Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2361: level one

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After the surprise, Fang Chen's heart gradually calmed down.

Over the past few years, Canglan Castle has seen all kinds of incredible magic.

I gradually became aware of the various means of the heavens, the magical effects of Ziyan Linglong Flower. Although it shocked him, it quickly returned to calm.

What he was really excited about was whether Yuanshen could reach the Eight Yuan Realm and could control the Imperial Beast Tower.

"Master, you release your consciousness and envelope the Yu Beast Tower. When the Yu Beast Tower opens, you can drop a drop of essence blood into it." Qi Ling reminded.

Fang Chen nodded, carefully releasing a powerful consciousness, shrouded above the Beast Tower.


The Great Beast Tower changed a lot when it felt that the soul power was wrapped.

From the struggle at the beginning, to the absorption of soul power in the later period.


After a while, a green light appeared on the first floor of the Imperial Beast Tower.

"at this time."

Fang Chen seized the opportunity, opened his mouth, and a drop of essence blood quickly ejected into the emerald green light.


Yu Beast Tower is constantly struggling, as if to break away from Fang Chen's control.


The emerald green light outside the Yu Beast Tower gradually disappeared, and finally the entire Yu Beast Tower returned to calm.

"Has it failed?"

Seeing this scene, Fang Chen looked somber and muttered to himself.

"I was too whimsical, how could such powerful treasures as the Royal Beast Tower be so easy to control?" Fang Chen shook his head and said to himself.

Immediately, he prepared to include the Imperial Beast Tower in the Sumiya ring.

However, at this moment, the calm Imperial Beast Tower suddenly changed.


The Yu Beast Tower shook, and Fang Chen's body also shivered.

Immediately after that, Fang Chen's eyes widened and he stared at the Yu Beast Tower.

"How could this happen? I feel like I have such a weak connection with the Imperial Beast Tower."

Thinking of this, Fang Chen was ecstatic.

"Did you make it?"

Fang Chen shouted excitedly, he tried to control the Imperial Beast Tower.


The first floor of the Imperial Beast Tower opened abruptly.

Fang Chen's divine consciousness went directly into it.

On the first floor of the empty Imperial Beast Tower, there is only a huge black three-eyed bear king lying on the ground.

"In the Beast Tower."

Fang Chen's face was full of excitement, and he saw the three-eyed bear king at a glance.

"Huh? Why is there a circle of emerald green on the head of the Three-eyed Bear King?"

Fang Chen was puzzled, but soon understood.

When his divine consciousness entered the Beast Tower, a series of messages penetrated into his mind.

Among them is the introduction of this emerald green light.

The Beast Tower is a monster of heaven and earth, capable of absorbing all monsters and beasts.

This emerald green light is a contract. When the monster was sucked into the Yushou Tower, it had already signed a contract with the Yushou Tower.

Eternity shall not betray the owner of the Imperial Beast Tower, unless the Imperial Beast Tower breaks apart and the owner's soul is scattered.

"It turns out so."

Fang Chen clenched his fists, eyes hot.

It felt more and more that the Imperial Beast Tower was an ancient wonder.

"the host."

The sleeping three-eyed bear king was awakened by Fang Chen, raised his head, and shouted at Fang Chen.

Fang Chen nodded with satisfaction and said, "Is there only you in this first layer?"

"Back to the master, there is only me on the first floor of the Royal Beast Tower, but I can feel that there should be other monsters on the second and third floors."

After hearing the words, Fang Chen gave birth to a trace of waves.

The Beast Tower has seven floors in total, and each floor represents a realm.

The first layer can suppress the Xuantian Realm monster, the second layer can suppress the Xuanqi Realm monster, and so on.

According to the three-eyed bear king, there are living monsters on the second and third floors.

Doesn't it mean that as long as you open the second floor, you can have a mysterious monster beast as a servant.

If you open the third floor, there will be a Xuanxing Realm monster to drive yourself?

Thinking of this, Fang Chen couldn't help laughing.

However, soon, he realized a little.

It is so difficult to open the first floor, how difficult it is to open the second floor.

"Forget it, don't want this anymore, take a step by step." Fang Chendao, then he looked at the Three-eyed Bear King Road: "You are practicing here, and I will call you when I need you."

"Willing to serve the master."

The powerful three-eyed bear king is subdued by Fang Chen's tamed clothing.

