Immortality: Beginning With The Great Zhou Divine Dynasty

Chapter 2 The Eight Scenes Of Shangyuan Dynasty

Chapter 2: The Qi Method of the Eight Scenic Spots of Shangyuan

Crimson Bright Vast Lands can be described as vast and boundless, with a colorful and extraordinary world.

In the Human Race Divine State, there is the Great Zhou Divine Dynasty, where the emperor controls the power of the human path and governs the ten directions, benefiting all living beings and enjoying a prestigious reputation.

There are Confucian scholars who have clear minds and see their true nature. They write books and establish theories, nurturing the noble spirit within themselves, assisting the emperor in the mortal world, and educating the people. And there are Martial Artists who cultivate their physical bodies, refine their Qi and blood, temper their Martial Dao will, and condense Martial Dao Law Manifestations, aspiring to become Human Immortals.

In the Grotto-Heaven blessed land, there are cultivators of Qi Refining who eat the wind and drink the dew, manipulate the Kan and Li trigrams, subdue dragons and tigers, and fly through the mysterious gates, traveling from the North Sea to the Cangwu region, cultivating the Pure Yang.

In the northeast of the Great Zhou Divine Dynasty, separated by a hundred thousand mountains, lies the Monster Race's desolate continent, which has always been a source of friction.

In the northwest grasslands, the Witch-Barbarian Race is constantly eyeing the opportunity to wreak havoc on the Great Zhou during times of chaos.

In the desolate western region, Buddhism and demons coexist, and the land is barren. It may seem calm and peaceful, but it is always closely watching the Divine State.

There are the Violet Palace in the East Sea, various countries in the South Sea archipelago, and the Ruins of the North Sea, among many other places.

All these seemingly ambiguous traces make Lin Xuan, who suddenly arrived in this world, yearn for them, wishing he could witness them with his own eyes.

"Although there are traces to follow in Martial Dao, if one only cultivates the body and neglects the mind, it is only in the Late Stage that one can nourish the soul with Qi and blood, and it is only after reaching the Martial Dao Divine Will that one can actively enhance the soul."

"As for returning to the Innate and achieving the status of a Martial Dao Human Immortal, there are far fewer people who can achieve this than the Essence Soul Perfected Beings of the orthodox sects who have a long-term view."

"Moreover, it is not easy to achieve longevity in Martial Dao. After Blood Replacing, one can live for at most three cycles of sixty years, while many Jade Liquid cultivators of the same level can live for over four hundred years."

Although the Zhuangyong Marquis Mansion has only risen to prominence in the past thousand years, it is backed by the Divine Dynasty and is one of the sharp blades in the hands of the current emperor. The level of access it has is not low.

After all, even though the Divine Dynasty has been declining, it has continued for nearly eight thousand years, and its heritage cannot be underestimated!

For example, when Lin Xuan and the old master of the Zhuangyong Marquis Mansion, Zhuang Yongbo, expressed their admiration for the Immortal Dao, this old man, who felt guilty for the death of Lin Xuan's parents, directly lowered his face, searched within the family, and reached out to friends and relatives, thus gathering a large number of techniques and formulas for him.

Martial Dao Human Immortals are hard to come by. In the eight thousand years of the Divine Dynasty, only four or five Human Immortals have appeared.

Below the Human Immortal level, there are divisions such as Skin and Flesh, Tendons and Bones, Inner Strength, Marrow Cleansing, Blood Replacing, Core Incubation, Divine Will, and Law Manifestation, which correspond to the levels below the Essence Soul of the orthodox sects.

As a figure who has condensed Divine Will, the old master Zhuang Yongbo is comparable to someone who has achieved the Gold Core stage and cultivated Mysterious Light, and he is also a well-known expert in the Divine Dynasty.

The things he searched for were naturally genuine.

However, authentic transmissions from the orthodox sects are rare, and most of them are general visualization methods, books for independent cultivators, unorthodox techniques, talismans, alchemy books, dual cultivation methods, and a variety of miscellaneous things. But the higher levels are all limited to the Jade Liquid stage.

However, it is possible that by casting a wide net and catching more fish, Lin Xuan finally succeeded in obtaining two foundation-establishing methods from the orthodox sects five years ago, when he was eighteen years old.

One is "Xiao Wu Xiang Body Tempering Essence Nurturing," which is a method of strengthening the foundation and cultivating the primordial essence. The other is "Tai Yin Water Moon Illuminating Divine Diagram," which is a method of cultivating the mind and visualizing the spirit.

In the orthodox practice of the mysterious gate, before formally entering the path, one must go through the stages of Body Tempering Nurturing Spirit and Foundation Building, commonly referred to as Foundation Building.

Through cultivation, one adjusts their essence, energy, and spirit to a state of "perfect spirit and abundant energy."

