Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 3549: Five titles

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Fang Chen's color changed, but I didn't expect that the flag of the command actually involved the Lord of Origin.

What is the origin of the source?

Chaos first started, Yin and Yang two qi came into being, and finally evolved into the origin of five elements. It is well known that the origin of the five elements is the basic structure of the chaotic world and the foundation of the practice of the saint warrior.

Every holy realm has more or less realized a source.

However, there are very few people who can truly understand the origin to the extreme. From ancient times to the present, those who can separately understand the five elements to the extreme and condense the nine-story origin tower will be called the title of the origin.

In fact, an era can only have at most five origins, and they represent five origins.

The lord of the origin is just a title, representing a source, reaching the ultimate title, so only five people can get this title in each era.

However, in general, the super powers who can get the title of the origin of the source, most of their strength has also reached the level of invincible saints, and even half-step Chaos Supreme.

Fang Chen stared at Tang Crocodile scorchingly. After calming down, he was a little puzzled and he was also watching for the latter.

Why is such an important commanding flag on him, to know that even his master, Crocodile Clan Ancestor, cannot be calm in the face of the inheritance of the Lord of Origin.

"What else did you conceal?"

Fang Chen's momentum is like a rainbow, forcing Tang Crocodile.


Tang Crocodile's expression changed, with some fear: "I have said everything I should say, and you should honor your promise."

Fang Chen shook his head, he did not believe what Tang Crocodile said.

"What do you want?"

Tang Crocodile backed away, staring at Fang Chen roaring angrily.

"Let me search the soul." Fang Chenfeng said lightly.

It's about the originator, he doesn't want to let go of any important clues.


Tang Crocodile was very anxious and extremely angry.

Soul search is the biggest taboo for a warrior. Once you are happy and let the other party search for soul, you will most likely be poisoned.

If Fang Chen secretly started, Tang Crocodile will definitely die.

Moreover, there are many unknown secrets in him, how can Fang Chen search soul.

"Master hasn't arrived yet?"

Tang Crocodile was anxious. He secretly tried to contact Master, but there was no response.

He had to raise his head and pretend to face Fang Chen calmly, "I have given you this flag, and I have told you everything I know."

"I believe that disciples who are against the heavens should not go back on their feet."

Fang Chen sneered, his big hand reached out, and as fast as lightning came to Tang Crocodile, who was unable to dodge, was caught in Fang Chen's throat.


A miserable cry came from Tang Crocodile's mouth. He looked bleak and struggled desperately.

"I will give you one last chance."

If according to Fang Chen's previous character, Tang Crocodile had been killed, but now, for the secret of the origin of the origin, he did not rush, but his patience is also limited.

"call out!"

At this moment, in the distance, a dazzling light burst out, and then everyone heard a thunderous explosion.

Seeing this, Fang Chen threw the Tang crocodile aside, then waved his sword and calmly resisted.


A sword hacked out, the cold sword awn, and a layer of energy that exploded in front of him was crushed, and then the tip of his sword pointed at the bull demon, carrying infinite power, and spurting out crazy.

"Bull Demon Fist."

Niu Mo was fierce and shouted loudly. At the same time, he turned into a humanoid, clenched his fists, waved in front of his chest, terrible fist, condensed into a huge fist shadow.


Xing Yinjian did not stay any longer, stabbed into the fist shadow, and Chen Chen's wrist jittered, breaking the fist shadow instantaneously, taking this opportunity to detonate the body of the demon, and came to Tang Crocodile and pulled it up, Retreated to a safe area.

"Sneak at me?"

Fang Chen was annoyed, just in front of everyone, Niu Mo admits defeat, and vows that he will never shoot himself for the rest of his life.

Who would have thought that he would attack him in a flash.

"Fang Chen, although Tang Crocodile offended you first, but he also paid a heavy enough price after all, to be forgiving and forgiving, why not?"

Niu Modao, "Furthermore, the master of Tang Crocodile is the ancestor of Crocodile Cang. If it alarms his old man, do you think the Anti-Sky Alliance can protect you?"

Chu Xuan and Luo Ziyi were at a loss. The bull demon they knew should not be such a reckless person, but why now they have lost their reason and want to be an enemy of Fang Chen?

Chu Xuan's expression changed, recalling that when the blood red flag appeared just now, Niu Mo had briefly lost his mind. He guessed that Niu Mo's shot was most likely due to the blood red flag.

"Does Niu Mo recognize its origin?"

Chu Xuan moved, he became more and more curious, what is the origin of the blood-red token, why can it make Niu Mo and Fang Chen the enemy?

"Ha ha……"

Fang Chen sneered, staring sharply at Niu Mo.

"The arrogance of the ox-devil family, the ox-devil in the second emperor list, is really enough. But I am curious, who gave you the courage to make you enemies?"

Just now, with his own strength, he violently attacked the joint attack of Tang Crocodile and Niu Mo.

Niu Mo admits defeat on the spot, Tang crocodile is bloody, almost killed.

Now, Niu Mo is holding Tang Crocodile in one hand, as if he has forgotten what happened just now, and confronting Fang Chen, he seems determined to save Tang Crocodile.

"Fang Chen, the ancestor of Crocodile Cang once showed gratitude to my family of cattle and demons. Could you give me a face today and let go of Tang crocodile, and my family will be grateful in future." Niu Mo lifted out the group, Want to force Fang Chen to retreat.


Lou Lanxi gritted his teeth and was very angry.

Zidie was also mad at her trembling shoulders, and couldn't help but want to shoot. The Mo Bai Shenghuang and Hanbing Shenghuang watched quietly, and never doubted Fang Chen's strength from beginning to end.

They believed that Fang Chen could solve all these problems.


Fang Chen struck out a sword without warning. The speed of the sword light was extremely fast, approaching the speed of light, and immediately came to the front of Niu Mo, who blasted Niu Mo fist to resist.


The combat effectiveness of the two is not at the same level. When one meets the other, the bull and the demon are struck away.

Pedal Pedal!

After stabilizing his body, he looked down, his fist bones shattered, and blood was sprayed. He endured the pain and gritted his teeth: "Fang Chen, Crocodile Ancestor is already on the way, and will come soon. You will regret it if you continue to do your best. "

Hearing Niu Mo's words, everyone suddenly.

Want to come, Niu Mo shot, should be related to the arrival of Crocodile Clan Ancestor.

However, only Niu Mo himself knew that although the crocodile ancestors sent him a message through their Niu Mo clan and asked him to help Tang Crocodile, the real reason for Niu Mo to be the enemy of Fang Chen was the flag of command.

Tang Crocodile knows a lot, maybe he can get some clues from his mouth, this is the real purpose of the devil.

"Brother Niu, Big En does not say anything."

Tang Crocodile dragged his blood-stained body, clenched his fists at Niu Demon, and at the same time reminded: "That guy is very strong and can't fight hard. As long as my Master arrives, he will definitely die."

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