Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 832: Dying Yongan, blood-broken puppet

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Within the formation, Fang Chen gazed at Yong An on the ring through the formation, and his face was gloomy.

"Is the blood puppet of the five layers of Zhenwu Realm?"

Fang Chen said to himself.

As for the degree of familiarity with the blood puppet, who is strong?

But he was refined into a blood puppet by the blood refining king.

The most important question now is how to get out of trouble.

"Gu Jian, let's die."

Yong An snorted, and the blood puppet showed a terrifying atmosphere around him, launched a fierce attack, and blasted towards Fang Chen.

At the same time, Yong An's figure also flickered and quickly rushed into the formation.

"Void shuttle."

Fang Chen's eyes were like electricity, emitting a golden light, staring at Yong An.

At this moment, he could not care so much, and urged the strongest form of Void Truth.

For a long time, when Fang Chen displayed the true meaning of the void, he disguised himself as the true meaning of other spaces.

At this moment, Fang Chenshi exhibited the true face of the true meaning of the void, and the shuttle of the void is a kind of skill given to Fang Chen by the true meaning of the void.

Wow ...

The Void Shuttle is on display, and Fang Chen's real meaning in the Void immediately condenses to the extreme.

Immediately after that, Fang Chen's figure disappeared from the array instantly.


Using the true meaning of the void, Fang Chen wants to leave the formation.

but failed.

Fang Chen's figure appeared from the void, and his face was blue.

"Hahaha, I want to break the imprisonment and dream." Yong An and his blood puppet are about to attack.

Fang Chen had a lot of thoughts in his mind, thinking nervously about the method of breaking the formation.

The true meaning of the void, Fang Chen only cultivated to the first-grade level. If it reaches the second-grade level, it breaks through the array like playing.

Xuan Lao at the moment, very worried.

Luo Baidao and others under the ring are also gazing at the ancient sword within the formation.

Yong An's face was covered with a dark smile.

He seemed to have seen Gu Jian die in front of him, and he was very excited.

Seeing the blood puppet is about to enter the formation, suddenly Fang Chen's space ring, a burst of shock.

Immediately after Fang Chen discovered, the token transformed into the head of Ding appeared in his hand instantly.


Fang Chen held the sword token, and ripples appeared, stirring the power of the world around him directly.

"what happened?"

Holding the sword token, Fang Chen felt as if he was merging with the void.

With the appearance of Jianzi token, the fit of Fangchen's body and the space where Jianzhou is buried has been raised to the extreme.

"Void shuttle."

Fang Chen once again exhibited the void shuttle.

This time, the void of the real intention surrounded Fang Chen's body directly.

call out……

Fang Chen successfully emerged from within the formation, and his figure appeared on the ring.

At this time, Fang Chen's face was completely gloomy.

"Void Destruction".

Fang Chen put away the sword token and snorted, Void Reality cooperated with Void Destruction, and appeared directly in front of Yong An.

Thump ...

Xingyin Jian stabbed fiercely into Yongan's body.


Seeing Fang Chen suddenly appear, the blood refining king on the rostrum changed his face instantly and shouted.

No one knows the power of imprisoning space formation better than he is, and the general six martial artists in the real martial arts kingdom cannot come out.

Gu Jian actually came out, and it was unharmed.

Xuan Lao, who was frowning, was showing an excited smile on his face.

Above the ring, Fang Chen's Xingyin sword pierced into Yong An's body.

When Yong An responded, the black flame had invaded the body.

"Blood Puppet." Yong An yelled and waved his palm, directly letting Blood Puppet continue to attack Fang Chen.

Facing the fierce attack of the blood puppet, Fang Chen snorted.

call out……

Xingyin Sword was drawn from Yongan's body, and Houchen turned around, directly greeted the blood puppet, and leapt up.

In the stunned eyes of everyone, Fang Chen's Xingyin sword pierced directly into Xueyong's chest with a wonderful posture.

Click ...

The blood puppet's body exploded in an instant.

The blood puppets of the five layers of Zhenwu Realm were so easily killed by Fang Chen.

The whole sword fighting field is completely crazy.

All the warriors watched the ancient sword frantically, and they set off a storm in their hearts.

With the four-fold realm of real martial arts, beating the five-puppet puppet of real martial arts with one sword, how powerful is this?

At this moment, even the Blood Refining King couldn't sit still, he stood up, ready to block Fang Chen.

"Blood Refining King, do you want to intervene?" Xuan Lao blocked the blood refining king.

The blood refining king's complexion changed, and he did not act rashly in the end.

On the ring, when Fang Chen broke the blood puppet, Yong An's last hope in his heart was finally broken.

"I think……"

Seeing Fang Chen walking towards himself, Yong An shouted hoarsely.

He wanted to admit defeat, so that he would not be beheaded by the ancient sword.

Qingshan was left without worrying about firewood.

However, Fang Chen will give him this opportunity.

When Yong An spoke the word, Xingyin Jian had penetrated his mind.


The soul oscillated and shattered instantly.

