Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2349: Yashan

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"Fang Chen is on Canglan Mountain, hurry up."

"You few, block Canglan Mountain, don't let this guy run away."

"This is an opportunity. If this guy is captured, He Xiao will definitely give us a reward."

While Fang Chen was contemplating, suddenly heard some voices.

Immediately afterwards, countless sounds of breaking air came, and a group of martial warriors from the Holy Land reached the top of Canglan Mountain.

"Sure enough here."

The head of the person, after seeing Fang Chen, a flash of joy flashed in his eyes.

He immediately transmitted a voice to He Xiao, informing the latter that Fang Chen was on Canglan Mountain.

"Boy, after three years of being a tortoise, has it finally appeared?"

The headed person looked at Fang Chen and said disdainfully.

Fang Chen froze for a moment, but when he heard the word He Xiao, he probably already guessed it.

"Have you sent him ... Are you running dogs?" Fang Chen asked calmly.

"You ... huh, it's time to die, and dare to talk hard, believe it or not, I will destroy you in minutes?"

"If it weren't for He Xiao who ordered us to live, you would have died."

The head of the most holy warrior is the cliff mountain of the 27th in the holy list. The group of most holy warriors behind him are the elders of the Black Cliff Sect.

Looking at Yashan, Fang Chen frowned slightly.

Is He Xiao so vengeful? Is he provoking himself?

He glanced at Yashan lightly, and then said: "Well, even if He Xiao came here, he wouldn't dare to talk to me like that. What are you guys?"

Fang Chen's attitude is very arrogant, and he has nothing to look at. He does not take Yashan and others in his eyes at all.

After hearing this, Yashan was about to laugh.

This is the first time he has seen such an ignorant person. In front of him, he dare to say such a thing.

"I'm curious, who gave you the courage to dare to talk to me like this?" Yashan chuckled and said: "Break the Great Black Realm battle line of the Black Realm Sect? Kill the sky of the realm?"

"Can you break the Great Black Front?" Fang Chen asked rhetorically.

Yashan was speechless and anxiously said: "Well, what's so great about breaking the Great Black Front, maybe you used some shameless method to crack, what do you pretend to be in front of my Yashan?"

Behind Yashan, an elder stepped forward and walked in front of Fang Chen with great force. He said, "Yashan, what is this nonsense with this kind of person, let me capture him and wait for He Xiao to arrive."

Their Black Cliff Sect cooperated with He Xiao to get what they needed.

"Boy, the old man doesn't want to kill, just obediently grabs his hand." Elder Hei Yazong's Most Holy Realm stared at Fang Chendao.

"You said what I said." Fang Chen said: "The same thing, I will give it to you, knelt down and gave the young man me three knocks, then rolled down Canglan Mountain, never let me see it again To you, otherwise, I do n’t mind **** your head down to kick the ball. "


This elder in the Holy Land flashed a cold color in his eyes.

"Do you know what you are talking about?" Elder Sacred Realm said.

"You know, when you call grandpa on your knees, then roll down Canglan Mountain." Fang Chen repeated it.

Finally, the people of Heiya Sect were completely shocked.

"Huzi, Hugh is going to be rampant."

The previous elder in the Holy Land, the whole body was agitated, punched with a punch.

The fist pierced the sky, like a meteor, slamming into Fang Chen, and the violent force swept through the air, extremely suppressed.


At the same time, the elders of Sacred Realm were on the tip of their toes, and appeared ghostly in front of Fang Chen, wanting to give Fang Chen a fatal blow.

However, just as his fist was about to bombard Fang Chen, something surprising happened.

Fang Chen disappeared.

"Where did you go?"

Elders in the Most Holy Realm looked around to find Fang Chen's trail.

"Are you looking for me?"

Suddenly, Fang Chen's voice passed into the ears of Elder Holy Land.

The latter was shocked in his heart, and immediately punched with a punch.

However, it is too late.


The domineering power, crowning the heavenly dome, Fang Chen's fist, struck **** the head of the elder of Sacred Realm.


