Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 3643: Private talk

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It is unforgivable to kill your compatriots.

When Fang Chen convicted the Heilan clan in the name of commander-in-chief.

Everyone finally realized something was wrong.

This time, the commander is serious.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the Heilan clan.

They are very curious. Will the Heilan clan formed by spikes admit their fate?

Obviously, no.

That day.

There was a dissonant voice from the Heiran clan.

Most people advocate fighting with the commander in chief.

They are not allowed to be bullied by the Helan war group.

They believe that the commander-in-chief takes advantage of the problem and wants to take the opportunity to suppress them.

So, no matter what, you cannot give in.

Of course, some people are thinking seriously.

"Deputy commander, the commander wants to kill us."

Some members are more anxious.

"Are we just so indifferent?"

"Huh, this commander thinks that Hou Ye ordered him to be able to do whatever he wants, really looking for death."

"Yes, anxious for our Heiran clan to kill him."

The deputy chief waved his hand and beckoned everyone to be quiet.

"You guys."

The deputy head looked around and stabilized everyone's emotions.

"There is indeed a black butterfly logo in the valley that the commander showed us."

The deputy head pondered.

He thought about it for a long time, and felt that this matter was strange.

"Not long ago, one of our brothers' independent clan was destroyed, you should also know, and it is precisely in their place of destruction that there is the logo of our Helan clan, what does this mean?

As soon as this remark came out, everyone looked at each other, and their eyes were filled with strong flames.

"What else can it be? It must be the new commander who wants to take the opportunity to suppress us."

"Yes, although our Heiran clan has a lot of piercings, they are all loyal and respectful. At least, they will not betray the palace of the rebels." "

"Now, when the new commander takes office, he must have heard what is happening."

Everyone, you say it to me.

However, there is no mention of the core idea.

"We are framed, this is for sure."

The question now is, who is framing them?

Is it the new commander?

Or is there someone else?

If it is the second kind, then the new commander is also used as a gun.

In any case, the courage to frame the Heiran clan, no matter who he is, will cost him the price he deserves.

"I will negotiate with the commander."

In the end, the deputy leader decided to negotiate with the commander in person.


His actions were stopped by everyone.

Just kidding, the commander-in-chief has given them an ultimatum to the Heiran clan.

Going at this time, isn't it a self-investment.

"You can rest assured that the regimental leader will no longer go out. I am in charge of the Heilan clan. I will be responsible for all the brothers.

The deputy head patted the chest.


The deputy commander was worried that if they resisted three days later, they would hang in anger with anger.

By then.

Their Helan battle group will be completely finished.


The deputy head also wanted to test, what does the new commander mean?

Was he trying to suppress the Heilan clan, or was there someone else?

Commander's Mansion.

Fang Chen didn't waste any time, he practiced in closed doors.

The world of the source world is full of incomparable source breath.

For him, the benefits are too great.


He spread his palms, and the two forces of water and fire were intertwined.

He is trying to integrate the origin.


The two very different sources of origin, when they were touched, were quickly rejected by each other, and then dispersed.


In the end, the fusion of origins ended in failure.


Fang Chen grinned.

How can integration be so easy?

at this time.

The messaging token vibrates.

"Huh? The deputy head of the Heilan regiment is looking for me?"

Fang Chen's eyes rolled and got up to leave the secret room.

Soon after, he met the deputy head in the meeting hall.


The deputy head said.

"Something?" Fang Chen asked directly.

"If I said that the Heilan Warfare was framed, do you believe it?" The deputy commander asked.

Unexpectedly, the commander nodded directly.

"I believe."

The deputy head was a little surprised, and his face was dumbfounded.

"Then, why should I convict the Heiran clan and execute it three days later?"

The average person does not have this courage.

"Because, I want you to know who is the commander of the military palace."

Fang Chen stood down, calmly said.

The deputy leader was speechless, just because of this?

He opened his mouth and was about to speak.

However, Fang Chen took the lead and interrupted him.

"How many spikes do you have in the Heilan War Group, I don't care, as long as you don't do anything that violates the military palace, I can open one eye and close one eye."

Fang Chen said.

"So, please ask the commander to take back the previous order." Said the deputy head.

He could not see the young man in front of him.

Fang Chen shook his head.

"Iron evidence is like a mountain. The black butterfly logo was found on the spot."

"But this is framed."

The deputy head was anxious.

Fang Chen turned around leisurely, looking at the deputy head with a smile.

"Now that you know this is a frame, why don't you investigate it?"

The deputy leader was stunned for a moment.

It turned out that this was the real intention of the commander.

"I was on the spot and found this."

Fang Chen flicked his palm, and a tiny piece flew out of his arms.

The deputy commander caught it and stared at the commander with a complex look.

Before coming, he had a lot to say.

But after seeing Fang Chen, he felt that his preparations were in vain, and he couldn't see through the commander at all.

"So ... this matter, is not the commander?"

Shen Sheng, the deputy head, asked.

At the same time, he also became vigilant.

If the commander is really framed, then it must be done.

"Ha ha."

Fang Chen shook his head.

"My heart is not here, such a small world of Xiaoyaofu is not my stage."

His stage is in the chaotic world.

He couldn't spend his thoughts on the Xiaoyao Army and the military palace.


The deputy head seemed to understand something.

All afternoon, the deputy head and Fang Chen were talking.

No one knows what they talked to.

I only know that when the deputy leader left, he looked heavy.

"Master, how are you?" The personal guard asked.

"They are smart people and should know how to choose." Fang Chen smiled meaningfully.


Heiran War Group, in the main hall.

Everyone was looking forward to it, and the deputy head returned.

His face was slightly heavy.

"Deputy leader, what happened?"

"Is this what the commander did?"

"Brothers went to the commander's mansion together and killed him."

Everyone was angry.

"Everyone, from now on, give me all the means to investigate this matter. Anyone who dares to frame our Heiran clan must pay a heavy price."

Everyone knows nothing.

"Deputy leader, what happened?"

The deputy commander pondered, "The commander-in-chief will not target us, but the day of the military palace will change."

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