Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 3622: Familiar breath

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Farewell to Queen Tianji, Fang Chen returned to Archaic Chaos.

"Familiar feeling."

Fang Chen opened his hands and felt the sea breeze blowing on his face.

He entered the seabed Jedi for the first time.

The altar is still there, but the sacrifice above seems to be somewhat incomplete.


The moment he appeared, the altar suddenly shook, and black cracks appeared.

In a blink of an eye, the altar became ruins.

In the ruins, there is a terrible space storm vortex, swallowing all the sacrifices.

call out!

A trace of imprints penetrated into Fang Chen's mind.

This is ... the ultimate recipe for sky-cutting alchemy.

At the same time, a voice rang in Fang Chen's ear.

"I finally waited for you."

This sentence is said in the other party.

Blood Sword Supreme, the once the strongest in Chaos Realm, the super existence of Chaos Supreme Realm.

However, in the confrontation with the Devils Clan, it fell.

"Hope you can succeed."

Blood Sword Supreme Road.

In the mind of Fang Chen, his last ray of thought turned into a file.

In the dossier, dense kendos are recorded.

This is the blood sword supreme understanding of kendo.


Fang Chen was completely stunned. The Blood Sword Supreme's understanding of Kendo recorded in the file was simply extraordinary.

With just a glance, Fang Chen felt his heart beating faster, which has been plaguing his bottleneck in kendo, and is likely to break through.


The altar shattered completely, the ruins disappeared completely, and the sea returned to calm.

However, countless figures appeared on the sea.

"The fluctuation just now came from here."

Qinghou Shen said.

Today, he is already one of the strongest existences of Taikoo Chaos, and it is called the ancestor of the world.

It means, together with the puppets, no one can match the quake.

Indeed, together with his puppets, even other peak powerhouses would be afraid.

Not far from him, all were the ancient Chaos strongman.

"Master Fang said before leaving, this place is very dangerous, let me wait not to be close." Someone said.

"Could it be that alien creatures are attacking?"

Suddenly, other people's faces suddenly changed.

"I let the puppet go down and see."

Qinghou was awe-inspiring, and a puppet of the imperial realm instantly sank to the bottom of the sea.

After a moment, the puppet did not move.


Qinghou was shocked and stepped back.

"How can it be?"

He looked horrified and shouted in silence.

Just now, Emperor Realm Puppet lost contact with him.

"Yuzu, what's wrong?"

"Someone forcibly cut off my connection with the emperor's puppet." Qinghou Shen said.


The words shocked everyone.

All the people present are the top powerhouses of Taikoo Chaos. They shoulder the important task of protecting the peace and security of Taikoo Chaos.

Especially after Fang Chen left, occasionally there will be powerful players from Shen Meteor Battlefield coming in from the turbulent flow of space.

But in the end, they were suppressed by them.

Nowadays, some people can forcibly cut off the puppets of puppet ancestors. These methods are definitely superpowers in the emperor realm.

"try again."

Qinghou Road.


However, at this moment, the water column soared into the sky, the vast power swept the entire sea, and even the sound of the dragon yin sounded.

Waiting for the youth, Yan Yan waits.

"Brother Qinghou, don't come unharmed."

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from the water column.

"this is……"

Qinghou's eyes widened and he couldn't believe it.

"Fang Chen?"

The water column dispersed, Fang Chen stood, smiling without speaking.

"It's Lord Fang."

"Master Fang is back?"

Everyone was shocked and extremely excited.

Qinghou rushed directly to embrace Fang Chen, and the brotherhood was at this moment.

After a long time.

All the talents eased over.

"Brother Fang, why are you free to come back?" Qinghou asked.

"I'll come back and see."

They said that they did not move, and they simply skipped it.

"Go, let's go back."

Soon, the news of Fang Chen's return spread throughout the Taikoo Chaos.

Putian Tongqing, everyone shouting Fang Chen's name.

Human leaders are well deserved.

Holy place.

Fang Chen held Xingyue's hand, the stars held the moon, walked on the streamer's path, and finally sat on the bronze throne.

Xingyue is sitting beside him.

"Congratulations to the leader."

Qing Hou waited for the people below, kneeling down with all the practitioners of Taikoo Chaos.

"Get up."

Fang Chen waved his hands, and the invisible power held everyone up.

A huge banquet started.

Fang Chen was the absolute protagonist throughout the banquet.

Moon night.

The breeze blew past.

Fang Chen stood on the top of a mountain, holding Xingyue thin waist.

"Brother Chen."

Xingyue buried her head in Fang Chen's arms and said softly.

"Yue'er, you have worked hard all these years."

The Shen Meteor Battlefield is too dangerous, so Fang Chen is alone, Xingyue and others, arranged by him in the ancient chaos, here is relatively safe.

Xingyue sat side by side with Fang Chen, telling what happened over the years.

The time when Fang Chen left, Taikoo Chaos was not quite flat, and evil creatures appeared, causing the entire Taikoo Chaos to be smoldering.

The old **** stick took some brothers to suppress it.

In the end, they suffered a fiasco and even died.

But in the end, the evil creatures were suppressed by the means left by Fang Chen.

After learning the news, Fang Chen resurrected the little mouse and others by means of defying the sky.

The five brothers gathered and were very excited. The old **** stick was on the side.

As far as the other party is concerned, it is very easy to resurrect the martial arts below Yin and Yang Yuan Realm.

Moreover, this is too ancient and chaotic, he blends into the world, basically can do what he says.

The most important thing is that he has inherited the Blood Sword Supreme. This ancient chaos was created by the Blood Sword Supreme.

Therefore, he was able to resurrect those brothers and friends who had fought side by side so easily.

"Boss, you are amazing."

Cried the little mouse excitedly.

Xiao Huang, Xiao Hai, and pangolins are also looking forward to.

"Unfortunately, our strength is too weak to follow the boss." Xiao Huangdao.

"We are chaos in Taikoo, protecting the sister-in-law, and Xi'er and others, to eliminate the worries for the boss.

The old **** sticks and babbles.

"This is for you."

Fang Chen handed over several Xu Mi ring to his brothers.

The materials contained here are rare practice materials from the world.

With these spiritual materials, several brothers can at least break through the Yin and Yang Yuan realm.

As for whether you can enlighten the source and step into the five-element holy realm, then you need to look at your own creation.

In fact, by means of Fang Chen, they can forcibly improve their strength.

But Fang Chen did not pull seedlings to help, but guided them to practice themselves.

The banquet has been going on for more than a month.

But Fang Chen, who is the protagonist, has long since left.

This month, he has accompanied several brothers, three children, and his wife.

This day.

Qinghou hurriedly came.

"Brother Fang, outside the Holy Land, there are two people asking for advice."

Fang Chen's consciousness swept away and found the coming person.

He smiled bitterly and said, "Bring them here."

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