Chapter 11: Diamond Cutting

In the blink of an eye, it was the first day of March.

The peach blossoms in the mansion were already blooming tenderly, very charming and lovable. I imagine that the Ten Thousand Peach Garden would be even more splendid.

Because the third day of the month was the Peach Blossom Banquet set by the Eight Virtuous Princesses, the workload at Hidden Knowledge Pavilion had also decreased recently. It is said that this project, which has lasted for over a year, is about to come to an end, at least for those of us at the "bottom".

Lin Xuanzhi decided to take a few days off at home to avoid the hustle and bustle. After all, he had already "scanned" all the books and documents from Huang Guiquan's place, and it would take some time for the next batch to arrive.

His colleagues thought that this twenty-something Lin gentleman had finally come to his senses and was preparing well to impress everyone at the Peach Blossom Banquet, hoping to win the favor of some young ladies.

If Lin Xuanzhi were to find out, he would probably criticize them for being shallow and superficial.

Taking advantage of his break, Lord Liu and his second son, Liu Sen, came to express their gratitude in the morning. Lin Xuanzhi naturally had to entertain them.

Although the matter with the Butterfly Robe seemed to have been resolved easily, Lin Xuanzhi didn't even expend a bit of energy. But Lord Liu didn't show any disrespect either. The gratitude gift was carefully chosen and valuable. It probably took a lot of thought and thinned out the Liu family's purse.

Lin Xuanzhi only accepted half of it, and Lord Liu insisted on leaving the rest. In the end, Lin Xuanzhi had to use the Butterfly Robe as half of the gratitude gift. Only then did father and son finally leave after multiple expressions of gratitude.

After seeing off Lord Liu and his son, Lin Sheng, his nephew, came over with several large boxes.

Lin Xuanzhi couldn't help but feel helpless. Even during his break, there was no peace and quiet. It seemed that he would have to go hide in the countryside outside the city in the future.

"Nephew, I've seen Uncle. These are some things my uncle obtained while suppressing bandits. They finally arrived today, and my mother immediately had me deliver them," Lin Sheng said.

As the eldest son of the main branch of the Earl's Mansion, Lin Sheng had naturally been well-trained. He was full of spirit and confidence, but without any air of arrogance.

"Your Tendons and Bones realm is stable? Prepare well for the martial arts examination," Lin Xuanzhi observed Lin Sheng's state and couldn't help but remind him as an elder.

Lin Sheng chuckled and said, "Although I'm confident in getting a good ranking in the youth group, you also know that those noble families' children are definitely stronger than me. I can only do my best."

As his great aunt said, although the Loyalty and Valor Earl's Mansion was not bad in the Divine Capital, it was only considered a second or third-rate family. It relied entirely on having a master like Lin Xuanzhi to make the noble families take notice and not dare to insult them lightly.

Lin Xuanzhi patted Lin Sheng's shoulder and encouraged him, "My Sheng'er has achieved the Tendons and Bones realm at such a young age. Don't underestimate yourself."

"But when the time comes, you must also act within your abilities and not be burdened by empty fame, so as not to harm your foundation in a fierce competition."

Lin Sheng respectfully agreed and then looked at Lin Xuanzhi with a curious glint in his eyes. "A few days ago, my father said that with your appearance and performance in the palace examination, if you do better, you could be selected as a top scholar. Is that true?"

Lin Xuanzhi smiled calmly and said, "I ranked low in the second class. I'm far from the top class. Don't listen to your father exaggerating for me."

"Really? I don't believe it. Grandmother said that you had an exceptional memory since you were young, and you could remember everything you read, whether it was books or martial arts. It must be that you were nervous during the palace examination and didn't perform well."

Lin Sheng still didn't believe it. After all, everyone in the family admired and praised their Fifth Uncle.

Helpless, Lin Xuanzhi finally managed to send the brat away after some effort, and then he immediately looked through the four large boxes that his sister-in-law had sent over.

The first one that was opened revealed a three-foot-tall cyan-colored dan furnace that looked like gold but not gold, like wood but not wood. After inspecting it, Lin Xuanzhi discovered that it was actually an incomplete Second Layer Law Weapon.

His eyes brightened, and after admiring it for a while, he asked Biyue and Qiuwen to open the remaining three boxes. The Butterfly Robe also flew down from the peach tree, flapping its wings to join in the excitement.

As the boxes were opened one by one, Lin Xuanzhi took a look and found that the second box contained some books and jade slips, but it wasn't filled to the brim.

