Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 820: Shameless Fatty Lee

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"What? A sword defeated Xuezhu?" He Xuelinteng stood up, his face slightly changed, and asked.

"Yes, his cultivation base is the fourfold of real martial arts." Li Fatzi said with a dignified expression.

Suddenly, several real martial arts warriors beside He Xuelin were also surprised.

They are the pinnacle warriors in the four layers of the real martial arts, and they know the strength of Xuezhu very well.

In the Golden Sword City, apart from a few of them, Zhenwu Realm is fourfold, and no one is Xuezhu's opponent.

Now, someone actually beat Xuezhu with a sword.

"Can there be information about this person?" He Xuelin asked.

"This man is wearing a mask, it is estimated that he doesn't want to be recognized, and his name registered in the registration desk is Gu Jian." Li Fatzi changed his hip-hop in the past and said with a solemn expression.

Li Fatzi, He Xuelin and others are the geniuses of the second echelon in the Golden Sword City. They have been in the Golden Sword City just to practice the golden sword of immortality. Even if they are buried in the entire Sword State, they are considered very strong geniuses.

And this warrior called the ancient sword, was born, and defeated Xuezhu with a sword, which made He Xuelin and others attach great importance.

When He Xuelin discussed the ancient sword with Li Fatzi and others, the pair of rivals, Luo Baidao and Wu Li, also appeared.

"Luo Baibian, do you know that ancient sword?" He Xuelin asked Luo Baibian.

Luo Baidao shook his head and said, "I have investigated that there was no such a person before Jian Jianzhou."

"Even if there is, maybe it is an unknown pawn. I haven't paid attention to it before." Luo Baidao said.

"You said, will this kid be the one who was robbery in the Golden Sword City a hundred miles away?" Suddenly, Wu Li said.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes flashed, thinking about each other.

Luo Baidao shook his head and said, "That day, many Xuanwang Realm powers have not been confirmed? The people who robbed have fallen."


Fang Chensi didn't know that he just wanted to earn more amethysts, but he didn't expect that it caused a stir in the younger generation of Jinjian City.

Many geniuses, including Luo Baidao, began to notice Fang Chen.

At this time, Fang Chen was holding the Xingyin sword in a certain ring and stood quietly.

Under the performance of Wutai, Xuezhu's face was extremely gloomy, and his eyes were filled with a panic.

After a long time, Xuezhu arched his hand to Fang Chen and said, "Thank you for your mercy."

Xuezhu's arrogant warrior, actually said such words to the other party Chen, enough to see, Fang Chen shocked him.

Fang Chen grinned, he came here to earn amethyst, not to kill.

After defeating Xuezhu, a hundred amethysts were obtained, which made Fang Chen very excited.

"Who else?"

Fang Chen stood on the ring, looked around and said.

Under the ring, many warriors stepped back and dared not challenge.

Upon seeing this, Fang Chen was a little speechless. Isn't he too strong? Why do these people dare not come to power.

Above the stands, Wang Gao's eyes were bright, and when he looked at Fang Chen, he was almost drooling.

"This guy, went to the toilet and delayed such a splendid battle." Wang Gao turned his head to look, Fang Chen still did not come back, said slightly.

Above a pavilion in Jiandouchang, He Xuelin and others have been staring at Fang Chen.

"A sword defeats Xuezhu in one second, and the four fighters in the real martial arts are afraid to take the stage?" He Xuelin said slightly.

"Why don't you just let me fat and try?"

Li Fatzi grinned, left the pavilion, and came to the ring.

The fat man has big fat ears and a bloated body, and looks harmless.

However, under the ring, many warriors saw a lot of eyes after seeing Fatty Lee on the stage.

"Li Yuntian took the stage."

"Is he going to challenge this child?"

"Can Li Yuntian win?"

Many warriors talked about it.

Above the ring, Fatty Li looked at Fang Chen curiously, squinting and laughing, "Why is this brother wearing a mask?"

"The face is ugly and I dare not meet anyone." Fang Chen said in a deep voice.

"Xiongtai, Li Mou admires Xiongtai's strength very much. I don't know if you can let Li Mou see the true face?" Li Fatzi laughed.

Fang Chen shook his head and stopped talking.

