Immortal Sword Cultivation

Chapter 847: defeat

In the battle in the realm of kendo, Wang Chen fell into a disadvantage.

The swordsmanship of the opposite True Immortal Peak cultivator was too powerful, and the realm was one level higher than that of Wang Chen, which could be seen from the sword spirit.

The collision of sword intent and sword intent, the competition in the realm of kendo, Wang Chen gradually fell into the disadvantage.

The huge sword intent phantom on the opposite side of the sword repaired became stronger and stronger, and the tiny sword intent penetrated into Wang Chen's sword intent, and was quickly broken by Wang Chen's sword intent, but at this time, the sword repaired by the sword The mind also came from oppression. Wang Chen had too much resistance. Gradually, the entire competition stage was filled with the sword of phantom sword repair.

Finally at a certain moment, two brilliant sword shadows appeared on the competition stage. Among the sword spirits, two divine swords were intertwined, and the sound of sword chants intertwined.


After finally half a stick of incense, Wang Chen's divine sword fell, and a trace of blood appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The sword-shaped phantom around the two also disappeared.

"I lost."

Wang Chen smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth: Unexpectedly, in this competition in the realm of kendo, he was so easily defeated, and he didn't even hold on to it for a day.

The expression of Jian Xiu on the opposite side did not change. He stayed where he wanted to say something, but didn't say anything, then he turned and left.

Wang Chen didn't say anything. Sword repair was mostly like this. He was obsessed with the sword, and it seemed to outsiders that his temper was naturally a little strange.

It’s just that for the cultivator who devours the fairy garden, this battle is a bit troublesome. Although the cultivator at the peak of true immortal has good strength, it is just a great potential. The true theory strength is still not as strong as the cultivator of Xuanxian. Of course, if Wang Chen could defeat the Peacock Fairy who almost became the King of Yum, it would be no problem to beat this young swordsman.

But in the end it was lost.

Moreover, this loss is because of the kendo realm. Although the realm is important, the key lies in the profound magical powers. If there is no profound magical powers, what about the higher realm?

Therefore, although Wang Chen lost this battle, it was for all the monks. This is not a loss.

"My lord, what should I do with the result of this battle?"

Brother Jinxian was a little uncertain, so he walked to the side of the immortal emperor who had been silent and asked. The immortal emperor also frowned slightly, and then said:

"This competition doesn't count, let's arrange another Yum!"

Brother Jinxian nodded, and then went down to prepare.


Wang Chen in this kendo realm competition can be said to be a complete defeat, but Wang Chen did not affect his mood in the slightest. Even if he loses, it is only a temporary loss. And only if you experience failure can you make progress.

Wang Chen's state of mind is not something that can be destroyed by one or two failures.

Returning to the cave mansion he rented again, Wang Chen began to retreat again. The rest of the retreat this time is the perception of this battle.

The sword intent collision between sword repairs, the kendo realm competition is the most obvious improvement in the kendo realm. During the competition, the opponent's kendo realm is unreservedly displayed in front of Wang Chen. Wang Chen feels clearly and carefully understands this. Battle. The kendo realm that Wang Chen had already stopped and solidified turned out to be slowly improving.

On the other side, that Jian Xiu was doing the same thing.

It's just that the level of sword repair is small, while Wang Chen's level is a little more.

Time just passed a little bit like this, and Wang Chen's body was in the boundary beads. While comprehending the mystery, while comprehending the realm of kendo.

After half a year, Wang Chenzai accepted the invitation to participate in the next competition.

This time, Wang Chen met a monk whose Xianji was a great tripod. In this battle, Wang Chen's five-element clone had exhausted all means to defeat the monk.

Eight months later. Wang Chen launched a battle again.

The battle is also the cultivator of the Red Fire Sword Dao. Wang Chen, whose kendo realm increased, won with absolute advantage.

After another half a year, Wang Chen fought against the monks who practiced Yin attribute exercises. The strength of this monk is also very strong, a yin attribute magical power, not only attacking powerful, but also extremely powerful for refining body magical powers. This battle is also very cruel, and he has been fighting for a day and night before he wins.


In every battle, Wang Chen was victorious. Although there were some setbacks, he did not encounter any major accidents. By virtue of the five elements clone, he was victorious.

With these victories, Wang Chen's reputation gradually spread.

It's just that there are different methods for Wang Chen's title. Some people say it is a Taoist of the Five Elements, and some people think it is a Sword Sovereign of the Five Elements, but these titles are still too big.


