Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2801: Luo Bing mainland

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Desperate mainland, Tianshuyuan.

Today's Fang Chen, in the eyes of President Tianshu, is very important, but is the best candidate for the next president of Tianshu Academy.

"After you leave this time, the remnants of the Lin family have been completely destroyed." Dean Tianshu smiled.

Fang Chen nodded and said nothing.

"Oh, what's your practice?"

Dean Tianshu also knew that Fang Chen was stuck at the limit of Xingguo Realm and could not break through.

Fang Chen shrugged, "I'm stuck at the bottleneck and can't break through for the time being."

"Although it is a step away from Xinggujing to Minggujing, the difficulty is only known to those who have experienced it. You are still young, and the years of practice are too short, and some are time."

In fact, according to the meaning of Dean Tianshu, he wanted Fang Chen to retreat in Tianshu Yuan and wait for him to break through to the ancient realm of life, and even a higher level of realm to go through the ancient chaos.

"The ancient chaos is boundless and boundless, and the ancient gods have no power of self-preservation. Although your potential is nothing in the world, you will eventually suffer from the loss of the realm." Dean Tianshu said: "So, I don't care Leave the desperate continent. "

The vast Archaic Chaos is composed of countless continents, and each continent has an absolute ruler.

In fact, there are a lot of wild places in Archaic Chaos. These places are short of cultivation resources and inaccessible.

Occasionally, there will be powerful people who will develop these wild places with powerful magical powers and become their own territory.

For example, this desperate continent did not exist. It was only one day later that the continent forcibly developed by the hands of despair prospered with the passage of time.

"President, do you know that Luo Bing is far away from the desperate continent?"

After a moment of contemplation, Fang Chen asked.

"Luo Bing mainland?"

Dean Tianshu was a little stunned, but did not expect Fang Chen to ask such a question.

"Luo Bing mainland is a long distance from our desperate continent."

Dean Tianshu said: "The Luobing Continent is close to the Hangu Icefield, where the temperature is extremely low and there are few continents. However, although the Luobing Continent is in a barren land, none of the surrounding continents dare to provoke it."

"Why?" Fang Chen asked.

"Because Luobing Continent is one of Han Guzong's territories." Dean Tianshu explained: "Han Guzong is a superpower in the Archaic Chaos. There are ninety-nine continents under its command, and Luo Bing Continental is one of them."


Fang Chen's eyes widened, a little surprised.

Under a sect, there are actually 99 continents. Is this too powerful?

You know, the continent in the ancient chaos is not comparable to the continent in the ancient chaos.

A continent here is much larger than the ten super heavens of the Ancient Holy Chaos.

A continent is already so vast, how big is the 99 continents?

Thinking of this, Fang Chen's heart trembles, no wonder Wu Yu once said that the ancient chaos is the absolute core of the chaotic world, even above the other chaotic void.

"Millions of years ago, Han Guzong sent messengers to our desperate continent. Unfortunately, at that time, the hand of despair was young and vigorous, and he had just opened up the mainland. He did not talk with Han Guzong and refused to join Han Guzong." Tianshuyuan Long Road: "Later, Han Guzong probably felt that the desperate continent had no future, and gave up annexing the desperate continent."


Unexpectedly, Han Guzong actually visited the desperate mainland.

"In fact, you will be able to come into contact with these things in the future. In the Archaic Chaos, there are many continents under the super-sectarians. Each continent has its own industry, and some powerful forces have industries all over the ancient Chaos." Dean Tianshu said.

"Our desperate continent is in the north of the ancient chaos, and Han Guzong is one of the super powers in the north. In this area, there are almost no comparable forces."

"Of course, we are very remote here, so those who are strong in the world rarely come here, which also leads to Han Guzong's dominance, and no one can shake its status."

After listening to the explanation of Dean Tianshu, Fang Chen finally understood.


Fang Chen pondered: "We can have a map of Luo Bing mainland in Tianshuyuan."

"Are you going to Luo Bing mainland?"

Dean Tianshu asked in surprise.

Fang Chen nodded, and the latter asked, "Why go to Luo Bing mainland?"

