Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2345: Mikino road

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Since its debut, Canglan Wuhu has been known for its strong strength.

Many Xuanshen in the Canglan District have said that if it was not that war that caused them to be hit hard and could not enter the level of the Xuanshen for life, their future would be limitless.

From that moment on, the character of Canglan Wuhu became lonely.

Along the way of martial arts, the pursuit of the peak is the dream of every martial artist.

Despair is the most painful thing.

For countless years, the Canglan Five Tigers have been looking for a solution, they are not reconciled.

They practiced to the extreme of the most holy realm, they can even sense the fuzzy level of the mysterious god, but they can't step in. This is the most painful thing.

Since they occupied the top five in the holy list, they have never fallen out.

Even if they disappeared for so long, the top five rankings in the Holy List have not changed.

From this point, we can see how many of the strong mysteries of the mysterious gods in the Canglan District are optimistic about the Canglan Five Tigers.

They are almost invincible in the heavenly gods. If the five people join forces, even the mysterious **** of the Xuantian Realm can fight.

This is why the Canglan five tigers came back and shocked the Canglan district.

After the comeback, the Canglan Five Tigers used Canglan Castle as their only opportunity and did not allow anyone to destroy it.

They never miss what they want.

What is the palace? If the master of the palace is not dead, they may be afraid.

But now, it can be seen from the expression of the Canglan Five Tigers boss.

"Okay, get in."

The old five laughed aloud, and his whole body was violent, ready to start.

"Do it yourself."

The boss snorted, his palms waved, and a blazing light burst into the air.

At the same time, the other four also started.

The five sun-like rays converged in the void, and then formed a huge and trembling ball.


The ball struck hard against the palace.


The defense around the palace was disintegrated instantly, and cracks appeared on the walls.

Within the palace, the housekeeper was furious.


With a wave of the palm of the housekeeper, he controlled the crumbling palace, and immediately he was angry.


The butler rushed out of the palace and stood over the palace, looking down at the Canglan Five Tigers.

"Are you the steward of the palace?"

The housekeeper's illusory figure was just a trace of remnant, which could not intimidate the Canglan Five Tigers.

"Your five cubs, dare to attack the palace, do you want to die?" The butler shouted angrily.

"It's not just a ray of remnant, just come to kill us with patience." Canglan Wuhu boss said slightly.


The housekeeper stood above the palace, waving his palms, and countless weapons appeared instantly in the sky.

These weapons are all open-level weapons.

The butler's wrist shook, and the dense weapons suddenly rushed towards the Canglan Five Tigers like arrows.

Ding Ding Ding!

The body of the Canglan Five Tigers quickly retreated, and a red glow emerged from their bodies, resisting all these weapons.


The butler drank again, and the blocked weapons returned to the sky above his head.

"this is……"

When Canglan Wuhu stabilized his figure, the boss's face slightly changed.

A trace of surprise flashed through his dark eyes.

"Roy of the Imperial Guard?"

"Boss, what is the way of imperial guards?" The second child asked curiously.

The butler above the palace, with a sneer, dark eyes, staring fiercely at the Canglan Five Tigers.

If it were not for him to leave the palace, he would have beheaded the five ants.

Damn it, these five guys dare to attack the palace, which is a great disrespect to the master.

"Knowing that it is the way of imperial guards, don't you get away quickly? If you dare to commit crimes, I will definitely kill you all." The butler said coldly, and quickly slipped into the palace.

Immediately, the defense around the palace was established again.


Seeing this, the other four whispered.

They are waiting for the boss's order, but the boss has been silent for a long time.

"We underestimated the owner of this palace."

Cang Qing said.

Canglan five tigers, the boss named Cang Qing, the second named Canghe, the third named Cangsan, the fourth named Canggu, and the old five named Cang Jinhan.

"The way of imperial guards, the legendary way of imperial guards."

Cang Qing was well-informed and recognized at a glance that the steward's approach was the legendary imperial guard.

