Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 874: Sky Devourer Rat

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The little worm had no room to resist, and was swallowed by the monster's blood basin.

At the same time, he was chasing the blood shadow of the trace left by the little bug, and suddenly stopped.

"what happened?"

Suddenly, Xueying realized that his connection with the bug was cut off directly.

In this case, there is only one possibility, that is, the bug is dead.

"damn it."

Thinking of this, Xueying was furious in his heart, and continued to walk forward.

Although the monster's attack was rapid, it was still killed by Fang Chen.

"It seems that this mountain range is much more dangerous than expected." Fang Chen said to himself.

After beheading the monster, Fang Chen went deeper.

Anyway, already here, it is better to explore carefully.

In the special space ring, the little mouse spent an hour before finally swallowing his bones.

At this time, its whole body, purple gloss surging, the breath suddenly rose.

The next moment, it emerged from the space ring.


Fang Chen looked at the little mouse, his face full of excited smile.


At this moment, the little mouse sipped, the purple luster around him instantly diffused, and then turned into a monstrous breath, and finally behind him, a huge purple mouse ghost came out.


Fang Chen's heart was also quite excited to see the little mouse displaying his talents.

Fang Chen was a little surprised that the little mouse with the mysterious hand bones was more powerful.

At this moment, in the mysterious burial sword fairy palace, the palace owner suddenly stood up suddenly, and the dark eyes looked into the distance.

"Princess, what happened?" Two tall and short city lords asked quickly.

"This breath."

The palace master just said a few words, and his figure disappeared instantly.

At the next moment, the palace master appeared over the burial Tianlin and instantly discovered Fang Chen and the little mouse.

"this is……"

Seeing the phantom of the purple mouse behind the little mouse, the palace owner's old face was a bit shocked.

I saw that the purple ghost behind the mouse kept absorbing the spirits of the world around him, and his body was still skyrocketing.

Seeing the purple light on the little mouse, the palace master was shaking and excited.


After a roar, the strength of the little mouse suddenly vented.

Immediately, the talented supernatural power was put away, and the little mouse returned to its original state.


The mouse this time was not a small harvest and was very excited.

"You show your talents now, even if I dare not confront them head-on." Fang Chen grinned.

However, just as the little mouse was about to speak, suddenly a big hand protruded and wrapped up one person and one mouse in an instant.

When Fang Chen reacted, he instantly realized that he was no longer in that mountain, but in a palace.

"Where is this?" Fang Chen was puzzled. The little mouse stood on his shoulder and looked around.

"Little friend, long time no see."

At this moment, a hearty laugh came out.

Suddenly, Fang Chen saw the palace owner who buried the sword fairy palace.


Fang Chen is also the first time to see the deity of the palace master, his face full of surprise.

After seeing the palace master, Fang Chen knew that the big hand was from the palace master.

But he did not know why the palace owner brought him here.

"Here is the Burial Sword Palace." The palace owner smiled slightly.

"I don't know if the palace master brought me here, is there anything?" Fang Chen asked directly.

The palace master's eyes fell on the little mouse.

At this moment, in his eyes, there was a little excitement.


Fang Chen gently reminded.

When the palace master heard Fang Chen's voice, her gaze withdrew from the little mouse, and then she pointed to the stone bench beside him: "Sit down."

Fang Chen nodded and sat on the stone bench.

After the palace master sat down, he immediately said, "Fang Chen, do you know the origin of the little mouse on your shoulder?"

Hearing the words, Fang Chen was shocked and looked at the palace master with hot eyes. Does the palace master know the origin of the little mouse?

Sure enough, the palace's next sentence, let Fang Chen's heart, set off a raging wave.

"I not only know, but also very familiar." Gongzhu said.

"Please also tell the palace master." Fang Chen asked hurriedly.

Fang Chen has been skeptical about the life of the little mouse.

Until the palace owner brought himself to bury the sword fairy palace, Fang Chen was more convinced that the little mouse had something to do with burying Jianzhou.

"You should know the origin of the Burial Sword State?" The palace master said softly. "In the beginning, the Burial Sword Emperor had a spiritual pet ..."

Immediately, the palace owner fell into memory.

Burying the sword emperor is the mighty man of the universe.

No one knows his strength.

At that time, the Burial Sword Emperor owned a pet, exactly like the little mouse.

"Is the palace owner saying that the little mouse is the pet that buried the sword emperor?" Fang Chen heard, and his heart was shaking.

Gongzhu shook his head slightly: "After the death of the buried sword emperor, the pet also died. This little mouse should be a descendant of the pet.

This was the first time Fang Chen heard about the origin of the little mouse, and his heart was shaken.

"Will the palace confess?" Fang Chen asked.

The palace master shook his head and said: "No, they are unique in this race."

"You know, in the endless universe, there is a race, which can be called a race against the sky."

Fang Chen shook his head, not knowing.

Because, everything outside the domain, he did not know.

"The size of the extraterritorial universe is not what you and I can imagine. Even the Xuanwang realm can only be regarded as the weakest warrior outside the realm. Those powerful warriors who are extremely powerful can overthrow a continent, one Stars. "

"That strong man is the dominant figure in the endless universe."

"However, in the extraterrestrial universe, in addition to powerful humans, there are also some extreme monster races, one of which is the Sky Devouring Rats who shocked the entire universe."

"God Eater?"

Fang Chen heard the words and moved her heart slightly.

"Shock the universe sky?"

In the vast universe, there are thousands of monster and beast races, and it is enough to stand out among so many monster and beast races.

And this family of Devouring Rats can actually shake the universe.

"Because, in the universe universe, there is only one member of the Devouring Rats family, which is born with the universe universe." When the palace master said this, he could not restrain the shock in his eyes.

"Only one? Is it a mouse?" Fang Chen was surprised.

"The family of Devouring Gods and Rats is so talented that they can devour the universe, any thing, any treasure, and the Devouring Rats that followed the sword emperor were even able to devour the stars." Gong said.

Fang Chen set off a turbulent wave in his heart, devouring the deity rat, is it so powerful?

He turned his head to look at the little mouse on his shoulder and couldn't help thinking that the little mouse seemed to be able to swallow anything.

"The God Eater is a metamorphosis in the universe. The reason why the Sword Emperor is able to deter the universe, the God Eater is indispensable." The palace master continued, "However, in the end, the Emperor Jian was offended by a powerful enemy And fell. "

The words of the palace master completely overturned the position of the little mouse in Fang Chen's heart.

The Devouring Rats are so perverted that they can devour everything.

It's so shocking to devour the stars.

I am afraid that even if it is the Qingyun domain, it can devour the Sky God Rat with one mouth, right?

"And your little buddy is the descendant of the God Eater Rat who followed the Burial Sword Emperor." Shen Gong said.

Hearing the words, Fang Chen opened his mouth and finally did not speak.

He looked at the little mouse in shock.

Such a petite mouse is actually a god-eating rat that makes the whole universe feel daunting?

The god-eater rat has supernatural talents, and it is almost impossible to have offspring.

However, the appearance of the little mouse made the palace master discover that the god-eater rat that had followed the buried sword emperor had offspring.

"God Eater."

Fang Chen swallowed, then said quickly.

"Yeah, I haven't seen the Sky Devourer, but I am in charge of the Jianxian Palace. There are many records of the Sky Devourer. Through various observations, I can be sure that your little partner is the Sky Devourer and the bloodline. Very pure. "The palace master said definitively.

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