Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2623: Clan reaction

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Void Clan.


Many elders came to the garden side by side, and they looked at the Void Patriarch with a searing gaze.

The latter knew what they were going to do, gently shook his head and sighed, "Don't you understand? Fang Chen's wings are already abundant, and the forces behind him are enough to fight against the current clan."

The five major ethnic groups in the world are independent and do not interfere with each other.

Unless the chaotic void has a major crisis, they will jointly shoot.

Moreover, two of them are not human.

In terms of how to say, Fang Chen also belongs to the human race, and the stronger the Xiu Luo Jianzong, the more beneficial to the human race.

"That being said, but have you considered the patriarch, where did the heavenly strong man behind Fang Chen come from, and where did the ancient **** strong man come from?" Said the elder, "and he established the Shura sword sect , He Juxin, is it really for my humanity? "

All problems need to be solved.

The Patriarch of the Void Clan spread his hands and said: "Now it is useless to say that if Xiuluo Jianzong dares to do things that are harmful to Chaos Void, the current clan will not let him go."

"As for what you think in your heart, I guess those Heavenly Venerables should come from Dongxie Mountain." The Void Patriarch continued.

Because, thirty years ago, the demon patriarch and the dark patriarch had entered the Dongsong Mountain in person, and after they came out, there was a news.

There is an ancient **** in Dongxie Mountain.

"I don't know who the ancient **** really is. He supports Fang Chen to establish the Xiuluo Jianzong, what exactly does it mean." The elder said in a deep voice.

In the final analysis, I still don't believe Fang Chen.

However, this is the end.

The current tribes have bowed their heads and recognized the Xiuluo Jianzong, they said it would be useless no matter how much.

"Three months later, Xiuluo Jianzong officially opened the mountain, and you sent me a gift on behalf of the Void Clan." The Patriarch of the Void Clan finished and disappeared.

In the Void Clan, after hearing Fang Chen's news, Xu Zichen's heart was filled with a complex look.

He kept shaking his head and couldn't believe the facts in front of him.

The guy who used to break through the mountains with him has actually grown to this point.

He thought he was the youngest generation in this generation of Xuan Bang who first stepped into the realm of Xuan Shen.

However, he has now found that even with his whole life, he can't catch up with the pace of Shangchen, which makes him somewhat overshadowed.

Fight against Tianzun and establish the sixth largest clan.

Every piece of news, like thunder, hit him hard in the heart.

"Why so?"

Suddenly, a voice came, and then the sound of footsteps came into his ears.

Xu Zichen didn't turn his head, he knew that the person coming was the patriarch.

"Your talent is not weak, it's just that you are not confident." The void clan chief said.

In the past, Xu Zichen was very confident, but since Fang Chen stood out, he became less confident.

"You are different from his way. You are walking in the void. In the future, you are destined to become the chaotic void strong." Seeing that Xu Zichen was still confused, the void patriarch continued: "Fang Chen has strong potential, saying he is The strongest arrogance in history has never been better. If you compare it with him, it will naturally be hit. But this does not mean anything. If your void together is perfect, it will certainly be able to fame the void, and may even set foot on the ancient god. "

Xu Zichen's eyes flickered.

"Isn't the purpose of our practice to step into the realm of the ancient gods?" Said the patriarch of the Void Clan: "He is now the master of a sect and has a lofty status, but does it not mean that he can certainly enter the level of the ancient gods?"

"If you want to make up for the gap between you, try your best to practice. When you step into the ancient **** and look back on the past in a world of disdain, wouldn't it be wonderful?"

After listening to the patriarch's words, Xu Zichen's dull eyes clearly showed a touch of excitement.

His heart beats faster, his body exudes a confident look, and his breath continues to soar.

Yeah, why should I care about others?

As long as I do n’t do it myself?

What is a brief failure? Look farther, and step into the realm of ancient gods than anyone else.

Thinking of this, Xu Zichen grinned, and his mind changed a lot.

suddenly see the light.


Xu Zichen laughed, he was happy that he had such a strong opponent of the same period.

