Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2375: British attack

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Fang Chen Wudao talent evil spirits, but the array of talent is not weak.

He is a top-level formation master, and can easily arrange the top-level formation array.

It is enough to teach a disciple.


When Fang Chen said this, Yingxiu blinked and asked curiously.

"Of course it is true." Fang Chen rubbed Yingxiu's little head.

During his contact with Yingxiu, he regarded the latter as his own sister.

Yingxiu is not deeply involved in the world and does not understand the brutality of Budo.

After obtaining Yingxiu's consent, Fang Chen taught Yingxiu some of his thoughts on the battlefield.

The latter began to retreat in the other court, and every once in a while, Fang Chen would give some advice.

Three days later, Fang Chen got his weapon as he wished.

"Chaotic level."

Fang Chen's heart shook, the best Lingtian level and the chaotic level, although there is only one step difference, but the gap between them is really too big.

"Black Zhenjin."

Fang Chen could clearly feel that the breath of Heizhen Jin surrounded the Xingyin sword.

"Your weapon is quite good. The process of smelting the black vibrating gold is very easy." Master Lei Lei laughed: "Now he is only inferior to the realm of chaos, but he can play the middle class. Fighting power. "

The power of middle-class chaotic weapons is unimaginable.

"That is to say, with your current strength, if you urge the chaotic air-level weapons to resist the attack of the Xuanqi Realm Warrior," said Lei Ge Pai main road.

Wen Yan's face was full of excitement.

Hard to resist the attack of the Xuanqi Realm Warrior, does it not mean that he already has the power of preliminary self-preservation.

"You do n’t have to be too happy. Your strength is too weak after all. If you let the outside world know that you have a chaos-level weapon, it ’s okay in my thunder city. No one dares to chaos. If you are elsewhere, you Just wait for being chased by thousands of people. "

Master Lei Lei reminded.

Although Xingyin Sword can resist the attack of Xuanqi Realm Warrior, it does not mean that Fang Chen can defeat Xuantian Realm Warrior.

It can only be said that in front of the Xuantian Realm Warrior, one can calmly protect oneself.

As for defeat, it is impossible.

Unless, he can step into the most holy realm and strip the universe inside out of the body.

"Thank you senior."

Fang Chen thanked with a fist. He was also a refining master, knowing that it was not easy to melt Heizhen Jin.

"Okay, let's go back. After this smelting, I probably estimated that it takes three years to refine a whole set of armor." Master Lei Ge said: "In these three years, you won't be using me I will look for you in three years. "

After chatting with Master Lei Lei for a while, Fang Chen retreated.

In the thunder city, on a certain street.

"Do you know the person just now?"

Someone asked.

"Know, I am afraid that in the whole city of thunder, no one does not know him?"

The other person pouted.

"Oh? This brother, I just came here, I don't know if you can tell me in detail?" The previous man asked with a smile.

"This man's name is Fang Chen, and he is the only warrior who has received a permanent residence token for hundreds of years. The warriors of the entire Thunder City know him."

"It turns out so."

Soon, the burly man came quietly to a courtyard.

Later, he said to the warrior sitting on the stone bench: "Elder, it has been determined that Fang Chen is in this thunder city, and he also received a permanent residence token."


Upon hearing this, Elder Yinglong turned around with a dignified color on his face.

"How did he get the permanent token?"

"It is said that he gave a piece of sword wood, and he was summoned by the Master of Lei Lei Pavilion." The burly man whispered.

Elder Yinglong heard the words and fell into silence.

A long time later, he raised his head, a complex look flashed in his eyes, and immediately took out the summoning Yu Pei, and immediately summoned it to the Ying Family in Jingyun District.

Elder Yinglong is the warrior sent by the British to find Fang Chen.

After communicating with Ying Yuanxiong for a moment, Elder Yinglong nodded slightly, and then said: "Give me close attention to Fang Chen's movements. If you have the opportunity, immediately shoot."

"Yes, elder."


Because she doesn't like to be disturbed, Fang Chen's other courtyard is relatively remote, on the edge of the Thunder City.