The head shattered and blood splattered.

The sound of thunder rolled in the air, and the breath of shock shook away.

There was silence in the whole Canglan Mountain.

Yashan, who was originally full of mocking smiles, stiffened in an instant.

An elder in the most holy realm, just died like this?

He looked at Fang Chen's eyes, full of dignity.

Now he has to reexamine Fang Chen.

Is this guy really scared? Still pretending?

A warrior who broke the ground in the midst of the ground, and punched out to the most holy warrior? How can this be?

Yashan was puzzled, and the elder Heiyazong behind him was furious.

"Damn, dare to kill our Elder Heiyazong, you are dead."

"Boy, take your life."


Yashan regained its calm, looking at Fang Chen with a complicated look, and said in a deep voice.


The elders of the Black Cliff Sect were not reconciled, and their hot eyes looked towards the Yashan Mountain.

"You are not his opponent, let me come." Ya Shan said: "Elder Hei Yazong, after all, can't die in vain."

Seeing this, Fang Chen sneered.

"Are you sure you want to shoot?" Fang Chen asked.

Yashan's heart actually gave birth to a trace of fear.

"No, his strength is not very strong. Just with that punch, he must have accumulated body strength. With such a super attack, he can't show it for the second time." Yashan struggled inwardly.

A moment later, Yashan raised his eyes, and the dark eyes looked at Fang Chen, saying: "Fang Chen, I have to admit that your strength is very strong, beyond my imagination, but you killed me Black Cliff Zongren, this matter cannot be stopped. "

"So?" Fang Chen's eyelids didn't lift.

"So, you're going to die."

Yashan's voice fell and jumped, his body in the sky, as if transformed into a cheetah, carrying the power of terror, rushed to Fang Chen with amazing speed.

"The end of the world, the ground."

The sound of Lang Lang came from Yashan's mouth.

Suddenly, the feet of Yashan suddenly rose, just like the barefoot fairy in the myths and legends of the earth, one foot stepped towards Fang Chen.

On the top of Canglan Mountain, the elders of the Black Cliff Sect were very excited.

"I didn't expect Yashan to actually practice the mysterious law to this level. It was really amazing."

"Yeah, this foot step is enough to step on the top 50 or so strong players, and Fang Chen is not afraid."

"What is this? If I guess well, Yashan has already practiced this secret method to a very high level. If both feet are stepped on, even He Xiao, dare not resist it head-on?"

"My Black Cliff Sect has Cliff Mountain, why don't you worry about rising in the future?"

"Fang Chen is the stepping stone to the Yashan Mountain this time."

For a time, the elders of the Black Cliff Sect, with joy on their faces.

As soon as Yashan came up, he exhibited the secret technique of Black Cliff Sect, and they were very happy.


Fang Chen's face was calm, without any expression. It seemed that Yashan's attack could not raise his interest at all.

In the void, Yashan controlled his left foot and stepped hard.

During the dive, the soles of the foot kept rising, blinking, and the left sole was as big as a hill.

"Pretend to act, if you step on this foot, you will definitely die."

Yashan sneered and continued to step up to Fang Chen.

"Trick and worm skills."

Fang Chen urged the body of Wan Jian at the fifth level, and the violent force surrounded his body, raising his own defense to the extreme.

At the same time, the field of Wan Jian also quietly opened.

"I can't even break through my defenses and try to kill me?"

Fang Chen sneered, his face full of ridicule.

At this moment, the foot of the hill stepped on him fiercely.


The force of terror formed a layer of ripples, which quickly rippled, causing the entire Canglan Mountain to tremble.

The elders of the Black Cliff Sect were also staggering, so they finally stabilized their bodies.

"Are you dead?"

The elders looked down under the hill-like feet and could see nothing, thinking that Fang Chen was dead.

However, the miserable cry came suddenly.


The hill-like feet of Yashan flew into the sky, and even flew out with Yashan's body.


In the process, a touch of blood reflected the void into red.

The bright red touched the entire void.

That's ... the blood of Yashan.

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