Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 3683: Duel of special constitution

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In the square, everyone's eyes were straight.

Unexpectedly, the mountain palace actually hides such a peerless demon.

That is the Purple Pattern Warframe, known as the top defensive warframe of the original world, second only to the Devouring Warframe.


"Oh my god, it's actually a purple pattern."

"How is it possible? Since the ancestor of the Purple Pattern fell after that year, the Purple Pattern Warframe has been completely lost. How could the Mountain Palace have the Purple Pattern Warframe?"

Everyone felt a little weird.

Only the master of the palace, the corner of his mouth was upturned, his hand was standing, and his face was full of smiles.

I originally didn't want to use this killer skill, but it is related to the next round of promotion, I must go all out.

"As soon as the purple body is out, what do you use to break the defense?"

Lord Shan Gong sneered.

The opponent can't break through his own defense, but he can attack directly without worrying about the defense.

In this kind of battle, who has the best chance of winning?

I'm afraid everyone understands.

This battle is over before it has begun.

"Purple pattern is in the sky, the war body is born."

The Yamaguchi warrior drank low, and the blood-swallowing blood vessels in his body were running wildly. With the passage of time, the purple lines on the surface of the skin became more and more obvious.

"Invincible swordsmanship."

Fang Chen was full of fighting spirit, holding a spirit-cutting sword, and exhibited invincible swordsmanship.

With a sword breaking through the sky, the vast sword shadows, superimposed together, carrying the endless strength of kendo, swooping down, everyone felt the depression.

The sky darkened in an instant, blinking, and the gigantic sword shadow had already arrived above the head of the Yamaguchi.

"Useless, my purple pattern body, invincible defense, you can't break it."

Yamaguchi shook his head and said disdainfully.


He stood at the same place, letting the gigantic sword shadow split on the purple pattern armor.


The ground moved and the Wuwutai showed signs of cracking. However, the Mountain Palace martial arts, motionless, on the purple pattern armor, the purple pattern quickly moved, directly weakening the power of the vengeful sword shadow to the minimum.

At last.

He raised his hand and grasped the vast sword shadow under the eyes of everyone.

"Crush me."

He violently exerted force, and the vast sword shadow shattered into a countless sword style, spreading out.

Pedal Pedal!

Fang Chen stepped back a few steps to stabilize his figure.

He was not deterred by the powerful defense of the Purple Pattern Warframe, but was even more excited.

"not bad."

This is his evaluation of the Purple Pattern Warframe.

At least, such a purple pattern warfare deserves his full shot.

"The commander-in-chief of the palace, is that a bit of strength?"

Yamaguchi satire.

Invincible swordsmanship.

Fang Chen continuously wielded nine swords, each of which reached the extreme. The nine swords fell together and bombarded on the purple pattern body.

The Yamaguchi warrior is extremely confident in the Purple Pattern Warframe, so he does not evade and directly resists.


What impressed everyone was a very shocking scene.

Nine Daojian lights shattered violently, and the purple patterned armor remained safe.

"It's over, the military palace is about to lose."

"Unfortunately, the commander of the military palace is such a wicked genius, but he stops here."

"It can only be said that the mountain palace is hidden too deep. I still remember the last session of the Nine-Palace Big Than. In the case of the purple pattern warrior, the mountain palace was blood abused but did not reveal the card.

Discuss everyone.

The mountain palace is waiting for the growth of the owner of the purple pattern.

Obviously, this time, the opportunity is ripe, he has grown up completely.

"My purple pattern body is invincible and is destined to push the younger generation horizontally. You are just a stumbling block on my way of practice."

The icy voice of the Yamaguchi Warrior echoed over the Yanwutai.

Yue Heng waited for other palace masters, frowning.

They didn't even take the mountain palace to heart at all, who could have imagined that the mountain palace would be born.

Right now, they are all pondering how to crack the purple pattern warfare if they face Shangshan Palace.

What's more, they have begun to think about how to draw the owners of the Purple Pattern Warframe.

Even the Xiaoyaohou on the Bronze Throne saw his eyes bright when he saw the Purple Pattern Warframe, and then nodded with satisfaction.

"Yes, although it is not as good as the ancestor of the purple pattern, but his understanding of the purple pattern has reached a height that ordinary people can't reach, and he fits the purple pattern."

Xiaoyaohou commented.

As soon as this remark came out, the main owner of the palace was overjoyed.

Everyone was surprised.

Only everyone in the military palace was worried about the safety of the commander.

"Master, if you can't do it, give it up," said the general.


Fang Chen shook his head, he stared at the Yamaguchi.

The two seemed calm, in fact Fang Chen already had a general understanding of the Purple Pattern Warframe.

Everyone thought that he was at a disadvantage in the second confrontation.

But in fact, he knew very well that although his nine sword lights shattered, there was a ray of sword gas that quietly fell into the purple pattern armor.

Once you detonate it, the purple pattern armor will definitely have cracks. At that time, the purple pattern body will not break.

of course.

He won't detonate that trace of anger for a while.

After all, it was hard to come across such a strong body refiner, and he wanted to learn more from it.

"Purple Warframe, well-deserved reputation."

Fang Chen said with a smile.

"In this case, do you not admit defeat?"

The Yamaguchi warrior looked.

"Acknowledge defeat? In my dictionary, I never admit defeat, let alone, because you are not qualified to let me admit defeat."


The Yamaguchi warrior is furious, and the purple pattern armor looms.

His palms were open, and the purple lines condensed into an axe.

"Huh, I want to see, where are you confident?"

As the words fell, the Yamaguchi Warrior held a purple axe and ran the purple patterned war body.

"Undefeated Pluto."

Fang Chen took it lightly, and the undefeated Pluto body was completely urged.

A terrible dark breath enveloped him, and his skin was covered with armor.

This time, instead of choosing to attack, he was prepared to resist the attack of the Yamaguchi.

He wanted to try it, the undefeated Pluto body is powerful, or the purple patterned warrior's defense is powerful.


In the eyes of everyone, this scene is a different idea.

"Is Lin Chen scared?"

"It's an idiot. I dare to challenge the Purple Pattern Warframe. I deserve it even if I die."

"Look at his motionlessness, he must have been scared."

The voice of discussion is endless.

The housekeepers of the other houses also shook their heads.

"Hou Ye."

The housekeeper called.

Xiaoyao frowned, staring at Fang Chen, "What is he doing?"

He believes that Fang Chen is not a reckless person, he should have a way to deal with it.


at this time.

He suddenly discovered that the black armor on the surface of Fang Chen's skin.

"Don't ..."


The Yamaguchi warrior jumped forward and came to Fang Chen. The axe in his hand contained all the power of the purple patterned battle body and was severely hacked.


The deafening voice resounded through the sky.

The dust was flying, and the Yanwutai was directly enveloped, and the terrible breath drowned Fang Chen's body.

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