Tang Jing's voice startled everyone.

Everyone looked fixedly, their eyes straightened in an instant, their eyes were full of horror, and they sucked in cold air, and a cold air rushed from the soles of the feet to the top of the head.

It turned out to be really human.

A man hanging upside down, covered with vines, turned his back to everyone, so everyone only saw the vines and mistakenly thought it was the fruit of a big tree.

When Tang Jing turned it around, he clearly saw the true face behind him.

This fruit is man, what about other fruits?

They looked subconsciously and saw a lot of fruit hanging on the big tree. Could it be that everyone is a human?

"He is from our Ye family." Ye Qianqian suddenly exclaimed, recognizing the person in the fruit.

The Ye family!

Yu Mo's heart is awe-inspiring. Could it be that Ye Zhun and other masters have also turned into fruits and hung on this big tree?

"Check other fruits quickly."

Yu Mo made a decisive decision and shouted loudly.

Everyone overcame their fears and quickly checked other fruits, but they turned out to be all people, entangled in the vines.

"My dad is here."

Suddenly, Ye Qianqian stood in front of a fruit and screamed.

Yu Mo's figure flashed and came to her side. Sure enough, he saw Ye Zhun's fruit in front of him. His eyes were tightly closed, leaving only one face exposed.

Ye Qianqian said in horror, "My dad..."

Knowing what she was thinking, Yu Mo shook his head and said, "Uncle Ye is not dead, he still has life, but the life has been lost, as if something is consuming his life bit by bit."

His gaze fell on the vine involuntarily.

Is it because of these vines that they have been absorbing the vitality of these people?

Yu Mo was startled. In this way, this big tree is very strange. The traces of battle in front of the lake, could it be that these people are fighting against this big tree?

This guess made Yu Mo a big jump, his complexion had turned ashen, and he stared at the big tree dazedly.

The tree stood still and didn't react at all.

"Save them all first."

Yu Mo no longer delays, no matter whether it is because of the big tree or not, it is important to save people.


The sword light flashed and hit the top of the vine. With a click, the vine broke and Ye Zhun fell.

Ye Qianqian hurriedly hugged him and shouted loudly, "Dad, wake up and answer me, what's wrong with you?"

Ye Zhun's eyes were tightly closed, and there was no reaction at all.

"Yu Mo, aren't you good at medicine? Hurry up and save my dad." Ye Qianqian pleaded.

"Ye Qianqian, don't worry, I will naturally save Uncle Ye."

He hurriedly used his medical scriptures, and the vitality in Ye Zhun's body gradually stabilized, and his eyes opened little by little.

When he saw Yu Mo, he was shocked and screamed: "Yu Mo, run away. Qianqian, why are you here, run away quickly and leave this ghost place."

As the head of the family, Ye Zhun has extensive knowledge and strong willpower.

He was frightened like this, which shows how terrifying he has experienced.

"Dad, what's wrong with you, don't scare me." Ye Qianqian choked.

Yu Mo asked in a low voice: "Uncle Ye, what happened, please take your time. We will work together to overcome difficulties and dangers."

Ye Zhun kept blinking and shook his head with difficulty: "I didn't lie to you, this is right and wrong, leave this ghost place first, and talk about everything else later."

The Buddha also looked at Ye Zhun in astonishment, and said with relief: "Patriarch Ye, calm down first, think about what happened here, why did it become like this, what about the others?"

Ye Zhun seemed to be coming back to his senses gradually, looked at everyone in a daze, and said, "Qingyou scattered people and Bai Wuchang are too fast, we followed all the way here, and we saw this lake and this big tree, but suddenly, the lake water A lot of pythons came out of it and attacked us, and many people were dragged into the lake and lost consciousness. I just saw you when I woke up."

"Python?" Yu Mo looked at the calm lake, but there was no movement. Where did the python come from.

"Those pythons are too big and powerful. Our weapons wounded them. The lake water was stained red with blood, and the lake water almost boiled." Ye Zhun said fearfully.

Yu Mo was thoughtful and stared straight at the lake. After all, he didn't see any clues. He only asked, "What about the others?"

"I remember that Gu Haoran and the others escaped. Also, I stopped a python at my own expense, and Dieyi should have escaped successfully." Ye Zhun recalled.

"Where is Sect Master Tang?" Yu Mo asked.

"Father-in-law has the highest skill, and he is in front of us, so I didn't see him, and we don't know whether he passed by here. There are also Qingyou Sanctuary and Bai Wuchang at the front, and we don't know their specific circumstances. ."

Yu Mo nodded, thinking thoughtfully, this means that at least the entire army was not wiped out, and the python was also driven by the demons?

"Have you seen the demons again?"

"Demon race? Besides Bai Wuchang, are there other demon races?" Ye Zhun looked blank.

Yu Mo hurriedly told him what he had seen on the road in the future, Ye Zhun was horrified: "The demons actually set up an ambush, so what happened to us was also caused by the demons?"

"Nine times out of ten this is the possibility." Yu Mo agreed.

"Then the demons are still here? Those pythons are very dangerous, we must leave as soon as possible." Ye Zhun struggled to stand up, he has not recovered, and the situation is not optimistic.

The spirit of the crowd immediately became highly tense.

"Then let's leave first, and then treat them, Yushu, control the water and send them ashore." Yu Mo arranged.

"Yes, Master." Zhuang Yushu happily accepted the order.

Whoa whoa whoa!

Suddenly, blisters appeared in the lake, like boiling.

"Oh my God, the python is here again." Ye Zhun screamed in shock.

Ye Zhun, the head of the family, was frightened like this, showing how tragic the previous battle was and how terrifying the python was.

Everyone immediately looked at Yu Mo.

Yu Mo made a decisive decision: "Let's meet the enemy, Yushu, you focus on saving people."


Everyone divided the labor and cooperated, Yu Mo took the lead, and the blood blade flew out and submerged in the lake.


A water column shot up from the water, and a stream of blood emerged from the bottom of the water, staining the lake surface red.

Tang Jing cheered: "I've hit the python."

Ye Zhun did not relax at all, but looked solemn, and said, "There are more pythons that can't be killed. This lake is like a snake's nest."

As soon as the voice fell, the lake water boiled violently, and a wave of water moved to everyone from a distance, and it was vaguely seen that there were many things under the water.

"The python is here!"

Ye Zhun shouted.

Yu Mo and Buddha Zi stood at the front of the crowd, and the blood blade in Yu Mo's hand became more and more blazing.

There was a wooden fish in the Buddha's hand. He tapped lightly, but there was no sound, but everyone felt an overwhelming coercion surging towards the lake.

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