In the eyes of Dean Tianshu, a complex look emerged, "Luo Bing mainland has gathered a lot of powerful people recently. With your strength, it is very difficult to protect yourself."


Dean Tianshu knew that if he didn't make it clear, the latter would certainly not listen to him.

"Some time ago, news came out that on the Luo Bing continent, the inheritance of the ice ancestor was found. Countless ice warriors went to the Luo Bing continent in order to get the ice ancestry inheritance. The ninety-nine continents of Han Guzong Everyone knows the noise, "said Dean Tianshu slowly.

"Is the Ice Ancestor Legacy?"

Fang Chen's eyes lit up and grinned.


In the end, Fang Chen decided to go to Luo Bing mainland. The first was to send Master Wang back, and the second was to go out and experience.

The desperate continent has been controlled by the Tianshu Academy, and he has experienced it here and has no effect.

Moreover, he is also very interested in the inheritance of that ice ancestor.

Coming to Taikoo Chaos, Fang Chen only deeply realized the importance of training resources.

I do n’t have a backing, I do n’t have a strong force to cultivate it, I can only rely on myself and strive to cultivate resources.

In addition, he wants to use this ice ancestor's heritage as a springboard to confront the higher-level Tianjiao strong.

Along the way, martial arts itself is against the sky, constantly challenging itself, and confronting the strong.

If it has been shrinking in the desperate continent, it is not Fang Chen's character.

No one can change his decision.

Dean Tianshu was also helpless, but agreed to leave Fang Chen.

"This is a celestial bead, which was bred from my heart and blood, and it contains a very strong force. If it is detonated, even a warrior of my level, even if I can't prevent it, I will be injured."

Fang Chen took over Tianshuzhu and thanked Dean Tianshu very much.

He is well aware of the role of Tianshuzhu and can save his life at the critical moment.

Afterwards, he took a tiger's head warship and set off for Luobing mainland.

In the Dongshang Mountains.

"Wang Heng, tell me about Luo Bing mainland."

Wang Heng is the name of the young master of the Wang family. In the conversation with Fang Chen, he was very excited to learn that he had returned to Taikoo Chaos.

"The Luobing Continent is a magical continent. The first owner was the ice ancestor who made a name for Taihu Chaos. Unfortunately, the ice ancestor disappeared strangely, which led to the headlessness of the Luobing continent and plunged into chaos."

Wang Heng said slowly: "The war broke out, the creatures were painted with charcoal, and the blood flowed into a river. But fortunately, such a scene lasted not too long. After 10,000 years, someone finally came out to fight and calm the war with one's own strength, thus reunifying again. Luo Bing mainland. This person is called the ice king by the world. He is a descendant of the ice ancestor. "

Speaking of which, there was a pause.

"The Ice King is a legendary man. His potential is very powerful. The accomplishment of Frost and Ice has reached its peak. But unfortunately, he eventually died in the hands of the enemy."

The fall of the ice king represents the end of an era of Luo Bing mainland. In the years that followed, it has always been the infighting of the Wang family.

After the endless years, Wang Heng's branch finally took the initiative and settled the infighting.

"Speaking of it, I am also a descendant of the Ice King, but unfortunately it is a branch. The blood power in the body is extremely rare." Wang Heng smiled bitterly: "But it is also very normal. Since the Ice King, my Wang family has never appeared a blood line. People with a strength of 50%. "

The ice blood veins of the ice ancestor are super blood veins.

However, the blood concentration of his descendants is getting lower and lower, and even in Wang Heng's generation, it is even impossible to achieve even 10%.

"In addition to my Wang family, Luo Bing mainland also has two big families, one is the black family, and the other is the hegemony family. These two have always wanted to overthrow my Wang family's rule, but neither of them has worked."

"It seems that your royal family's dominance in Luo Bing mainland is still very high." Fang Chen grinned. "By the way, there are rumors recently, Bingzu inheritance was born, what do you know about this?"

"Bingzu inheritance is born?"

Wang Heng was surprised, obviously he didn't know about it.

He was trapped in the endless years of the ice and chaos in Beidou Mountain. Even the royal family, thought he was dead?

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