Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 889: let me do it

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The earth-shattering voice resounded through the sky.

The eight extreme powerhouses joined forces in a blow, and Fang Chen was shocked.

"Don't such attacks, even the Profound King Realm, dare to confront them head-on?"

Even Fang Chen thought that this time, the demon king of the earth must be beheaded.

Rumble ...

The seven ultimate strongmen exhibited the strongest scholasticism, and then handed it to the strong Taoist.

Every time he punches, he has infinite strength, and the power of his fist is not weaker than the warrior who first entered the Xuanwang Realm.

Bang Bang Bang ...

Dali Taoist blasted seven punches in a row, which directly exhausted all his strength.

Click ...

The body of the demon king of the earth, the cracks are getting bigger and bigger, it is constantly receding, and the sound of the sky roars in his mouth.

"Strength is not enough."

Seeing the body of the demon king of the earth is about to collapse, and at this time, the demon king of the earth started a strong counterattack, and the Daoist shouted loudly.

Burial sword eyes flashed, and then continued to urge the aura in the body, brilliant light, two consecutive appearances, deterring the sky.

These two brilliant lights instantly hit the body of the demon king of the earth.

Click ...

With these two brilliant light attacks, Dali Dao's eyes were thrilled and he punched again.

Directly hit the body of the demon king who is about to collapse.

Wow ...

The body of the earth demon king collapsed in the air.


The eight extreme strongmen were relieved, and a smile appeared on their faces.

The demon king's defense is too strong, exhausting the power of eight of them, and then killing them.

The burial sword at this time was a little pale, showing the strongest tricks continuously, and his body was a little weak.

"Be careful."

When eight people relax their vigilance, Fang Chen shouted suddenly.

When Fang Chen's voice fell, suddenly the ground where everyone stood suddenly changed a little bit.

The soil debris on the ground gathered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"this is……"

The face of the eight extreme strong men changed greatly.

In a blink of an eye, a demon king of the earth reunites again.

"What's going on?" Dark Sword cried aloud.

After trying his best, he killed a demon king of the earth. Why did another one appear?

Their current strength is simply not enough to deal with this earth demon king.

Are they going to return to the fifth floor?

They are not reconciled, the tenth layer of Xuantian heart is still waiting for them.

"What should I do?" Tian Hong asked Shen Sheng, ready to shoot.

In the battle just now, Fang Chen has been unable to help, but at this time, Fang Chen carefully observed the demon king of the earth and suddenly found something.

"There is a spar on the forehead of the earth demon. If I guess well, that spar is the energy source of the demon." Fang Chen said suddenly.

The eight extreme powerhouses heard it and watched it one after another.

"Energy spar, which provides energy in an endless stream. If the spar of energy is not broken, the demon king of the earth will continually condense." Burial sword, which is easy to open, said in a deep voice.

This space is the domain of the demon king of the earth.

As long as there is a place in the earth, the demon king of the earth can reunite with the energy spar.

This is a very scary thing.

The eight people looked embarrassed. They just tried their best to bombard a demon king of the earth. That was also the best chance to smash the energy spar, but they missed it.

Right now, if you want to smash the energy spar, you must solve this earth demon king.

However, in their state, how to beheaded.

"No, the demon king of the earth is too strong, and the eight of us are in poor condition. Return to the fifth floor."

"Yes, back to the fifth floor, and after getting well, come to the sixth floor."

"It can only be this way."

Several strong men, whose faces were full of helplessness, said one after another.

However, when several people were about to retreat, suddenly Fang Chen spoke.

"Everyone, I have a solution." Fang Chen said.

"You?" Dark Sword looked at Fang Chen and asked.

Obviously he did not believe that Fang Chen could have any good solution.

"If you are willing to believe me, the success rate is at least 80% at least." Fang Chen said.

Other strong men heard the words and fell into silence.

If they fail, their lives will be lost here.