"My name is Li Yuntian." Li Fatty said suddenly.

Fang Chen nodded, holding the Xingyin sword, ready to shoot.

However, at this moment, Li Fatzi suddenly said: "Xiongtai, who is your master?"

Fang Chen wants to be angry, this **** fat man, is it too annoying?

However, just as Fang Chen pondered, he suddenly felt a violent wind in front of him, and he subconsciously waved the Xingyin sword to resist.


With a loud noise, Li Fatzi's body stepped back and looked at Fang Chen with a smile.

"Xiongtai, why should you be so wary?" Li Fatzi said shamelessly.


Fang Chen took a deep breath and tried not to be angry, staring at Li Fatty.

This fat fat man is definitely a wonderful flower.

"Xiongtai, what's wrong with your clothes?"

Li Fatzi suddenly pointed to Fang Chen's clothes and said.

Fang Chen saw this and looked down.

He found nothing, and then he found out that he was deceived by Li Fatty.

"Damn ..."

Fang Chen was furious in his heart, and immediately urged out the true meaning of the sword, and the Xingyin sword in his hand waved violently.

call out……

A gleaming sword light instantly stabs Li Fatty.


Li Fatzi resisted Jianguang with his bare hands and was forced to the edge of the ring by Jianguang.

At this time, Li Fatzi's face finally became dignified.

"Xiongtai, your strength makes Li admire you, and then Li will move on."

Before Fat Lee's words were finished, Fang Chen directly urged the true meaning of the Void, and immediately hid in the Void.

When Li Fatzi looked up at Fang Chen, suddenly Fang Chen appeared behind Li Fatzi and kicked Li Fatzi.

Fang Chen's sword body reached the late stage of body refining, comparable to the nine-star Dao body, and his strength was very strong. Although it was only a simple kick, he kicked Li Fatty out of the ring.


Fatty Li's body fell heavily on the ground, embarrassed.

Fat Li stood up, his face covered with humiliation.

"Xiongtai, Li admires your strength. Why did you sneak attack on Li?" Li Fatzi asked righteously.

"Isn't this how to learn from you?" Fang Chen said calmly.

Fatty Li heard that he was furious immediately and was ready to have a good theory with Fang Chen.

However, Fang Chen turned his head directly and looked elsewhere, saying, "Who else wants to challenge Gu Mou?"

Ignored by Fang Chen, Li Fatty became even more angry.

However, his feet straddled out and came back abruptly.

Because, according to the rules of the sword fighting field, he left the ring and already lost.

"My fat Li actually lost." Li Fatian said displeasedly.

Wow ...

Li Fatzi's wrist shook and suddenly some amethyst flew into Fang Chen's body.

Fang Chen's soul swept away and suddenly found that these amethysts had a thousand pieces.

"Thank you."

Fang Chen put away the amethyst and showed a smile.

At the present stage, what he lacks most is amethyst. Li Fatzi throws away a thousand pieces of amethyst, which can be regarded as a local tyrant.

At this time, within the pavilion, many geniuses were stumped.

After a long time, He Xuelin shook his head heavily: "This child's strength is really against the sky, and even Li Fatzi is not an opponent."

"Yeah, this kid looks like a sneak attack, but the physical strength it shows is too much against the sky." Said a warrior beside He Xuelin.

"Nine-star Dao, we haven't been in Jiuzhou for a long time." Luo Baidao said.

Wu Liwen said, he spread his hands and said: "He has a special physique, it should be a kind of sword body, and he can cultivate a special physique to this level, which is also a talent."

While everyone was talking, Fat Li returned.

"It's really ugly. This kid has the real meaning of space, and the real martial arts are below five levels, and no one can beat it." Li Fatzi complained.

"Li Fatty, although this child has the real meaning of space, it is not as exaggerated as you said." A genius smiled.

Other geniuses also looked at He Xuelin one after another.

"Although the real meaning of this child's space is difficult, if I face him and directly display the golden sword of immortality without giving her any chance to show his true meaning, he is not my opponent." He Xuelin Wenyan smiled slightly.

Upon seeing this, Li Fatzi said angrily: "He Xuelin, it's not that I said you, because of your strength, it is impossible to defeat this person."

"Oh? How about we bet?"

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