After nine trials, Wang Chen once again accepted the invitation of the Golden Immortal monk who devoured Xian Ting, but this time, he actually asked to see him in person.

In a teahouse, Wang Chen was sitting and drinking tea, but the Jinxian monk on the opposite side explained it with a smile:

"Congratulations, fellow Daoists, you almost won the Yum King, but this Yum King must defeat an original Yum King, and fellow Daoists need to fight another battle."

Wang Chen nodded, and the Golden Immortal monk continued:

"The next battle will not be held here anymore. After all, this fairy city is a small place. Fellow Daoists need to go to a large fairy city nearby, where there is a qualification for the Yum King. However, this fairy city of the competition, Daoists need to choose. Daoists can take a look and tell me."

When Wang Chen turned out the jade symbol, he saw a lot of information in the jade symbol.

The immortal city that swallows the sky is also divided into levels. Like the immortal city where Wang Chen is located, it is just a small immortal city. Although there are many Yum Kings, the new Yum Kings have to go to the big Immortal City.

This test can only be in the big fairy city.

Wang Chen looked at the message in the jade symbol, and finally found a fairy city, devouring the largest fairy city in the northern part of the sky, Hei Yao Xiancheng.

Hei Yaoxian city is one of the largest immortal cities that swallowed the day. The immortal emperor-level powerhouses in the city do not know how many, and more importantly, this city is located in the north.

After the King of Yum, it is the King of Thousand Victory. It is hard to say whether Wang Chen can win the King of Thousand Victory. Therefore, Wang Chen's goal is to experience the Devouring Heaven, and then leave the Devouring Heaven.

To the north of the swallowing sky, it is Qingyuedi, and then the reincarnation sky, which is also close to the demon world.

Wang Chen was going to the Demon Realm.

After receiving this message, Wang Chen was not in a hurry, because the Yum King’s competition was determined by Wang Chen’s time. For example, this Hei Yaoxian city is tens of thousands of kilometers away from the current city of immortality, and it cannot be reached in a short while. of.

Regarding Wang Chen's choice, although the Golden Immortal who devoured Heavenly Court was ventral, he didn't say anything.

A year later, Wang Chen set off again.

During this period, Wang Chen and the kendo monk tried several times, most of which Wang Chen lost, but after every battle, Wang Chen had a great gain, and the kendo realm slightly increased.

Only for the last time, that Jian Xiu wanted to test his supernatural powers, Wang Chen showed his strength, and instantly defeated this kendo monk.

Compared to his real strength, Wang Chen threw this sword repair out of nowhere.

After this test, Wang Chen drove the Five Elements Escape and walked towards the northern part of the devouring sky.

Only at this time, there was a beautiful and cold female nun, the Peacock Fairy, in the Five Elements Escape. Wang Chen didn't deal with the Peacock Fairy very much. Since the last time he defeated her, the Peacock Fairy has been constantly looking for Wang Chen to compete. Although he has repeatedly defeated, he is persevering, which makes Wang Chen annoyed.

"Fairy, there are countless devouring sky masters, why should I be stunned? If you want to challenge, some cultivators want to challenge?"

Wang Chen rolled his face and said, but Fairy Peacock still kept his face cold, and said:

"They are not pure in their intentions, and they don't need to use all their strength. Only if you dare to use all their strength, it is worth my action. When I defeat you, naturally they won't bother you anymore, and you don't have to worry about it."

When Fairy Peacock said so, Wang Chen was a little bit ventral:

"You are so beautiful, many monks are chasing you, coveting you a bit, the golden immortals in the fairy city also admire you a lot, why bother me, is it because I am smashing the flowers?"

Wang Chen thought about it, but felt it was not. It seemed that he had no special ideas about Fairy and didn't have any prejudices.

After all, Wang Chen still admires a monk who is so obsessed with cultivation and fighting.


Thanks to the book friends for their rewards and monthly tickets, it is more exciting to write.

In fact, I still don’t want to say anything about the results of this book. There are seven or eighty subscriptions per chapter, which is terrible. As for the monthly remuneration, two or three hundred, it is the bottom of the starting point, but I just want to finish the book. That's it.

It's like a story, with a beginning, and I don't want him to have no end.

In addition, I am about to graduate my senior year. Please understand, exams, graduation design, job hunting, all kinds of troubles, typing time every day is squeezing time, annoying.

However, this book must be finished, and after writing so much, it is a bit of a feeling. I will definitely not be an eunuch. If you are a book friend who supports this book, please subscribe. The results are really terrible.

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