The other four brothers are still unclear, looking at Cang Qing curiously.

"Boss, please tell your brothers quickly, what is the way of imperial guards, isn't it simply to control the weapons to attack the enemy?" The second child Canghe said.

"Yes, we can also have a few brothers in the way of imperial soldiers, but there are not many weapons controlled by the housekeeper at one time." Lao Sancang said three times.

Canggu and Cangjinhan gazed at the boss, and intuitively told them that the way of imperial guards was not as simple as they thought.

"Have you ever heard of Sovereign Soldiers?"

Suddenly, Cang Qing asked.

"Sovereign Bingwu? Of course I have heard, who doesn't know Sovereign Bingwu within the stars?" Cang He said. "Boss, you won't tell us that the master of this palace is the heir to the military and military venerable?"

He did not dare to think that the master of the palace was a venerable soldier, because it was really terrifying.

Cang Qing shook his head and said, "The master of the palace is not a venerable soldier, but it is related to a venerable soldier."

"Boss, do you mean that the soldiers and soldiers of the year, the way they repaired, is the way of the imperial soldiers?" Lao Si Canggu asked hurriedly.

Cang Qingdao said: "According to legend, the soldiers and martial arts masters were so powerful that they reached almost invincible status. They were the most unwilling to be provoked by many powerful men. The way he created the imperial guards was not simply to control weapons, but Communicate weapons with your heart and treat weapons as part of yourself. "

"Supposedly, the ultimate way of imperial guarding is to control all weapons at will. As long as one thought, the entire chaotic void weapon can be used by oneself. Unfortunately, even the poor soldiers of the military and martial arts have never achieved this. the height of."

After listening to Cang Qing, the four brothers shook their hearts.

"Communicate weapons with your mind and make weapons a part of yourself, is that too exaggerated? No wonder the respected soldiers and soldiers at that time were able to deter many powerful men." Cang Jinhan grinned, and his heart was greatly impacted.

"What is this? Bingwu Zunwu's perception of the way of the royal soldiers has reached a very high level. It is said that the weapons he controls and the attack power erupted are comparable to his own deity." Cang Qing said.

"Isn't this a hand, fighting against the Bingwu Zun, actually not fighting him alone, but fighting countless him?"

What a joke, how do you win this?

The four brothers shook their hearts and were full of interest in the way of imperial guards.

"Boss, did the housekeeper just show the way of imperial soldiers?" The second child Canghe said greedily.

"The housekeeper is in the palace and occupies the right place. Although his way of imperial defense is not too strong, it is not something we can resist. No need to pay attention to him, we can't get the imperial defense from him. "Boss Cang Qing said.

"Hey, boss, we can't get it from the housekeeper, but we can get it from others." Cang San grinned.

The purpose of their trip is Fang Chen, listening to what He Xiao said, the former should have been inherited by the master of the palace.

Wouldn't it be easier for him to obtain the way of imperial guards?

"Leave here for the time being, otherwise if you scare the kid, you will never be out of trouble." Cang Qing said.

The other four brothers nodded, "Anyway, the palace is here and can't run away. I heard that the inheritance of the Imperial Beast Master has also been born. For a while, first collect the three princes and Cang Yuanzhu. "

After a brief discussion, Canglan Wuhu left.

In the palace, the housekeeper's face grew darker.

The five tigers in Canglan discovered his way of imperial guards. They didn't have to think about it. If Fang Chen left, he would definitely be pursued by them.

"Oh, it's me who has caused you trouble."

The housekeeper sighed, shook his head, and disappeared into the clouds.

On the square, Fang Chen is still refining weapons.

On the huge square, there are a lot of open-grade weapons, with different ranks.

These are from the hands of Fang Chen.


After the refining of a weapon, Fang Chen looked at his weapon with joy, very excited.

"It is finally possible to refine the middle class Kaitian weapon."

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