Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 814: Twelve

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At this time, the whole endless wasteland was shaken by it.

The emergence of the twelve major disasters has caused endless storms.

All the mighty people have discovered the vision of the world outside the Golden Sword City, and even this scene has alarmed a few old immortals.

The first to discover the situation is the many real martial arts strongmen in the Golden Sword City.

"God, what kind of thunderbolt is that? Is anyone crossing Jiujiu?"

"Go and see, some people are actually crossing the Nine-Nine Thunder Tribulation."

"A hundred miles outside the Golden Sword City."

Many powerful real martial arts fighters, including Luo Baidao and Wu Li, rushed out of the Golden Sword City and headed to Fang Chen's land.

Of course, these real martial arts powerhouses didn't find out at all that the terrifying thunder robbery of Skyrim was not a nine-nine thunder robbery at all, but a twelve heavy robbery.

In the mansion of the blood refining king, he had just refined a blood puppet, he was very satisfied and grinned.

"This blood puppet has reached the real martial arts, not bad." Blood Refining Wang smiled slightly.

For the Blood Refining King, he is very happy to be able to produce perfect works, and this is also his fun.

Although the reputation of the Blood Refining King is not very good, but the method of refining the blood puppet is very powerful.

Just as the Blood Refining King was about to rest, a sudden trembling sound came instantly.

Blood Refining King's face changed slightly, and he looked up, and suddenly found that there was a terrifying Leihai in the sky above the Golden Sword City.

"Lei Hai? Someone crosses the robbery?"

The blood refining king's eyes flickered, and he instantly guessed that someone was crossing the robbery.


However, before the refining of the blood refining king was finished, his heart stirred up a storm.

In the thunderous sea that the sky was rolling, there was a trembling sound, which shocked people and made the soul of the blood refining king feel shock.

Nine Nine Thunder Tribulation, the Blood Refining King has also seen. Although powerful, it is not enough to shake his soul.

Thunder Tribulation, which can shake the soul of Xuanwang Realm strong, in addition to the Twelve Heavy Tribulation, he can't think of any other Thunder Tribulation?

Thinking of this, the blood refining king was very excited, his figure flashed, and he tore the void directly, and came to the sky above the canyon.

"Blood Refining King, are you here too?"

When the Blood Refining King arrived, there were already many real martial arts strongmen below, and in the sky, there were several Xuanwang realm strongmen.

These strong players of the Xuanwang Realm are all from the Golden Sword City. When they saw the blood refining king coming, they said hello.

"What happened?" Blood Refining King asked.

"Unclear, look like this, it should be twelve heavy robbery."

"Yeah, I really didn't expect that the twelve major disasters that haven't happened in the last ten thousand years have actually appeared here."

The appearance of the twelfth robbery directly cut off this piece of void, so that everyone could not see who the robbery was.

This can also be regarded as the twelfth robbery in disguise to protect the people who cross the robbery.

After all, the warrior who can elicit the twelve heavy calamities is very perverted. It is better to be accidental than to enter the realm of Xuanwang as if playing a game.

Such a warrior has too much potential.

The good forces with them will inevitably be fully protected, but the forces with which they are evil will definitely find ways to get rid of this evil genius.

Rumble ...

At this time, the vast thunder sea is constantly rolling over the canyon, and every time it rolls, the power of the Xuanwang Realm will be shocked.

The real martial arts strongmen below are afraid to get too close, fearing to hurt themselves.

Swish swish ...

Not long afterwards, one by one Xuan Wang realm powerful, tearing the void from a distance came.

These Xuanwang Realms are powerful, scattered in every corner of the endless wasteland. They heard the news and wanted to see the twelve major disasters.

"Hahaha, in my lifetime, I was able to see the twelve major disasters, and died without regrets." A Xuanwang realm, the limit is coming, seeing Lei Hai in the sky, laughing wildly.

Other Xuanwang realm also nodded one after another.

Twelve major disasters are rare in ten thousand years.

In the last ten thousand years, none has appeared.

The endless frontier, the most wicked genius, the crossing robbery is also the nine-nine thunder robbery. In general, most of the warriors are six-nine thunder robbery.

And this time, there was a twelve heavy robbery, how to make people not shocked?

When Fang Chen crossed the robbery, he was in the middle of the remote endless frontier.

There is a towering peak here, and there is a fairy palace above the peak.

The owner of this immortal palace is the strongest of the endless frontiers.

Of course, no one knows whether it is true or not. In short, many strong people have not believed in these years and tried to climb, but they were blocked by an invisible breath in the middle.

Over time, this fairy palace became a legend.

Today, at the top of the mountain, a lifelike fairy palace stands quietly.

The fairy palace is full of fairy qi.

Within the fairy palace, there is an old man, immortal qi permeates the body, and cannot see his face clearly.

The old man is sensing with his eyes closed.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes, a look of surprise on his face.

"The Twelve Heavy Tribulation has appeared." The old man said to himself, the words were full of ecstasy.

Then, the old man waved his palm, and suddenly two old men appeared in front of the old man.