Whenever I think of him, I can constantly motivate myself to move forward.

"Thank you patriarch for enlightenment."

Xu Zichen thanked with clenched fists, a sweet smile on his face.

"I want to open it?" Said the Void Chief.

"I've thought about it. Since this is already the case, why do I have to struggle with it?" Xu Zichen said: "I will use him as an opponent to spur myself and try to move forward."

The head of the Void Clan nodded with satisfaction: "You can think about it like this, go, the Void Mantra in the Bookstore, please refer to it."

"Void Truth?"

After hearing this, Xu Zichen was overwhelmed with panic, immediately ecstatic.


After seeing the patriarch nod, Xu Zichen shouted excitedly, and immediately flew to the bookstore.

"This is a golden age of prosperity, and arrogance comes out. I hope you will be able to reach the top and look down on the world." The Void Patriarch murmured.

At the same time, the Thunder Punishment Clan and the Jihad Clan happened the same thing as the Void Clan.

Thunder punishment, the jihadists, and the warriors of the Xuanbang strongman who used to be in the same period as Fang Chen suffered a great impact in their hearts.

However, after all, they are the most dazzling arrogance of the chaotic void.

After a short period of mentoring, he quickly rejuvenated.

All aim to surpass Fang Chen, and work harder and diligently.

As for the dark blood clan and the demon clan, the atmosphere is completely different.

Darkness, death and blood, this is the main theme of the two major ethnic groups.

The two major ethnic groups and Fang Chen are dead enemies. In any case, they are not willing to let Fang Chen continue to live.

However, based on the current situation, it is not realistic to want to deal with Fang Chen blatantly.

Therefore, the two patriarchs gathered together and negotiated countermeasures with each other.

Void sky.

With the help of Qinghou, Promise Sword Sect became more prosperous and powerful.

It has truly become the overlord of the virtual star sky, and no one can shake it.

"Brother Qing, great."

Jian Wuji exclaimed.

Qinghou just refined a sword puppet and gave it to the latter.

"Sect Master, after my improvement, this sword puppet has the power of Xuanxing Realm." Qinghou said: "This precious sword puppet can be regarded as the treasure of Zhenzong of the Promise Sword Sect.

"Hahaha." Jian Wu laughed greatly.

After a slight conversation between the two, Jian Wuji said: "Right, have you heard the news?"

"Sect Master said, my brother Fang Chen?" Qing Hou asked.

Sword Wuji's face was solemn, and he said: "If the rumor is true, Sect Master Shura Jian is really Fang Chen, that would be too shocking."

"It's true." Qinghou said affirmatively.

No one knows his brother better than him.

After the news that the Tianqing clan's family was destroyed, Qinghou was already certain that Fang Chen did it.


Sword Promise vibrated inside.

Qinghou raised his lips, showing a smile.

His brother, now finally standing on top of the chaotic void.

At the same time, after hearing the news, the barbarians of Moshentian also jumped up and down excitedly.

"Hahaha, I knew that my brother would definitely do something vigorous."

"After three months, I will visit my brother in person." The barbarian waved the warhammer excitedly.


The entire chaotic void, everyone is talking about Xiuluo Jianzong.

As the master of Jianzong, Fang Chen was alone, and came to the Li family of Shenjiantian.


Void tears, Fang Chen strolled out of it.

His dark eyes looked into the distance.

This is Shenjiantian, the site of the Li family, and the place where the once good brother Li Ruohong grew up.

Fang Chen sighed at the thought of Li Ruohong.

Looking back at the time with Li Ruohong, his face became more and more dignified.

Spread the palm, a finger bone appeared in the palm of his hand.

This was the only thing he collected at the place where Li Ruohong died.

Fang Chen carried his phalanx on his body.

"Brother Li, you always say that fallen leaves return to the roots. You want to return to your hometown after your death. When you were expelled from the Li family by Li Ruochu, although you did not care on the surface, you were very lost. You were scared and afraid of yourself One day become a lonely ghost. "

Fang Chen murmured.

"Now, I want to let the Li family, please come home!"

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