Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2655: Threat of potential

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After the departure of the monk Maoshan and Heixuan, Fang Chen's days returned to peace.

The battle with Heixuan also made him realize his shortcomings.

The Xinggu Realm Powerhouse, even if the realm is compressed to the same level as oneself, the experience means are not comparable to oneself.

Especially the more critical moments, the more able to show veteran experience, this is crucial.

Fang Chen sat cross-legged, his mind full of information about demonization magic.

"This is the most perfect demonization magic."

Fang Chen couldn't help but sigh, and at the same time a trace of curiosity grew in his heart.

Have Heixuan and Maoshan lays ever practiced? Why do you know so much about demonization magic.

He didn't even think about it at all. This cultivation insight was given to him by the woman in white in secret.

"Invincible demon spirit."

Fang Chen re-examined the invincible demon spirit he cultivated.

The demonization magic is divided into three layers, the first layer is invincible demon spirit.

Fang Chen thought he had mastered it completely, but after seeing the dense handwriting in his mind, he realized that what he had mastered was nothing.


Time is passing.

Fang Chen has been immersed in the elegant courtyard to enlighten the demonization of magic.

During this period, Tianzun Hai has also undergone great changes.

Fang Chen's name was thoroughly spread in the Heavenly Zunhai, and even spread to those wild places.

Many ancient gods in the ancient holy camp are asking about Fang Chen's identity. What background does he have, how can he be so against the sky?

Many of the powerful players in the Blackpool camp are thinking about how to get rid of this guy.

At the other end of the Island of Destruction, Kurosawa camp territory.

In the vast sea of ​​Heavenly Sovereign, the Blackpool camp occupies about half of the area, and almost all of them are black and chaotic aliens here.

In the sky dome, there is a black palace with gruesome portraits on the surrounding walls.

Surrounded by a vast and turbulent breath, across a long distance, you can feel depression.

In the palace, there are more than ten ancient gods who are negotiating Fang Chen who stands out.

"This guy from the ancient Saint camp has too much potential."

"Yes, 17,000 years into the ancient realm, which has created a record of Tianzunhai, even Maoshan lay and Heixuan have never reached such a height."

"This kind of demon genius has too much potential. In the future, it may even have the opportunity to stabilize the ancient realm. If it is allowed to grow up, it must be a big hidden danger of my Kurosawa chaos."

"Yes, this time the genius is fighting, he must be beheaded."

"Fortunately, he just broke through to the empty ancient realm, and his fledgling fledgling. It is easy to kill him."

Many ancient gods are discussing.

In the top position, there are two Xinggu realm extreme strongmen.

The two of them, the strongest in the Blackpool camp, are also leaders.

"Are you sure about the news?" One of the bulls asked.

"It has been determined that this guy named Fang Chen showed a very high talent at the time of registration. And according to our inference, the little guy of the black snake family also died in his hand."

Hearing that, the face of the bull head alien changed a bit.

Immediately pondered: "Who are those people who signed up this time?"

"In my Blackpool camp, the Seven Little Heavenly Kings all signed up to participate." The doghead alien said.

"The battlefield of the genius battle is on the Island of Destroying God, and then let them do whatever it takes to destroy this child."


Fang Chen didn't even know that the powerful potential he had shown had already caused Tian Zunhai's shock.

Especially the powerhouse of Kurosawa Chaos has been secretly planning how to behead him in this genius battle.

Pedal Pedal!

The gate of the elegant courtyard was pushed open, and Snake Zun came in from the outside.

"Brother Fang."

She Zun's face was a little dignified, and she came quickly.

"what happened?"

"This genius fights, you have to be extra careful." Snake Zun said: "Because you have broken Tian Zunhai's record, and the potential is against the sky, it has been concerned by many forces, especially the black race chaotic aliens, even at all The price wants to kill you. "

Fang Chen frowned, his face sinking.

"Because, in their view, your threat is far greater than that of any Xingguo realm powerhouse, and even in the future it is very likely to become a fateful ancient realm powerhouse. Blackpool Chaos does not allow such a threat to grow."

