Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2340: Shaking Canglan Castle

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"Is taboo magic?"

Fang Chen frowned, a little tiptoe, and leaned back a few steps lightly, pulling away from the world of heaven.

Great changes have taken place in the realm of the world at this moment. His head is grim, and it seems that it may explode at any time.

The blood flowed out of its seven tricks, which was terrifying.

His body was surrounded by a breath that made Fang Chen palpitate.

"What kind of breath is this?"

The warrior of the black world, majoring in fire system exercises, is domineering and fierce, and masculine and fierce.

However, at this moment in the world of heaven, the breath on his body is extremely soft and cold.


Jade Sky laughed wildly and looked at Fang Chen said: "No one in my age can force my Jade Sky to this level. This trick is what I used to challenge the 30th killer of the Holy List."

"Accept the punishment of our heaven."

The sky of the world shouted and said, "The sky will punish, the thousand years of ice, broken."


Suddenly, a body of thumb-sized ice appeared in the body of the realm of heaven, and when the voice of the realm of heaven fell, the ice instantly shattered.

What followed was a terrifying ice force that instantly attacked the surroundings.

A thousand miles away, it was directly frozen by ice.

"What means is this?"

Fang Chen's heart moved slightly, his dark eyes, staring at the sky of the world.

His method is obviously the ice system.

"How did he do it, the fire and ice coexist?"

It's a pity that the sky of the world didn't give him a chance, the violent ice power suddenly attacked, and Fang Chen was wrapped in a face-to-face.


Unexpectedly, Fang Chen's body was surrounded by the force of ice, and under the control of the world of heaven, it actually turned into an ice cube.

From outside the ice cube, I can see Fang Chen's frozen body clearly.

"Hahaha, how about your strength? At the end, it wasn't dead under the hands of our heaven."

The heaven of the world laughed.

"My mystery of ice is inherited from a superpower. Over the years, I have given up the fire skills of the Black Realm Sect and practiced this mystery of ice. It did not disappoint me. , The super-powerful man was right, the secret of the ice came out, and the realm was frozen.

Jiezhi Tian looked at Fang Chen and sneered: "Don't say it's you, even the most holy warrior, under my mystery of ice, can't resist. Unfortunately, my strength is too weak to play The strongest power of the mystery of ice. If I have the strength to contend with the top 20 of the holy list, even if it is the five tigers of Canglan, I am not afraid. "

The secret technique of ice is too precious.

Jie Tian knew his value, so he never dared to be exposed to the world.

He is waiting for an opportunity, waiting for an opportunity that will make him famous in one battle.

Unfortunately, Fang Chen's appearance disrupted his plan.

"With your cultivation practice, up to two breaths, the Yuanshen will be frozen, and then the body will shrink and die in pain."

Looking at Fang Chen in the ice cube, the sky of the world was grinning.

Ice cubes.

"It's a weird ice cold breath."

Fang Chen thought about it secretly, Wan Jian's field continued to shrink, wrapped around his body, barely resisting the invasion of ice.

However, he knew that, after a long time, the Wanjian field would definitely be broken.

Even Fang Chen had to sigh with emotion. The ice secret technique of the world of heaven was too incredible.

"If you want to break the ice seal, you need to break the face, but my body can't move, this is a problem." Fang Chen said slightly.

After a few breaths, Fang Chen's consciousness was somewhat blurred.

He knew that he couldn't wait any longer.

"Try Xuantiancone."

Fang Chen took Xuan Tiancong out and beat the ice.


Upon seeing this, Jietian's eyes widened, a little shocked.

The groundbreaking warrior is frozen and sticks to two breaths at most.

However, Fang Chen persisted for so long, and was still able to think about it.

"It's really a freak. If you are allowed to grow up, I will not be your opponent in the future. Unfortunately, you met the sky of my world."

At this moment, the heaven of the world is still very confident, Fang Chen will die without a doubt when the secret of ice is out.


Xuantian cone hit the ice, and pieces of broken ice fell off.

"has an effect."

