Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 1247: ambition

Yu Mo was very satisfied with the attitude of Dao Shen and Hou Yuan, regardless of whether they pretended or not, but at least they dare not make a mistake now.

The value of the two is not small, and I have to squeeze out their value as much as possible.

"God of the Sword, Hou Yuan, remember the task I gave you earlier, write down both the Heavenly Sword Technique and the Heavenly Sword Technique, and hand it over to me earlier, do you understand?" Yu Mo urged.

"Yes, yes, we'll start sorting it out right away."

The two quickly responded.

Yu Shengzhi and Kuangdao were ecstatic. With these two martial arts, the Cangtian Sect would have more martial arts of the town school, and their strength would definitely rise to a higher level.

Several people returned to the Santian Sect, which caused quite a stir.

Many new disciples want to see the sect master's demeanor.

Many of them were later defeated in the Santian Sect, and they had not seen the Sect Master with their own eyes, but their ears had grown cocooned after hearing all the rumors about the Sect Master.

Some of these disciples are older than Yu Mo, and some are younger, but all of them regard Yu Mo as an idol.

The rise of Yu Mo is a miracle. The speed of the rocket is unmatched. Yu Mo has long been synonymous with invincibility in their minds.

"Tomorrow, I will organize everyone in the Santian Sect, and I will see everyone."

Yu Mo walked all the way and made a decision.

This is his team, he can't always be the boss, and he still needs to show it when it is critical.

"I'll make arrangements right now."

Kuang Dao led the order to retreat, and took Dao Shen and Hou Yuan down to settle down.

The King of Heaven also withdrew and returned to his court.

She left for such a long time, and the law hall was handed over to her subordinates. Of course, she had to check the work when she came back.

Fenghuang and Yu Shengzhi did not leave. They had a lot of questions, and Fenghuang couldn't wait to ask: "Now they have all left, it's time to reveal the mystery, don't cheat with me, your behavior is too annoying."

Yu Mo said with a straight face, "Phoenix, I am the suzerain, and you are the lord of the Xiuzhen Hall. How did you talk to me?"

Phoenix's apricot eyes stared, and he said with a bluster: "Come on, don't use the identity of the sect master to oppress me, this set is useless to me."

Yu Shengzhi frowned, unable to hide his curiosity, and said, "Mo'er, let's talk."

"Hahaha!" Yu Mo laughed loudly: "Then I won't give a shit, it's a long story to tell the truth..."

He was originally going to tell the story of what happened at Tianlong Temple and Lingshan Mountain. Hearing that he had become a living Buddha of Tianlong Temple, his status was extremely noble, and the two were shocked again.

Later, the battle of Lingshan made them even more frightened, and they could imagine the danger.

Yu Shengzhi's eyes became hot, he took Yu Mo's hand, and said with guilt, "Mo'er, it's all my father's fault, I can't protect you, and I haven't fulfilled my responsibility as a father."

"Dad, I've said it a long time ago, it's not your fault, don't you think I've gained a lot this time?" Yu Mo said with a relaxed smile.

Yu Shengzhi sighed: "You have really grown up, and my father is proud of you."

Fenghuang clicked his tongue in amazement, and said, "You really have a bad luck, and the **** of the sword was actually poisoned by you, but was controlled by you."

"Yeah, this is still too dangerous. You really have been in the gate of **** for a while. These two people have surrendered to you now. Are they temporarily false, and will they defect in the future?"

Phoenix agreed: "This is not unreasonable. After all, the two are from the Tianwu world, and now they are only forced by the situation. Once they escape from your control, they will definitely fight back."

Yu Mo shrugged and said indifferently, "Whether they are sincere or forced by the situation, all in all, they can't threaten me now, and I want to squeeze all the value out of them."

Yu Mo had a plan for a long time and kept talking.

"The martial arts of the Tianwu world are well developed, which can be seen from these two people. I believe that people in our world are no worse than those in the Tianwu world. As long as we study their martial arts and apply what we have learned, even if the Tianwu world will attack in large numbers in the future, then We also have the strength to fight.”

Yu Shengzhi nodded gratified: "You have a comprehensive plan, then I can rest assured."

Yu Mo stared at the phoenix and asked, "Phoenix, about the big world and the small world, did the God of Swords lie?

Phoenix nodded: "I do know a thing or two. There are thousands of worlds in the vast universe. There are big worlds and small worlds. The big world is eternal and immortal, while the small world has the possibility of destruction. But the big and small worlds are not constant. A big world can become a small world due to external factors, and a small world can also be promoted to a big world.”

It was the first time that Yu Mo and his son heard this and pricked up their ears, as if they had opened the door to a new world.

"The big and small world is because of what external force elements transform each other?" Yu Mo asked a key point.

"Whether the big world or the small world has its own most critical things, it is related to the whole world. Some worlds are the tree of life, and some worlds are things like Dao luck."

"What is the tree of life?"

"It is a big tree standing in the sky, and it is related to the survival of the entire world. Once the tree of life dies, the world will turn into a small world and may be destroyed at any time."

Yu Mo nodded and wrote it down and said, "Then our world does not have the tree of life, but the avenue of luck?"


"Tianwu world absorbs our avenues of luck, and it is possible to become a big world, so that it will be immortal?"

"Yes, the ambitions of the Tianwu Realm are not small, and it's also my fault that you are unlucky to be discovered by the Tianwu Realm." Phoenix sighed.

"Hehe, unlucky? Who is unlucky, I don't know for sure. Tianwu world can absorb our luck, so can't we do the opposite?" Yu Mo said suddenly.

"You have to think about it, the Tianwu world is respected by warriors, and you are a practitioner. Once you absorb the luck of the Tianwu world, the current world is bound to change, and the fate of practitioners will not be better." Phoenix reminded .

Yu Mo's heart froze, this is a problem.

"And, do you think it's that easy to absorb the luck of a world? With your strength, or in other words, no one in this world can do this."

Yu Mo was surprised: "So difficult?"

"Of course!" Phoenix rolled his eyes, "Neither the God of Swords nor the rumored Emperor Qing can do this, and only Emperor Tianwu can do this. Do you think you can be compared to Emperor Tianwu now?"

Yu Mo said angrily: "Of course I am not as good as him now, but one day, I will surpass him."

"Have ambition!" Yu Shengzhi praised loudly: "This is my son, what about Emperor Tianwu? They want to destroy our world and perfect themselves, how can we let them succeed, there will always be untold hardships, Then you have to give it a try, and you won't be wasting your life."

Yu Shengzhi paused for a moment, then changed the subject, and said brightly, "But our top priority is to rescue your mother."

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