
A black breath entangled the spirits of the real cultivator of Nangong family, and the real cultivator of Nangong family screamed miserably, but the voice was blocked and could not be transmitted at all.

After a long while, the spirit of the real cultivator of the Nangong family disappeared, and the golden cultivator, who was covered in black light, looked surprised.

"This...Is it really so lucky that I happened to meet someone who knew Nangong Qingyue, if I go in quietly and catch Nangong Qingyue, then..."

The Jinxian monk laughed wildly, but then his eyes calmed down, thinking: "No, there are two immortal emperors secretly guarding Nangong Qingyue. If I go, I will definitely die, and it is said that although the person is Xuanxian , But I'm not as strong as the Immortal Emperor. It's strange, I'd better report it."

Thinking about it, this Golden Immortal monk disappeared in a black light in Huadao.

The temporary residence of Ziyun Xianzong.

The Zikui Immortal Emperor was melancholy, although he was very strong against the monks of other forces outside, the Zikui Immortal Emperor was still very worried in his heart.

On the one hand, the strength of the Nangong family is really too strong. Even if the emperor falls and the master has a fault, the number of immortal emperors left is still terrifying. The fifteen major forces in Qingyue Land will attack together in a short time. It is evident that Nangong’s defenses were not breached.

On the other hand, the potential of the Nangong family is terrifying.

Every disciple of the Nangong clan has extraordinary talents, and the condensed Hai Qingyue Sheng Xianji is above the fifth stage, and it is even said that sometimes the Ninth Stage Xianji will appear. Very powerful.

In these tens of billions of years, the Nangong family has not encountered a crisis. But every time a genius disciple appeared in the clan, he turned the tide and made extraordinary achievements.

It's just that those disciples have long shown extraordinary talents. It is not surprising that there are such achievements in the Ming Chuan Immortal Realm. Only this time, no particularly outstanding disciples among the younger generations of the Nangong family have appeared.

This is also the only opportunity for other forces in Qingyue Land, if this opportunity can't be grasped. Then there is really no chance.

When Emperor Zikui was thinking about it, he felt the news coming out of the jade slip. When Emperor Zikui finished reading the news, he was immediately overjoyed.

Then, Emperor Zikui used the jade slip to spread the news.

After a while, a black-clad Jinxian monk entered the residence of Emperor Zikui.

"Did you get the news from Nangong Qingyue?"

Immortal Zikui looked at this golden immortal with surprise in his tone. He also knew this golden immortal, and he could be regarded as one of the most outstanding juniors among the golden immortals in the Ziyun Immortal Sect, but this person acted too harshly, and what he cultivated was an out-and-out magic way, not a big deal. Some people like it.

The black-clothed Jinxian monk nodded and took out a jade slip. Said: "Uncle Master, please take a look."

Immortal Zikui took the jade slip, and he was pleasantly surprised. After a while, Immortal Zikui laughed loudly: "Okay, I have the address of Nangong Qingyue. Just let's go sneak attack, and you did a good job. In the door. It will give you enough benefits. It seems that I am going out this time."

As the Zikui Immortal said, his mind turned for an unknown number of times, and he encouraged the black-clothed Jinxian with a few words, and his body turned into a escape.

An hour later, Immortal Zikui and a dozen other immortal emperors disappeared silently.

Amidst the light, an immortal emperor's urn, who had been surrounded by golden beasts, said: "Purple sunflower, you are not deceiving the old man, such a long way, deep into the depths of Nangong's house, if you are really caught I found out that there will be another fierce battle at that time, and maybe some of the immortal emperors will die."

Immortal Zikui smiled, Divine Consciousness Transmission said:

"Emperor Golden Horseshoe crab, we are also an old relationship, would you use this kind of thing to lie to you, if you really lie to you, why should we get rid of the seven immortal emperors from my door? Isn't this pushing yourself into the fire pit?"

"Hmph, I don't know your thoughts, but my Jinhuang Immortal Sect only got 30% of the income is really a bit less. If there is an accident, don't blame me for not being affectionate and just leave."

Immortal Emperor Jinliu said directly, even though he knew that this matter would not be false, he was still a little worried in his heart.

If things are really that simple, it’s just that the two immortal emperors Ziyun Xianzong have eight immortal emperors, so you can do it yourself. Why should they call Jinhuang Xianzong? This shows that there are still some dangers, and it is very likely. It is the war.