This is the power of the Imperial Beast Tower.

After coming out of the Imperial Beast Tower, Fang Chen was very happy.

With the three-eyed bear king in the Imperial Beast Tower, even if you meet the mysterious **** of the level of Xuantian Realm, you can fight.

"It's time to go out."

Looking up at the void, the darkness and void around him kept falling away.

In a blink of an eye, Fang Chen returned to the Canglan Palace.

On the ground, blood stains were mottled, and countless corpses fell in the pool of blood.

Fang Chen frowned, and he could imagine how fierce the struggle in the Canglan Palace had been in the past six months.


Walking out of the Canglan Palace, I suddenly felt countless hot eyes.

"He came out, he really came out."

"Did he get the inheritance of Sovereign Canglan?"

"It's too powerful, and since then, it is no longer a dream for the fighters to resist the Profound God."

Many surviving warriors were excited.

He Shan hurriedly came to Fang Chen and clenched his fists: "Congratulations to Fang Brother, he has inherited the Clan Lan."

Seeing Heshan, Fang Chen nodded slightly.

He was able to conquer the Three-eyed Bear King, and Heshan also did a lot of work.

Frightened, a ray of light penetrated into He Shan's mind, the latter wanted to avoid, but after feeling the information in the light, his face was ecstatic.

"Thank you Fang brother, if there is a place where Heshan can be used in the future, he will die in spite of his mouth." Heshan clenched his fists.

"Why, this is what you deserve." Fang Chen said.

What he gave to Heshan was just some other inheritance left by His Holiness Canglan, which was not important to him at all.

Give Heshan, not only to buy people's hearts, but also to make good with the forces behind Heshan, why not do it?

Fang Chen's eyes swept the people, and finally fell on the Yumanlou people.

"Fairy, your strength has improved again."

Fang Chen said with a smile.

Fairy Yuhua heard the words and froze for a moment, then a look of helplessness appeared on her face, and her red lips lightly said: "I dare not compare with the first genius of the holy list."

Many strong people in Yumanlou saw this, and they were secretly happy.

It seems that the relationship between Yuhua Fairy and Fang Chen is good, and there is a chance to draw this child.

After talking to Yuhua Fairy for a few words, Fang Chen waved his hand and said, "Everyone, the trip to Canglan Castle is over. It's time to leave."

Fang Chen's voice just fell, and suddenly Canglan Castle vibrated.

At the next moment, above the sky dome, a gate of void appeared.

Countless warriors poured into the gate of the void.


The Jin Family united with the Black Cliff Sect, and all the members of the Black Realm Sect, have already arrived at the gate of the Immortal Sect.

"Master Ziyue, is this your hospitality?"

The owner of the Jin family said coldly.

Beside it, the Black Cliff Sect Master and the Black Realm Sect Master also released their powerful breath at the same time, forcing Ziyue Master.


Master Ziyue thought for a moment and invited everyone to the meeting hall.

Along the way, the three heads of the Jin family looked around and secretly looked at Yingyue Xianzong.

It is rumored that there is a peerless strongman in the Shadow Moon Immortal Sect who secretly shelters.

Many Xuantian Realm strongmen came to Shadowmoon Immortal Sect and did not get any benefits.

"What a weird formation, it seems that the rumors are true." The head of the Jin family thought secretly.

In the meeting hall.

"I don't know if the three of you came to Yingyue Xianzong, what is your job?" Ziyue Master said straight away.

"Princess Ziyue, I heard that your Shadow Moon Immortal Sect is developing rapidly. Our three major Zongmen deliberately led many elders to discuss with Guizong."

"Yes, this discussion is based on the elders of Xuantian Realm level." Sect Master Heiya also said with a smile.

Hearing the words, Master Ziyue's face was solemn.

Although Shadow Moon Immortal Sect has developed rapidly in recent years, the number of Xuantian Realm Warriors is ultimately very small, but it is no match for the three major schools.

"Three people, what is the meaning of the light warrior of the Xuantian Realm? For example, let the Huntian God communicate with each other? After all, the Huntian God is the base of our major gates." Ziyue said with a smile.

"Okay, just what you say."

"Yes, nine people in the most holy realm level, three people in the Xuantian realm level."

"It's more fun to compete like this? Why don't we bet a little bit of luck?"

The three looked at Master Ziyue playfully.

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