After listening to Snake Zun's words, Fang Chen's heart moved slightly.

In his eyes, there was a terrifying light.

Now that his overall strength has improved, it is not a soft persimmon that anyone can knead.

After he completed the second layer of demonization magic, then the ancient realm was invincible and fearless of anyone.

"Relax, I'm not a reckless person." Fang Chen nodded.

"That's good, I heard some rumors from the outside world these days, I'm afraid you're thinking about it," Snake said.

"It's okay."


The huge Tianzunhai.

On an island, the flat ground suddenly burst with black light.


In the sky dome, five shadows suddenly appeared.

The five of them stood side by side with smiles on their faces.

"This time the harvest is really great." The little mouse said excitedly.

After five hardships, the five of them finally found a powerful opportunity on this island.

"This five wars magic technique happens to be practiced by the five of us." Xiao Huang also nodded.

Five wars magic, one of forty-nine Xeon magic.

It takes five people to practice together. After the cultivation is completed, the five people can form the strongest tacit understanding. The five people join forces and can resist the ancient gods in the early days of the empty ancient realm.

"Now the five of us have reached the level of Heavenly Venerable. If we leave the Heavenly Venerable Sea, we will definitely be able to dominate the chaotic void." Lao Shen stick said.

The five left the island and returned to their old nest.

At this time, they heard an amazing news.

"What? Boss has entered the sea of ​​Tianzun?" The little mouse exclaimed.

"The boss must have come to look for us. It is indeed the boss who made such a big noise when he came in."

Several guys were very excited when they heard Fang Chen's name.

Only the pangolin is still very calm.

"Do you want to be excited, maybe it's just the same name?" The pangolin waved and motioned for everyone to calm down first.

"It is said that it is a human race, and it has been practiced for 17,000 years, which is completely consistent with the boss's message." Little Mouse carefully analyzed. "So, we are 90% sure that this person is the boss."

"It's amazing."

Xiaohai thumbs up, regardless of whether this person is the boss or not, he can step into the empty ancient realm in 17,000 years. This has created a super record that no one can come before, no one can break.

"Destroy the genius of the God of Extermination Island? Let's go and see if we know?" The little mouse rubbed his hands and was already a bit impatient.

The pangolin also nodded, and his heart also believed that outsiders should be their bosses.

"From here to the Extinct Island, there are countless dangerous seas along the way. And even if we are fast enough, it will be several months later."

"What are you waiting for, prepare quickly."

The five guys began to make preparations and went to destroy God Island.


Pull the whole body and move.

Once Fang Chen's bone age test came out, he shocked the entire Tianzunhai.

For three months, countless people have been discussing this topic.

And Fang Chen has become an idol in the hearts of many Venerables.

They also hope that one day, like Fang Chen, it will take the shortest time to step into the empty realm.

Of course, regardless of the outside disturbance, as the protagonist of the event, Fang Chen is quietly enlightening the demonization of magic in the elegant courtyard.


In the past three months, his understanding of demonization magic has reached a very high level.

Now, his invincible demon spirit has increased several times compared with three months ago, and the increase in power is even more exaggerated.

All this must be attributed to the special finger that fell from the sky.


With a sigh of breath in his mouth, Fang Chen stopped practicing and slowly stood up.

It happened that Snake Zun came in from the outside.

"Brother Fang, look at this."

She Zun handed a booklet to Fang Chen and opened it. The above records are the opponents that the genius needs to pay attention to.

"In our ancient holy camp, there are four strong players who need to pay attention. And in the Blackpool camp, the famous seven little kings participate in the game at the same time." Zun Zun said.

Fang Chen nodded gently, his eyes fell on the booklet.

He first looked at the four young Tianjiao in the ancient holy camp.

"This genius contests and rewards generously. Many famous people of all ethnic groups have come to participate, hoping to win a good place. Therefore, this competition is unprecedentedly intense."

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