"How do we need to be done?" The only female strongman asked, asking.

"You are responsible for containing the demon king of the earth, and trying to confine its body. I shuttle it in front of it with real meaning and take away the energy spar." Fang Chen said.

Just as Fang Chen spoke, the demon king of the earth had come to them.

"Stupid human beings, as long as you will die in my hands."

The eight extreme powerhouses heard the words and thought quickly.

Finally, everyone decided to give it a try.

"Okay, try again."

After speaking, Yinfeng took the lead in exhibiting the Storm Sword.

The terrible snowstorm instantly fell from the sky, directly letting the surrounding air temperature drop to the lowest.

The blizzard landed on the body of the demon king of the earth and froze instantly, leaving the body of the demon king of the earth temporarily imprisoned.

Upon seeing this, the King of Ice and Fire exhibited the Ice and Fire Swordsmanship, and two real intentions emerged in an instant to assist the wind.

And the other strong players have once again exhibited their strongest peerlessness.

Only the sword was buried, standing quietly.

After casting several strongest moves in a row, he was unable to perform again.

"Hope to be successful." Burial Sword secretly said.


The earth demon king is imprisoned, roaring in rage, his body is constantly struggling.

At this moment, Fang Chen's figure disappeared instantly.

When he next appeared, there was no sign of appearing above the demon king of the earth.

"Melting the ice on the forehead." Fang Chen shouted loudly.

Yinfeng heard the words, his white palm waved violently, and immediately the ice on the forehead of the demon king of the earth melted, and the crystal of energy appeared in front of him.

Fang Chen reached out with his big hand and directly caught the energy spar.

Wow ...

Fang Chen's big hand pulled hard, and the energy spar was pulled out instantly.


Fang Chen's face was covered with joy, and his back flickered and returned to the side of the buried sword.

"The energy spar has been taken away." Fang Chen said.

The other seven people saw it, their faces were overjoyed, and they immediately attacked the demon king.

Losing the maintenance of the energy spar, the demon king's defense continued to decrease, and was eventually besieged by seven people to death.

Wow ...

The body of the earth demon king collapsed directly into the void.

At this time, the eyes of the eight extreme powerhouses were all focused on the energy spar in Fang Chen's hands.

"Quickly destroy the energy spar, otherwise the demon king of the earth will condense again." Yin Feng said a little anxiously.

Other strong men also nodded one after another.

The top priority is to destroy the energy spar, otherwise the earth demon king will condense again, and they can only return to the fifth floor.

Fang Chen pressed his palm hard and wanted to crush the energy spar.

But unexpectedly, the energy spar is extremely hard to crush.

"let me do it."

Energetic Daoist, trying his best to hit the energy spar with a punch.

噔 噔 噔 ......

The body of Dali Dao was shocked, and the energy spar was intact.

At this moment, the energy spar frantically absorbed the soil debris.

"So hard?" Several other people shouted when they saw it.

The energy spar is too hard to destroy even the strong Daoists.

Moreover, the energy spar is absorbing the surrounding soil debris, and the earth demon king is about to condense.

"The eight of us joined forces and must smash it." Dark Sword shouted.

The eight ultimate strongmen teamed up again, arbitrarily attacked, and hit the energy spar.

The results disappointed them, and the energy spar was harmless.

"Damn, how could this be?"

I thought it would be easy to destroy with energy spar.

Now it seems that they are too optimistic.

The energy spar is constantly turning, and the earth demon king is about to condense.

Eight people's faces were gloomy, and Fang Chen's heart was full of helplessness.

"Energy spar, is it so hard to such a degree?" Fang Chen thought to himself.

"No, the demon king of the earth is about to condense and rewind."

The eight extreme strongmen were shocked and retreated.

Fang Chen is also ready to retreat, but at this moment, the little mouse swish appeared.

"let me do it."

After talking, the small claw picked up the energy spar and put it in his mouth, and the click sound came out.

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