chen said.

"sorry, I do not know you."

After talking, Brother Blue turned his head and ignored Fang Chen.

"I don't want to repeat it a second time."

Fang Chen's voice was very heavy. When Brother Lan responded, he found that he had left the restaurant long ago and appeared in the wilderness.


Brother Lan looked at Fang Chen in horror and said, "What the **** are you doing?"

"Tell me all the information you know about Jian Zhimu." Fang Chen looked directly at Blue Brother.

Brother Lan shivered and plopped on his knees, begging for mercy: "This predecessor, you will spare me. I don't know any sword wood, I just bragging and drinking in the restaurant."

"Oh? So, your cousin was also fake at Xianjian Mountain Villa? Canglan Wuhu was also fake?" Fang Chen looked at Lan brother playfully.

Brother Blue shook his head desperately: "No, no, my cousin is really in Xianjian Mountain Villa, but it is not a guard I said, but a handyman. It is not clear whether the Canglan Five Tigers were born, I just listen to my watch Brother vaguely mentioned it. "

"You made up the news of Jianzhimu?"

"Yes, no, not ..."

Brother Lan looked at Fang Chen in horror, and his words were stuttering.

Fang Chen grabbed Blue Brother's neck and said in a deep voice, "Say, what the **** is going on?"

"Predecessors spared life, I said, I said. Not long ago, when I passed a remote alley, I heard two men in black talking about Jianzhimu, and also talking about Canglan Castle. Are linked together. "

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