Seeing this scene, Fang Chen was more motivated. Quickly smashing the ice cube, in a blink of an eye, the ice cube has been smashed out of a big hole.

At this time, Yuanshen recovered and his body was restored to freedom.


The physical strength shocked and shattered the broken ice cubes directly.

Fang Chen, who reappeared in front of Boundary Sky, looked at the former with a smile.

"How can it be?"

Jie Tiantian's body trembled, and looked at Fang Chen in despair.

"How can my mystery of ice be destroyed?"

Boundary Sky shook his head frantically and couldn't believe the facts in front of him.

"What are you doing now?"

Fang Chen stepped out in one step, and did not use the means of the ice secret technique to the heaven of the world, Xingyin sword was fiercely inserted into his head.


The world is dead.

In fact, Fang Chen thought about it. With the strength of the realm of heaven, he could only perform the Ice Mystery once at most.

If you want to show it again, you need to cultivate for a long time.

That's why he didn't want to use it easily.

If it is other means, it may really restrain Fang Chen.

It's a pity that it's a mystery of ice, frozen Fangchen?

What a joke? The grade of Xuantiancone is too high, too high, and it is not the ordinary people who can bear it even if it is smashed in the most brutal way.

What's more, it's a blockade?

Qi Ling was very prepared to find the weakness of the ice seal, and then broke the ice seal with a broken surface.

In fact, this is also a coincidence. If not, this ice secret technique is still very powerful.

Fang Chen took away the Xu Tianjie of Jie Tian and Jie Jie and others.


A few days later, Qi Qing of Thirty-two of the Holy Command came.

When he saw the body on the ground, he was horrified.

"The world of heaven is dead?"

This news, like the stormy waves, quickly spread throughout the Canglan Castle.

Fang Chen has once again become the object of everyone's attention.

Many people are asking. What is the sacred name of this guy named Fang Chen, who can actually kill the heaven of the world?

You should know that the heaven of the world is more than 50 strong men in the Holy List, and it can be slashed. This shows that Fang Chen's strength is enough to rank among the top 50 of the Holy List.

If it is outside, it will definitely cause a sensation in Canglan District.

"The destruction of the underworld sect and the whole family of the Jin family was done by Fang Chen alone."

"This guy is too brave? Has actually killed all the two top-ranking forces."

"I heard that this guy's practice is just to open up the ground."

"real or fake?"

For a time, in the Canglan Castle, the rumors spread.

Many strong men at the forefront of the holy list also began to pay attention to Fang Chen.

A place where the Gothic King is inherited.


The Canglan Five Tigers came out of them one after another and looked at each other with smiles on their faces.

"This time the harvest was not small, and I got the Goten token."

"Yeah, as long as you find the other two tokens, you can find the place where Master Canglan cultivated."

When the five tigers in Canglan were communicating, it was heard that Yu Pei sounded.

When they heard the news from Yu Pei, they were all surprised.

"A ground breaking, killing the heaven?"

"And also broke the Little Black Front and the Big Black Front with one's own strength?"

The face of Canglan Wuhu was full of unbelievable looks.

"If I can break the small black battle front, I still believe it, but I can't believe that a groundbreaking can break the **** battle front and kill it."

A few brothers, you said it to me.

The Canglan Wuhu boss narrowed his eyes and pondered.

After a long time, he waved his hand and said, "Maybe, is it true?"

"Boss, what do you mean?"

The other four brothers looked at the boss and asked in doubt.

The boss smiled, and his face was covered with gloomy colors, saying: "Why is the Black Realm Sect standing in the Canglan District and becoming a first-class force?"

"Of course it is the Great Black World Battlefield, otherwise, every Black World Sect has long been annexed."

"Boss, wouldn't you just think?"

The second son was smarter, guessing the boss's intention, and hurriedly asked.

The boss nodded and said: "The outside rumors are not necessarily false. The so-called hole does not come. The kid can break the little black battlefield, indicating that he has mastered a method. Maybe, he really has the strength to break What about the Great Black Front? "

"In any case, we will capture it, the method of cracking the Great Black Front, we Canglan five tigers have to decide."

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