"The twelfth heavy robbery appeared, and the people who crossed the robbery were hundreds of miles away from the Golden Sword City, and found him back." The old man said.

At the same time, the vast endless frontier, every force is trying every means, want to get the information of the people who cross the robbery.

The Twelve Heavy Tribulation, which only exists in the legendary True Martial Thunder Tribulation, actually appeared today.


Within the canyon, Fang Chen's body fell to the point of the lake.

But at this time, the stream inside the lake had long disappeared, and Fang Chen's body was embarrassed, lying on the ground of the lake.

The thunderstorm that just fell is terrifying.

Fang Chen urged all the power, and even used all the treasures, barely resisted.

That Thunder Tribulation, so that Fang Chen is still fresh in memory.

When Thunder Trib was bombarded down, a hot breath came out, and in a blink of an eye, the stream was completely evaporated.

After that, he broke all the treasures of Fang Chen and drove Fang Chen into the ground.

Lying on the ground, there was a trace of blood in the corner of his mouth, and Fang Chen's breath was a little weak.

He glanced at the tripod with two ears, his eyes filled with unbelievable looks.

The powerful three-legged two-eared tripod was actually thundered, and a crack was exploded, while the tripod cover was directly smashed.

Ding Nei's head was also struck by thunder and was motionless.

Fang Chen had no strength, he didn't even know how to resist the next two Thunder Tribulation.

"Did I die in the Thunder Tribulation of Zhenwu Realm?"

Fang Chen's heart is full of unwillingness.

I have just resurrected with a golden heart, and I will die in Thunder Tribulation of Real Martial Realm?

He was not reconciled, he was not convinced.

As long as he can successfully cross the robbery, his strength will definitely advance by leaps and bounds.

You know, the twelfth heavy robbery was on your own.

There is an essential difference from Jiujiu Thunder Tribulation.

"Dading should help me resist one more time, but how can I resist the last thunderstorm?"

At this moment, Fang Chen's mind is full of thoughts.

The twelfth heavy robbery, the last thunder robbery, is the most terrifying thunder robbery.

Rumble ...

Fang Chen didn't know that he went through the robbery himself, and alarmed the endless frontier.

Moreover, even if it is known, there is no mood to pay attention.

Right now, I can't even control my own life and death, why do I care about others?

Fang Chen climbed hard and entered the three-legged two-eared tripod.

The moment Fang Chen entered Dading, the three-legged two-eared tripod instantly turned around, with the bottom of the tripod facing up and the gap of the tripod facing down.

It was at this time that the eleventh Thunder Tribulation came suddenly.


The earth is shaking, and the demon monkeys in the canyon have long disappeared.

The energy that escaped from the thunderstorm caused the cliffs to collapse one after another.

When the eleventh Thunder Tribulation, bombarded on the three-legged two-eared tripod, the three-legged was immediately shattered, turned into iron filings, and dispersed in the air.

At this time, the power of Thunder Tribulation was all bombarded on top of Dading.

Click ...

The crack above Dading continued to expand, and finally Dading resisted the power of Thunder Tribulation and burst into pieces.

Fang Chen's body was hit again.

Fortunately, Ding resisted a large part of the power of Thunder Tribulation, leaving a small part of the power to bombard Fang Chen.


Fang Chen couldn't help but made a cry of pain, Dading shattered, and the head inside Ding shattered, and then turned into a little light, suspended in front of Fang Chen.

"Even Dading is broken."

Fang Chen's heart was shaken.

The origin of Dading, Fang Chen is very clear.

Right now, even Dading is broken, one can imagine how powerful the power of the Twelve Heavy Hells is.

The eleventh Thunder Tribulation finally dissipated with the fragmentation of Dading and his head.

However, the last thunderstorm will be the most dangerous one. Fang Chen's heart is full of panic, and I don't know how to resist it.

In front of him, the little bit of light from the head, under Fang Chen's gaze, finally converged together and gave out a bright light.

Finally, these bright lights disappeared, and a slap-sized token appeared instantly.

On the back of the token, a long sword is drawn, and on the front is a large sword character.

The token fell in Fang Chen's hands, and then the gloss dimmed.

Fang Chen didn't think about it, and put the token into the space ring.

Ding inside the head, completely dissipated, leaving only one token.

And Fang Chen still has to resist the last horrible thunder.

"The twelfth robbery, so arrogant, has anyone ever succeeded in crossing the robbery in history?"

Fang Chen murmured.

If someone succeeded in crossing the robbery, how did they succeed?

Since they can succeed, why can't they succeed?

Fang Chen didn't want to die, he hadn't avenged his wife Xingyue.

With a strong desire for business, Fang Chen began to think about how to resist the last thunder.

Life and death are in the front line.

Withstand the thunder, Fang Chen will become the most evil monster in the endless famine for nearly 10,000 years, and the future is unlimited.

If it fails, Fang Chen will be transformed into nothingness and scattered souls.

The real soul is scattered, under the terror of the twelfth robbery, I am afraid that even the golden heart can't save his soul?

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