Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 816: Blood Awakening

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Fang Chen had also imagined how powerful the twelve heavy robbery was.

However, he never thought that the power of the real twelve tragedies was so strong.

It was too unbelievable, there was no resistance at all, and it fell under twelve heavy disasters.

Fang Chen at this moment, his body fell to the ground softly, his eyes blurred, he was about to die.

Seeing Thunder Dragon coming, he sighed and closed his eyes slightly. After all, he couldn't resist the last Thunder Dragon.

Only one step away, but it fell short.

Fang Chen was very reluctant, but was helpless.


Thunder Dragon opened his big mouth of blood basin, ready to bite Fang Chen's head to end this disaster.

And at this time, the blood suddenly burned in Fang Chen's body.

Within his blood, there was a little brilliance emerging, and the flash of brilliance that caused the Thunder Dragon to stagnate for a moment.

However, after the stagnation of the Thunder Dragon, he continued to dive down.

At this time, Fang Chen didn't know what happened to his body.

He closed his eyes and the pain was terrible.

The blood flowing out of the wound on the body also instantly burned.

While blood was burning, Fang Chen's whole body also showed a trace of strange breath. These strange breaths directly wrapped Fang Chen and formed a protective circle.


Thunder Dragon's blood basin slammed into the strange breath, and the whole earth was shaking.

Surprisingly, Thunder Dragon's so terrifying power didn't actually smash this strange atmosphere.


Upon seeing this, Thunder Dragon roared loudly, and the large mouth of the blood basin opened again, constantly biting a strange breath.

However, the more bite, the weaker Thunder Dragon.

In the end, Lei Long discovered that his body became more and more transparent and would collapse at any time.

At this time, Thunder Dragon finally no longer bit Fang Chen's body, but merged himself into a mass of thunder and exploded directly.

This is the most terrifying attack of the Thunder Dragon. The power of the explosion is too powerful.

Rumble ...

Fang Chen, wrapped in a strange breath, has fallen into a coma.

The explosive power of Thunder Dragon, after all, did not break through the strange breath defense.

Wow ...

The thunder dragon collapsed, and the majestic power of the thunder returned to the thunderous sea where the sky was rolling.

And Lei Hai also gradually stopped rolling, and finally slowly dissipated.

In a blink of an eye, the sky is clear.

The twelve heavy robbery ends here.

And Fang Chen is still in a coma.

At this time, Fang Chen, the whole body of blood, kept burning, and there were complex characters in the flame. These characters seemed to be an ancient character.

These characters emerged from the flame and then entered Fang Chen's body.

Hissing ...

After the thunder disaster dissipated, the burning blood gradually calmed down.

In the end, Fang Chen's blood had a gleam of black brilliance. Those ancient characters were all hidden in the blood.

Wow ...

Finally, the strange breath dissipated, and the blood breath immediately appeared, wrapped in Fang Chen, and disappeared directly into the canyon.

Click ...

The twelve heavy robbery dissipated, and the ban in the canyon completely disappeared.

Several Xuanwang realms in the sky came to the canyon for the first time.

When they saw the embarrassed valley, they couldn't help moving.

"What about people who cross the robbery?" Blood Refining King asked, looking around.

"Did you die in the twelfth robbery?"

"Twelve heavy robbery, too powerful, maybe the people who cross the robbery have already disappeared."

Several Xuanwang realm can not find the person who crosses the robbery, think that the person who crosses the robbery, died in twelve heavy robbery.

Suddenly, everyone shook their heads, their faces embarrassed.

The twelve heavy robbery that has not appeared in the past ten thousand years, once appeared, but the people who crossed the robbery disappeared.

"Let's go."

Many Xuanwang realm, have left.

The news of the death of the torturous person spread instantly.

The endless frontier, a shock.

When this news came back to Xiangong, the old man of Xiangong shook his head slightly and said, "Maybe, there is a silver lining."


It has been a month since the day of the twelfth catastrophe.

The endless frontier, still talking about the twelve major disasters.

It is a pity for many people that the twelfth heavy robbery appeared, but the people who crossed the robbery died.

If the people who cross the robbery do not die, they will surely achieve invincible hegemony in the future.

However, they believe that the Fang Chen of death is now in a dark cave.

Around this cave, there is a weird ban, even the power of the Profound King Realm can't be detected.

And this cave is actually within the cliff of the canyon.

Within the cave, Fang Chen had been unconscious for a month.

During this month, his blood has changed a lot.

A trace of black appeared in the red blood, and now a trace of gold appeared.

If you have the power of Xuanwang Realm here, you will be surprised.

This phenomenon is obviously a awakening of blood power.

At a certain moment, Fang Chen suddenly moved his finger, and then his whole body moved.

Finally, Fang Chen opened his eyes with difficulty.

"Am I dead?"

The first sentence that Fang Chen woke up was asking himself if he died.

However, after his confirmation, he found himself not dead.

"So, twelve heavy robbery, have I survived?"

Fang Chen's face was full of ecstasy.

I didn't expect that I was able to survive the twelve major disasters.

But soon, Fang Chen wondered, how can he resist the last thunderstorm?

Obviously, when the last thunder robbery surrounded him, he was exhausted and could not resist the thunder robbery.

"this is?"

While Fang Chen was thinking about it, he suddenly shouted aloud.

Because, he found changes in his blood.

"My blood?"

Fang Chen's eyes widened, looking inside his body.

Found that his blood has actually changed so much.

Moreover, Fang Chen was able to clearly discover that his own blood was no longer ordinary blood.

"Does the bloodline awaken?"

Fang Chen said to himself, quite shocked.

Fang Chen sensed it slightly, and found his blood power was very strong.

Moreover, vaguely, Fang Chen felt that blood power seemed to have a ban.

"What's going on? Why do you have such a strong blood power?" Fang Chen wondered.

Bloodline power is generally inherited from the family.

But thinking about it, no one in the Fang family will have blood power.

"No father, no sister." Fang Chen said.

However, at this moment, a flash of light flashed in Fang Chen's mind, remembering his mother.

"Does the blood power come from the mother?"

Thinking of this, Fang Chen finally understood.

Bloodline power must come from the mother.

The mother's family is an extra-territory, with such a powerful blood power, it is nothing.

Fang Chen felt the breath of blood, and had a very warm feeling, as if it were maternal love.

"At a critical moment, the blood veins awakened, allowing me to resist the last thunder." Fang Chen said to himself.

In this world, there are many powerful bloodlines.

Some warriors have blood power from birth, but need an opportunity to activate.

And Fang Chen, under the high pressure of the twelve heavy robbery, awakened the bloodline and let him successfully survive the robbery.

"Even if the bloodline awakens, it can't fight the twelve heavy robbery?"

Fang Chen felt a bit wrong and said to herself.

"Could it be that the mother is helping herself?"

Fang Chen thought to himself, maybe it was really what the mother had done on herself that made her bloodline power surge.

After thinking for a while, Fang Chen calmed down gradually.

After the twelve major disasters, this news must not be leaked out, otherwise it will bring death to yourself.

Right now, the most important thing is to look at the body.

Fang Chen put away his thoughts and began to look inside.

First, Fang Chen discovered that the abnormality was the golden heart.

It's more glittering gold, and its breath is more tyrannical.

"It seems that the golden heart has also transformed." Fang Chen said.

Later, Fang Chen discovered that within the Dantian, the nine spirit vortexes merged into one and became the only spirit vortex.

Within the spirit vortex, the spirit surging, the majestic breath filled the sea of ​​qi.

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