Yong An's body twitched, and finally fell to the ground.


Seeing Fang Chen's murderous intention against Yongan, when the Xingyin sword stabbed out, the blood refining king shouted, and at the same time his figure flashed and came to the ring.

However, it is too late.

Disciple Yong An, has died.

"You, kill my apprentice, you should die of sin."

Blood Refining King's eyes were scarlet, and he was furious.

Xuanwang Realm is very powerful, can it be compared with the real martial arts warriors?

Fang Chen suddenly felt that his chest was suppressed for a while, and his body was directly imprisoned and unable to move.

"Blood Refining King, stop."

Xuan Lao came by leaps and stood in front of Fang Chen, shouting loudly.

"How can I be indifferent if this person kills my disciple?" Blood Refining King roared angrily.

"Blood Refining King, this is a life-and-death battle in itself. Your disciple, Yong An, was killed because of his poor strength. How can he blame the ancient sword?" Xuan Lao Shen said.

"Yong An has already conceded defeat." Blood Refining King said coldly.

"Battle of life and death, subject to the death of one party." Xuan Lao said without any weakness.

The blood refining king stared at Fang Chen. If his eyes could kill, Fang Chen would not know how many times he was killed by the blood refining king.

"If I don't do something today, how will my blood refining king mix down in Jianzhou?" Said blood refining king Yin Sen.

As soon as the voice fell, the blood refining king's whole body, the power of heaven and earth surged.

Seeing this, Xuan Lao shot without hesitation.

The battle between the two great kings of the realm of kings suddenly attracted the attention of countless warriors.

Rumble ...

The whole sword fighting field was shaken.

The means of the Xuanwang realm is not comparable to the average person.


The blood refining king burst out with a punch and smashed Xuan Lao's body.

At the same time, Xuan Lao's fist also bombarded the blood refining king.

The whole sword fighting are shaking.

At this moment, a melodious voice came from the depths of Jiandouchang.

"This is the end of this matter."

This melodious voice came and instantly stabilized the agitated situation in Jiandouchang.

Even the fierce Xuan Lao and the Blood Refining King were quiet.

"Ancestor of Sword Fighting Field?" Thought the Blood Refining King secretly.

The breath just made him throb, except for the ancestor of the sword fighting field, who else?

It is rumored that this ancestor, the limit is coming, has been unable to retreat, seeking a breakthrough.

Moreover, the strength of this ancestor is stronger than the blood refining king itself.

Under normal circumstances, the limit of the upcoming Xuanwang Realm, abnormal madness, generally initiated madness, no one is afraid.

No one knows what he will do.

"Come back." The voice came again.

Blood Refining King gave up, looking at the situation, today it is impossible to kill the ancient sword.

Blood Refining King glared at Gu Jian and said coldly, "Boy, you will regret my blood refining King."

After that, the blood refining king turned and left.

"Blood Refining King, my one million amethyst."

Just then, Fatty Li recalled and immediately shouted.

The blood refining king who had just left heard the shameless voice of the fat man, and he was stunned. He immediately became furious, waved it, and suddenly a million amethysts were thrown out.

The fat man took a million amethysts and laughed wildly.

Many warriors around, some sad and some like.

Some warriors secretly lamented that this time the blood refining king lost his wife and collapsed his soldiers.

Not only did he lose a million amethysts, but he also took on his own apprentice and a five-fold blood puppet of a real martial arts, and suffered a great loss.

"Follow me." Xuan Lao took Fang Chen and left the sword fighting field.

The fat Lizi, who laughed, was assigning amethyst to everyone.


Under the field of sword fighting, in a luxurious palace.

An old man with a yellow complexion sat cross-legged on the futon.

There was a trace of death in his body.

"Old Ancestor." Xuan Lao came here with Fang Chen.

"Come." After the ancestor said two words, he looked up and looked at Fang Chen.

Stared by the ancestor, Fang Chen felt that his secrets seemed to be seen by the ancestor.

After a long time, the ancestor said hoarsely: "Take out your token and show me."


Fang Chen was surprised. Was the ancestor calling him for the sword token?

Despite the doubts, Fang Chen still took it out.

The dry palm of the ancestor, after receiving the token, carefully observed.

Fang Chen saw that the expression on the ancestor's face was constantly changing.

Until the end, the ancestor suddenly laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha, after so many years of searching, I finally found it." The ancestor's voice was full of sadness.

"Ancestor, are you okay?" Xuan Lao asked, worried.

Ancestor holding the sword token in his hand, his dry face showed a long-lost smile.

Then he looked at Fang Chen and said, "Where does this token come from?"

Fang Chen did not hide, he got himself a tripod and two ears, and then how to come to bury Jianzhou, clearly tell the ancestor.

After hearing Fang Chen's complaint, the ancestor shook his head and said, "I have come back, and I have finally come back."

At this moment, the Jianzi token trembled.

"Ancestor, what's the matter?" Xuan Lao asked, puzzled.

Fang Chen is also a little puzzled, but looking at his ancestor, he should know Ding Nei's head.

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