There are few buildings here and few warriors.

At night, the sky is dark.

In the other courtyard where Fang Chen is located, Yingxiu closed his eyes and felt the formation together.

Fang Chen is playing with the Xingyin sword, and after reaching the chaos level, the spirit of the instrument grows more and more.

Four special attributes, more arrogant.

Just with the power of a single sword, it is possible to break through the physical defense of the warrior of the Xuantian Realm. One can imagine how powerful it is.

"It is worthy of chaos-level weapons. I can feel that the Xingyin sword contains huge power. Once the sword is hacked, the Galaxy universe will be wiped out?"

With a happy face on his face, he carefully looked at the Xingyin sword.


Suddenly, a slight voice came from the void.

Fang Chen turned his head to look, a flash of cold murderous intention flashed in his eyes.

He arranged a superb open-level array around the other courtyard. Although he had no killing power, he could easily sense that the warrior was approaching.

"One Xuantian Realm, three pinnacles of the Holy Realm?"

Fang Chen's consciousness spread, and found the British family in an instant.

"The people of the British family really don't lose their souls."

A cold killing intention appeared in his heart, glancing at the Yingxiu who was practicing, Fang Chen stepped out and stepped into the void.

So far, the practice of time and space collapse has reached the point of perfection.

"Elder Yinglong."

"This shot must be quick and quick, otherwise, it will attract the attention of the Lei Lei Ge, and we will be in trouble."

This is the city of Lei Lei, and the British family has no influence, nor dare to offend Lei Lei Pavilion.

"Relax elder, you are the main attack. The three of us surrounded him to prevent escape."

"It's just a warrior who breaks the ground. Rumors say that he forced the head of the dragon to be cut back, but it is also a rumor after all, not at all true."

"That is, if he has such patience, he would have been drawn by the forces of Congenital Realm."

Elder Yinglong's consciousness was carefully released and quietly enveloped the other courtyard.


Elder Yinglong discovered Yingxiu, who was surrounded by a slight line of breath.

"She's practicing formation together?"

His eyes stayed on Yingxiu for a second, and then he turned away.

"After waiting to kill the thief, personally **** the traitor to the Black Thunder family." Elder Yinglong thought to himself.

He searched the entire other courtyard, but found no trace of Fang Chen.

"What's going on? He's clearly back."

Elder Yinglong had a strange feeling in his heart.

Just then, a faint voice passed into his ears.

"Are you looking for me?"


Elder Yinglong's breath rose sharply, without looking at it, he punched out with a punch.


Fang Chen pulled out the Xingyin sword and laid it across his chest, resisting the punch of Elder Yinglong.

The two were suspended in mid-air, looking at each other.

"Don't look for it, the three of them have been solved by me." Fang Chen grinned.


Elder Yinglong was shocked.

With his eyelids lowered, the three Sacred Realm Warriors were quietly resolved?

"How is it possible? How did he do it? Did he hide his strength?"

The dark eyes of Elder Yinglong stared at Fang Chen, "You killed all three of them?"

"It's ridiculous. Did your British family send someone to kill me? Are you not ready to be killed?" Fang Chen said lightly.

They did not have any affection for the British family, and now they actually sent someone to kill Leicheng.

In this case, it is necessary to do a good sense of being killed.

"Boy, the Black Thunder family wants you to die, and my Ying family will not let you go.

Elder Yinglong snorted, his figure flashed, his violent power roared, and he wanted to fight quickly.


After fierce fighting together, Elder Yinglong was shocked to find.

No matter how violently he attacks, the latter can always easily resist.

"No, there is a problem with his sword."

Finally, Elder Yinglong discovered something was wrong, but it was too late.

Their fighting atmosphere is too huge, and it has alarmed the Lei Lei Pavilion.


The powerful Lei Ge Pavilion instantly descended in Fang Chen's other courtyard.

"Where is the thief, dare to thrive in my thunder city?"

"I am the elder of British parents ..."

Before the elder Yinglong had finished speaking, he was killed by an elder with a profound atmosphere.


The body of Elder Yinglong turned into ashes.

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