The third and fourth boxes contained ores and herbs, some of which were even stored in brocade boxes with talismans attached to the outside.

Waving his hand, Lin Xuanzhi ordered the two maidservants, "Take the books, jade slips, and dan furnace to the study. Register and store the rest."

Thinking that the dan furnace was ultimately a Law Weapon and had a high value, he called Biyue again and said, "After you're done, bring the Dragon Bone Nourishing Cream to Sheng'er. Put it in a good jade box."

Biyue never questioned Young Master's decisions and immediately smiled and replied, "Young Master, rest assured, I'll go later."

Lin Xuanzhi nodded, but then he suddenly froze. A look of joy flashed in his eyes, and he immediately got up and returned to the study.

Sitting cross-legged on the couch, Lin Xuanzhi focused his mind on the mud pill.

He saw numerous runic clouds and seals flashing within the faint silver light on the Jade Wheel. As Lin Xuanzhi touched it, the light sphere fell as if it were solid, silently merging into his consciousness.

After a few breaths.

Lin Xuanzhi opened his eyes, feeling only a slight headache, much more comfortable than when he first obtained the method of artifact refining.

Through the process of discovery, collection, organization, and optimization, Lin Xuanzhi thoroughly understood the refining method of this "Diamond Cutter" from the Jade Wheel.

He had become extremely familiar with the prohibitions, materials, techniques, and timing.

If he had enough materials at this time, and his cultivation had reached a certain level, he could immediately start working on it.


The set of prohibitions for the Diamond Cutter obtained in the dream was only complete up to the Fifth Layer of perfection, with only three layers of the Sixth Layer.

In the future, he could use the Jade Wheel to complete it, but the prohibitions of the Sixth Layer were of a high level and very complex. It was not a good time to deduce them now, lest it would delay his cultivation.

Although it was not something he needed to use immediately, Lin Xuanzhi was still very satisfied.

There was always a sense of accomplishment in the things he had collected.

Moreover, he was extremely familiar with the functions and uses of this Law Weapon.

Speculating further was useless.

When he first arrived, he did try to learn about the Chi Ming World and explore its secrets, but unfortunately, besides the three well-known Dao Ancestors, everything else was either inaccessible or unfamiliar with mythical legends. He gave up on unrealistic ideas.

Over the years, apart from offering sacrifices to the Nanhua Dao Ancestor, he had not made any other moves.

After all, the Dao Sect was reclusive, and even if he could find the door, he couldn't enter.

"In the future, if I can refine it to the Fifth Layer, this Diamond Cutter Law Weapon will be invulnerable to water and fire, and its size will be changeable. It can knock down other Law Weapons and smash and bind people."

With the Jade Wheel, although Lin Xuanzhi could maintain a clear state of mind, he would often voluntarily leave the state of being blessed by the Jade Wheel when he was alone.

In doing so, he could experience his true state of mind and thoughts, and comprehend the difference between the two realms, thereby tempering himself.

Sorting through his recent "harvest," feelings of joy, excitement, anticipation, as well as ambitious aspirations and wild ambitions involuntarily surged in Lin Xuanzhi's mind, causing waves of ripples.

But with two lifetimes of experience and many years of cultivating the Taiyin Bright Moon Illuminating the Divine Chart, his own temperament was not so fragile.

Although he had been troubled recently, his restless inner self gradually calmed down, restoring a sense of tranquility and self-possession.

Just then, Lin Xuanzhi's ears twitched, and he could clearly hear Qiuwen's footsteps approaching the study.

A trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't help muttering, "Never-ending, so annoying."

"If I take another break, I'll have to go to my mother's estate to find some peace!"

Qiuwen lightly knocked on the door and whispered, "Young Master, Su San from the Dingyuan Marquis Mansion is here. He's waiting for you in the front garden."

A clear expression of joy immediately appeared on Lin Xuanzhi's face, and he was already heading towards the door.

"He rarely acts so formal, actually waiting in the garden."

"If someone didn't know, they would think he's preparing to meet a girl."

Listening to her young master's casual joke, Qiuwen also smiled and explained, "I was originally going to bring Third Young Master here, but he said the scenery in the garden is good and more open, so it's the same there."

Lin Xuanzhi's steps were light, and a bright smile appeared on his face. "Qiuwen, prepare the precious Huangya Immortal Tea that I've been treasuring."

"After being away for two years, he still knows how to appreciate the scenery."

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(End of this chapter)

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