Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 315 The Real Ancient Heavenly Palace!

"You two guys, can't you just calm down?"

Facing Gu Hongchen's thanks, Chang Yue didn't say much. She just nodded with a smile and quickly chased after Ji Huang and Su Changsheng.

Gu Hongchen was in a daze as he looked at this strange trio.

I don't know why, but she always feels like she's out sightseeing.

For these three people, perhaps any chance treasure is not that important.

It's more like three people enjoying the process together.

Feeling something in his heart, Gu Hongchen followed closely behind the three of them and began to walk towards the interior of the Tiangong.

Only when you climb the Stairway to Heaven and enter the Heavenly Gate can you truly enter the ancient Heavenly Palace.

If she can get some opportunities here, she may have a chance to get a glimpse of the realm of the Immortal King~.

After all, she had stayed in the True Immortal realm for too long, so long that she was about to give up and go any further.

However, the appearance of Su Changsheng undoubtedly stimulated her even more.

I originally thought that the True Immortal realm was powerful enough to be proud of the world, but now it seems that the True Immortal realm is bullshit!

An ant-like existence!

Only by becoming a true Immortal King can one be considered strong!

The four of them passed through the Tianmen like this, one after the other.

This is the Nantian Gate, which is extremely majestic. If you want to enter the Heavenly Palace, you must pass through this enchantment formation.

The Golden Dragon Token, the Core Disciple Token, and the White Dragon Token all emitted bright brilliance, enveloping everyone, wrapping them and traveling directly through the outer spiritual formation of the Ancient Heavenly Palace.

Su Changsheng, on the other hand, stepped in without any hindrance.

The surrounding space fluctuated violently, and then the light surged in front of my eyes. When I looked again, the scene between heaven and earth had changed drastically again.

"Wow! Is this the inside of the Ancient Heavenly Palace? Why does it look a little different from what you see outside..."

Ji Huang scanned everything in front of him with curious eyes, his eyes full of wonder.

Su Changsheng stood in mid-air and looked up. What appeared in front of him was still an ancient and vicissitudes of the world, but it was a little more majestic and majestic compared to what he saw from the outside of the ancient heavenly palace.

Only by being there can you truly feel the glory and power of this first force in the ancient era!

Even after that devastating and horrific battle, it is really amazing that such a magnificent group of buildings and ruins can still be left behind!

It’s hard to imagine how glorious it must have been to be the number one force in ancient times with countless disciples and tens of thousands of forces on the Eight Desolations, Ten Domains and Nine Provinces vying to worship it!

Even though tens of thousands of years have passed, standing here still makes people feel a little excited!

Throughout the world, there are fairy islands suspended one after another. Between the mist and mist, fairy light flows, which is extremely strange.

The scenery on each fairy island is different.

Some are dense forests and lush trees, while others are palace buildings of different shapes.

But without exception, they are all extremely huge, comparable to a city!

Su Changsheng closed his eyes slightly, opened his arms, and took a deep breath of the air between heaven and earth.

The slightly cool air enters the nasal cavity, accompanied by the vast spiritual power of heaven and earth!

Even though it has been abandoned for thousands of years, this place still has vast spiritual power. This shows what an astonishing cultivation treasure place this place was in the ancient times!

His eyes were no longer stuck in one place, and when he scanned it, he realized how huge it was.

At the end of the line of sight, in addition to floating islands, there are many green peaks and mountains.

Numerous palaces can be vaguely seen rising and falling, and there are waterfalls in the mountains that flow down like giant dragons, making loud rumbling sounds that echo between heaven and earth.

Tens of thousands of people were planted in these palaces. Even though they were covered with dust, they still showed their former prosperity and prosperity.

Su Changsheng looked at this magnificent scene and couldn't help but be filled with admiration.

Su Changsheng couldn't help but mutter to himself. Compared with this place, his Gu Family Changsheng City seemed a bit petty, even a bit shabby.


"Move this ancient heavenly palace back to the Xuanhuang Great World?!"

A shocking idea suddenly appeared in Su Changsheng's mind, and his eyes flashed.

"Is this the real ancient heavenly palace?"

Gu Hongchen's surprised voice came from behind him.

She looked at this area of ​​​​the world and was amazed, with a look of shock on her face!

Facing such a majestic place, even if she was an ancient Immortal Clan, she would still be shocked.

Chang Yue nodded and glanced around. The familiar feeling came to her heart again along with the sadness of things changing and people changing.

But this emotion only lasted for a moment and then disappeared.

Now that we know that Yun Lingxiao is still alive, there is no pity even if everything in front of us is wiped out.

…Please give me flowers….

The important thing is that she is still alive.

"Let's go and see what opportunities we can get this time..."

Su Changsheng's immortal consciousness surged almost unhindered here, but what made him a little strange was that there were actually many places where his immortal consciousness was blocked and could not be explored?!

He is the Lord of Heavenly Palace!

Lord Immortal Sovereign!

Is there anything in this world that he, the Immortal Sovereign, cannot see?!

Su Changsheng frowned slightly, feeling a surge of emotion in Yin Yin's heart.


Gu Hongchen nodded heavily, his eyes full of determination and his expression extremely solemn and serious.

Unlike Su Changsheng and Chang Yue, she has only one purpose from the beginning to the end!


That is to get the ultimate opportunity to glimpse the realm of the Immortal King!

Or the supreme fairy treasure that can restore her Gu Family's ancient prestige!

She has never hesitated when faced with chance treasures.

The journey of spiritual practice is to compete with people and with heaven!

There are only those opportunities and luck. If you don't fight for it, you can only let others take it, and you will only fall behind others.

She understood this truth from the first day she started practicing.

I have always upheld this belief and have struggled to this day.

The effect is naturally remarkable. Apart from the monster Su Changsheng, the youngest True Immortal monk in the Xuanhuang Great World!

"Sister Changyue, where should we go first now?"

Ji Huang turned to look at Chang Yue, with a flattering expression on his face, and asked with a smile.

This place is vast and vast, and if you rush blindly without a clear goal, you will definitely waste a lot of time.

But if Chang Yue guides us, we will definitely avoid many detours.

After hearing this, the three people's eyes immediately turned to Chang Yue, and Su Changsheng did not speak.

Logically speaking, the moment the Inherited Jade Seal recognizes its owner, the entire Heavenly Palace will be under his control, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he knows everything.

But I don't know why, that feeling of control only appeared for that moment and then disappeared.

It's like being forcibly isolated.

Moreover, his immortal consciousness, which should have been flowing unimpeded, was actually blocked in some places just now.

It seems to be protected by a magic circle, and I, the Immortal Sovereign, am not exempted from the exception.


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