In the martial path, there is also preparation for Foundation Building. The difference between the two at this stage is not significant. However, in the martial path, there is no emphasis on cultivating the mind and visualizing the spirit, only on the physical body and vital energy.

In reality, many people struggle to cultivate the mind and visualize the spirit, and even after sitting in meditation for years, they find it difficult to enter a state of tranquility. They are unable to pursue the path of cultivation and can only turn to the martial path as a second choice.

After cultivating Inner Strength in the martial path, the physical body becomes strong, but the soul finds it difficult to connect with the heavens and the earth. This makes it impossible to switch to the path of cultivation.

In the realm of cultivation, Body Tempering Nurturing Spirit and Foundation Building aim to harmonize the essence and spirit of a person to a state of completeness in the mortal world.

During the hundred days of Foundation Building, cultivators can attempt to sense the existence of their own soul and primordial essence in a state of tranquility. Through this mysterious connection, they can generate primordial qi, which is the first realm of cultivation - Essence Nurturing.

Primordial qi is not magical power, but it can strengthen a person's primordial essence and soul. It is the foundation and starting point of cultivation.

In the martial path, practitioners focus on physical strength and only cultivate their primordial essence, vital energy, and blood. Although they make progress in terms of strength, they unknowingly deplete their own primordial essence through constant battles, which affects their lifespan.

Although they can replenish their cultivation through dietary supplements, it requires a significant amount of resources. This situation can only be improved after Marrow Cleansing and Blood Replacing, when the source of cultivation is significantly enhanced. It is only after Martial Dao Core Incubation, when the primordial essence, vital energy, and blood are locked in, that this depletion is completely eliminated.

Compared to the martial path, cultivators in the realm of Essence Nurturing can use special breathing techniques to circulate primordial qi throughout their bodies. This practice enhances their primordial essence and strengthens their soul. From the very beginning, they devote their lives to cultivation.

At this stage, cultivators can achieve a state of "clear and pure spirit, with dynamic primordial qi, eliminating impurities." From then on, they are free from illness, prolong their lives, and can begin to display some profound techniques.

Therefore, Essence Nurturing cultivators often use talismans, divine spells, and martial arts in combat. They can also respectfully invite ancestors and deities and perform rituals.

Cultivators pursue both internal and external cultivation. Although they may not be as physically strong as martial artists, they are far superior to ordinary people. With the foundation of Body Tempering and Foundation Building, their skills in boxing, swordsmanship, and knife techniques are also very proficient.

"The two methods obtained from my grandfather were actually rewarded by the current emperor after hearing the request of an old minister."

"There may also be a comforting intention..."

Lin Xuanzhi's gaze narrowed slightly as he thought of the "original body" of his father's death, his mother's sacrifice, and the pain of losing a child. Unexplained emotions flashed through his heart, but he quickly suppressed them.

Taking a deep breath, the Qi Cultivation method he obtained today involuntarily appeared in Lin Xuanzhi's mind, filling him with joy.

The Divine Dynasty's collection of books is extraordinary, containing a myriad of techniques and methods, including many high-level Martial Dao cultivation methods.

Having participated in the organization of books and scriptures for over a year, Lin Xuanzhi has come into contact with numerous volumes every day. However, so far, he has only obtained six useful ones.

Although it seems like a lot, most of them are of low level and many are incomplete. Some of them were even perfected by Lin Xuanzhi himself using the Jade Wheel, but they are useless for longevity and can only serve as protective methods.

But only the "Qi Cultivation Method of the Eight Scenic Spots of Shangyuan," hidden in the travel notes of mountains and rivers, with only five to six hundred words, is the true and authentic method of the Dao, priceless!

Lin Xuan's heart was filled with joy. If it weren't for the state of mind blessed by the Jade Wheel, he would have been overjoyed when he was in the Hidden Knowledge Pavilion.

At the age of ten, Lin Xuan firmly held onto his desire to seek immortality and ask for the Dao, striving for longevity and eternal vision.

People always have dreams!

"Now it can be considered as the result of my hard work, and heaven does not disappoint!"

If it weren't for aiming for a superior method, Lin Xuan believed that with his own talent and the assistance of the Jade Wheel, he should have already reached the third level of Qi Refining - Aperture Entering, and possessed magical powers.

However, the methods of the side paths and independent cultivators ultimately have limited potential and are difficult to advance in.

Even with the deduction of the Jade Wheel, he didn't know how much time and effort it would take, not to mention the possibility of success.

It could be said that he was aiming too high, but who doesn't want to strive for the top?

With the Jade Wheel and having seen many methods of the side paths and independent cultivators, Lin Xuan could naturally judge the quality of this "Qi Cultivation Method of the Eight Scenic Spots of Shangyuan."

"It is definitely the authentic initial method of the Dao!"

"But I don't know why it ended up in the Great Zhou Hidden Knowledge Pavilion's collection?"