But even so, Emperor Jinliu was willing to make a move.

The Ziyun Xianzong sent eight immortal emperors, and the Zikui Immortal emperor personally led it. Obviously, it is very sure. Although there are risks, if it succeeds, there will be great gains. Therefore, the Golden Horseshoe Horseshoe Emperor will decide to shoot together.

The fifteen immortal emperors quietly spared the battle area of ​​Qingyue Court, spared a lot of time, and finally reached a place in the northwest behind Qingyue Court after seven days.

"Here, everyone, be careful, pay attention to hiding your figure. In the nearby villages, the Nangong Qingyue is present, and there are at least two immortal emperors."

Zikui Immortal Emperor spoke through the divine consciousness, and then led the fifteen immortal emperors to quietly descend.

call out!

When the purple sunflower immortal emperor moved, he killed a celestial monk in a village, and then began to use the soul-searching magical powers. After a while, the purple sunflower immortal emperor shook his head and said:

"It's not in this village. Everyone, be careful and continue to take a look at the next place."

Next, Immortal Zikui took action. Every time he went to a village, he grabbed a monk to perform a soul-searching technique to find information about Nangong Qingyue.

Sure enough, when he was in the four-four-grid village, the purple sunflower immortal emperor had finished searching for his soul, and he was delighted:

"I found it. In the village not far away, it is the Nangong Qingyue. Everyone should be careful. When the time comes, they will attack together and leave as soon as possible."

The fifteen immortal emperors all nodded. Among the fifteen, the eight members of Ziyun Immortal Sect and the seven members of Jinhuang Immortal Sect were all immortal emperor cultivation bases, and they were very powerful.

Soon, the fifteen people found the village where Nangong Qingyue was located, but even so, they did not make a move in vain, because the two immortal emperors would appear as soon as they shot. It's not too small, it's the best plan to kill Nangong Qingyue only in an instant, taking advantage of their unpreparedness.

Next, the Zikui Immortal emperor quietly took action here, searching for the soul of an immortal monk.

There will be no fluctuations when dealing with Tianxian, so Immortal Emperor can't find it either.

After searching for the soul, Immortal Zikui was surprised, and the soul said: "Okay, I found it, but Nangong Qingyue is inside. Wait for me to shoot with me to kill that person in an instant. At that time, even if you can't get the corpse, it will be fine, as long as you record it with water mirrors."

As the Zikui Immortal Emperor said, he was quietly condensing magical powers, and at the same time, he quietly observed it. When he was convinced that the moment he saw Nangong Qingyue, Zikui was ready to publish a book, and the others were also ready to go.

After a while, a water-blue stream appeared, and then quickly flew towards the cave house of Nangong Qingyue.

Supernatural power, three thousand weak water.

This supernatural power is the extremely powerful supreme supernatural power among the water attributes. It focuses on attacking. If the monks below the immortal emperor get a little bit of this weak water, they will continue to be eroded, and they will undoubtedly die. Even the immortal emperor’s cultivation is painful , And that's the case, Immortal Zikui would have such a great reputation.

At the same time, 14 other magical powers also appeared together, killing the cave of Nangong Qingyue.

One of these fourteen magical powers is a golden exotic beast golden horseshoe crab, powerful and unusual, comparable to the magical powers of the Purple Sunflower Immortal Emperor, and the other magical powers are average among the Immortal Emperors.

But no matter how common it is, it contains more than 10,000 kinds of mystery, and that power is of course needless to say.

The fifteen magical powers appeared almost at the same time, and the three immortal emperors around Nangong Qingyue Cave Mansion instantly discovered them, their expressions panicked, and they flew out instantly.

"Damn it, it's the kid Qingyue who attacked unexpectedly."

"Damn it, there is no formation around Qingyue's child, this time it is bound to die, these 15 powers are really fast, even Qingyue's cave mansion has inquired about it."

"Now it's dead, and the hope of the Nangong family has died in their hands."

The three immortal emperors were furious, but in the next moment, a sword aura soared into the sky, a strange vision appeared in the sword aura, the starlight turned into nothingness, and all things derive from the nothingness, like an oval world. , Mysticism is abnormal.

"I want to kill my apprentice, so bold." (To be continued...)

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