As a member of a prestigious family with a high starting point, he had long completed the cultivation of Body Tempering and Nurturing Spirit, and more than two years ago, he successfully completed Foundation Building after spending more than a month of effort. His essence was transformed, marking his entry into the first realm of cultivation.

However, he had always restrained the temptation to continue cultivation, only preserving his spirit while accumulating reserves through nourishment, without rashly guiding his essence.

The effects of the Qi Cultivation methods of superior and inferior paths are obviously different.

This is also why, at the same level of Essence Nurturing, some people can live to be one hundred and eighty or two hundred years old, while others only live to be just over one hundred and fifty, only surpassing those who successfully completed Foundation Building by thirty or forty years.

The "Qi Cultivation Method of the Eight Scenic Spots of Shangyuan" includes the cultivation methods and key points of Essence Nurturing and Qi Gathering, but it is only a little over five hundred words, without any unnecessary words.

When this method took shape on the Jade Wheel, Lin Xuan naturally became familiar with it and gained a thorough understanding.

It happened to be a day off tomorrow.

Therefore, after dinner, Lin Xuan copied a "Calmness Scripture" to restore the purity of his heart, and then prepared to begin the formal cultivation of the Essence Nurturing realm.

The moon rose to its zenith, shining like a silver plate.

The clear radiance sprinkled on the mortal world, bringing a sense of tranquility and serenity to the human realm.

Lin Xuanzhi dismissed the maids and servants, leaving only Guan Peng to guard outside the study.

A top-quality Nurturing Spirit incense called Purple Nurturing Spirit was already burning, filling the study with a soothing fragrance that brought peace to the mind. Lin Xuanzhi had a small spoonful of Dragon Bone Nourishing Cream in his mouth as he sat cross-legged on the bed, his eyes half-opened. The Mud Pill Palace within him seemed hazy and indistinct, as if the chaos was about to give birth to order.

After years of cultivating his spirit, Lin Xuanzhi had already reached the Essence Nurturing stage for quite some time. Although he hadn't formally circulated his qi, his soul could be considered strong, and his inner vitality had accumulated significantly.

His inner world was clear and calm, like a still ancient well.

Lin Xuanzhi gathered his thoughts, dispelling all distractions, and almost instantly visualized the "Water Moon of the Taiyin" that he had been cultivating for years—a bright full moon reflected in calm lake water.

As an orthodox method passed down from the Daoist family of He, the "Water Moon Illuminating the Divine Diagram" could be cultivated all the way to the Aperture Entering stage, and it also had long-term benefits for cultivating one's state of mind.

At the beginning of the cultivation, one should first visualize the "moon in the water." When the moon in the water gradually becomes clear from its initial haziness, one has entered the door. When the moon in the water becomes real and bright, one can feel the existence of the soul, which can be considered as having achieved the Essence Nurturing stage of spiritual cultivation.

Lin Xuanzhi naturally entered a state of cultivation and keenly felt the hidden inner vitality within him. Without any hesitation, he guided it to circulate from his dantian, following the route of the "Eight Sceneries of the Primordial Origin Qi Circulation Method" within the human body.

Although the circulation of qi usually followed the Eight Extraordinary Meridians, the Twelve Regular Meridians, and many other collateral and hidden meridians, different schools had different sequences and focuses, and some lower-level methods even overlooked certain areas.

As the vitality flowed, Lin Xuanzhi discovered some inconspicuous injuries, ailments, and impurities in his seemingly well-adjusted physical body, which were difficult to detect before.

Some were acquired over time, while others were innate.

But now, as the vitality washed through, they were gradually being repaired. Some more stubborn issues couldn't be resolved in a short time, but they could be gradually remedied through repeated practice.

The Dragon Bone Nourishing Cream in his mouth melted bit by bit, spreading warmth throughout his body. When the vitality circulated along its special route, it could also carry the medicinal effects to every part of his body, dispelling any stagnation.

He practiced several times throughout the night.

When the rooster crowed and the morning sun broke through the clouds, Lin Xuanzhi finished his cultivation and stood up. He felt a warm and relaxed sensation throughout his body, and his vitality had noticeably increased. This was the result of clearing away some of the ancestral impurities and ailments within his body.

Although he had guided his vitality throughout the night, his soul didn't feel tired.

One reason was the effect of the visualization method, and guiding the vitality was also a form of soul cultivation, which could strengthen the soul.

Taking a gentle breath, Lin Xuanzhi felt the comfort that spread from his body to his heart. A faint smile appeared on his face as he pushed open the study door.

Turning to Guan Peng, who was still faithfully on duty, he expressed his concern, "You've worked hard. Take a good rest when you go back today."

Guan Peng looked at the young master, who seemed the same as usual but also somehow different, and respectfully replied, "Yes, young master. I should relax properly when I go back."

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(End of this chapter)

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