Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 290: Dao body and spiritual beings surround Wanxian Palace

Chapter 290 Taoist spiritual beings surround Ten Thousand Immortals Palace


Not long after, outside the Immortal Gate of the Earthly Immortal Mansion, there were auras that transcended the realm of distraction. Even some Qi refining and foundation-building monks who were busy in the spiritual fields hundreds of miles away were aware of the great terror of that Immortal Power. Advent.

As the earth and the earth trembled, the bodies of these Qi Refining monks and Foundation-building monks trembled, and they were directly suppressed by this immortal power and could not lift their heads.

But soon, these terrifying celestial powers restrained themselves and disappeared.

The young monks who had been unable to breathe just now collapsed on the ground, their bodies dripping with sweat and their faces as pale as paper.

"This, what kind of powerful person is born?" Some young monks looked in the direction of the Earthly Immortal Mansion in horror.

 And in the Earthly Immortal Mansion.

 On Dayu Peak.

Su Yu withdrew her eyes and looked outside. The Canggu Immortal City group was greeted by Taoist Master Hongyue and others and had already headed to the Immortal Gate Hall.

Although Canggu Immortal City's formation was quite large, when they came to Dixian Mansion, they did not use force to overwhelm others or attack with force.

 That means there is something to talk about.

As long as we can talk, it's fine.

The junior sister Long Yiren beside her has completely grown up compared to twenty years ago. She is slim and tall, only a little shorter than Su Yu, and her pink dress moves with the wind.

Long Yiren withdrew his gaze, with a look of surprise on his face: "Brother, they are members of the five major families in Canggu Immortal City? What are they doing in my Immortal Mansion?"

Su Yu shook his head and said, "I don't know."

His eyes fell on Long Yiren. Even though twenty years had passed, Long Yiren was already over thirty years old.

 But in his eyes, Long Yiren was just a little kid and junior sister.

 His current cultivation level is only at the peak of the ninth level of the Foundation Establishment Realm.

While practicing Shangqing Taiyi Taoism, we constantly polish our Tao foundation and strive to condense a stronger Jindan Tao foundation.

 Long Yiren tilted his head and thought, that's right.

This senior brother heard that his spiritual root talent is not very good, and he doesn’t even have an earth-grade spiritual root.

 The cultivation base is also estimated to be poor.

 It’s normal not to know what’s going on in Canggu Immortal City.

At this time, Su Yu waved his hand and took out a jade bottle and handed it to Long Yiren, saying: "There are some second-level high-grade spiritual liquid in it, which are some cultivation resources given to me by my master in the past."

“It has a miraculous effect on cultivating mana, and it should also be helpful in building Dao foundations. Junior sister, please give it a try.”

 “Okay, I’ll go somewhere else for a stroll.”

Long Yiren took the jade bottle and watched Su Yu leave as if taking a walk. He even shouted: "Senior brother, don't you practice together? Senior brother, have you made elixirs together? How about we make elixirs together?"

Su Yu waved her hand and left without looking back.

Long Yiren just said "Shan Suan" to this somewhat strange and mysterious senior brother. When she saw Su Yu disappearing from the mountain path, she withdrew her gaze.

 Originally, she didn't take the spiritual liquid sent by Su Yu seriously.

 But at night, Long Yiren suddenly thought of the bottle of second-grade high-grade spiritual liquid.

 He took it out and swallowed a drop while practicing.

The moment the special power contained in the spiritual liquid filled her body, Long Yiren's expression changed slightly: "Isn't it an ordinary second-level spiritual liquid?"

 After refining a few drops of spiritual liquid, the mana foundation in her body seemed to have undergone a slight transformation.

Look at the jade bottle again, there are still thousands of drops of second-grade high-grade spiritual liquid in it!

Long Yixin was shocked: "This spiritual liquid is absolutely extraordinary. Even my Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty does not have such a foundation-building spiritual object, but this Earthly Immortal Mansion actually has one?"

“With the help of these spiritual liquids, maybe I can form the fifth-turn golden elixir directly.”

“With a few more years of hard work, it’s possible to achieve the eighth-level golden elixir.”

“What kind of spiritual liquid is this? My senior brother. No, he seems to have said it was a resource given by the master before? Why didn’t the master give it to me?”

 The discovery of the spiritual liquid made Long Yiren suddenly more curious about Su Yu.

 The next day, she wanted to find her senior brother, but she couldn't find him again.

  Having no choice but to do so.

She could only go to her nominal master, Taoist Tianyu.

The reason why it is said to be nominal is because Taoist Tianyu is the peak master of Dayu Peak, and she is only an entry-level disciple of Dayu Peak, not a disciple recruited by Taoist Tianyu.

Taoist Tianyu is still studying his formation chessboard.

Hearing Long Yiren's question, Taoist Tianyu was stunned for a moment: "Episratic liquid? Oh! It seems to be there, but I don't know what kind of spiritual liquid it is. I got it by accident."

“I gave it to your senior brother before, but I didn’t expect that he still had it and gave it back to you.”

Long Yiren asked curiously: "Is that senior brother Ning Ying? Why can't I sense his cultivation level?"

This question really stumped Taoist Tian Yu.

Although he is Su Yu's master, he has not seen Su Yu Ningying with his own eyes.

Of course, judging from Su Yu’s true strength as a disciple, he should have already reached the Nascent Soul realm.

 He just doesn’t know what the true cultivation level is.

Taoist Tianyu sighed softly and said: "I don't know, you can ask your senior brother yourself. I can't control that brat, and I don't want to."

This statement sounds a bit like hating iron for not being able to become steel.

Long Yiren also felt that maybe his senior brother's cultivation level was really not that good.

 Otherwise, why would Master look so desperate?

Long Yiren consoled him: "Master, don't worry, as long as I'm here, no one will dare to bully Dayu Feng and senior brother in the future."


Taoist Tianyu looked at Long Yiren blankly.

Who dares to bully Dayu Feng and your senior brother?

 “You have a heart.” Taoist Tian Yu only regarded Long Yi as someone with filial piety.

the other side.

 The secret realm of the underground palace.

Su Yu finished his day's practice and slowly exhaled a breath. This breath already caused ripples in the space in front of him.

 The aura of the Five Elements Immortal Power around his body is stronger than that of an ordinary late-stage Venerable in the Distracting Realm.

 He opened his eyes and looked at the proficiency panel.

  【Cultivation: Eighth level of Nascent Soul Realm. 】

  【Shouyuan: 428/4768 years. 】

[Skills: Five Elements Technique (eighth level of Nascent Soul Realm, proficiency 92.77%), Immortal Body Refining Technique (fifth level, proficiency 9.89%), Blood Whale Swallowing Moon Technique (fifth level, proficiency 10%), Shangqing Taiyi Taoist method (perfection), golden cicada method (fifth level, proficiency 4.34%), and heavenly refining magic (fifth level, proficiency 8.21%). 】

[Spells: Wooden Vine Technique (Perfection)... Yin-Yang Escape Technique (Perfection), Splitting the Sky Divine Technique (Perfection), Cicada Chrysalis (Perfection), Void Escape Technique (Dacheng, Proficiency 4.62%), Attunement Divine Technique (Fifth Level, Proficient) Proficiency 2.16%), Huo Luan IX (Proficiency 45.51%). 】

“The proficiency level is 92.77%, and we are close to the ninth level of Nascent Soul Realm.” Su Yu whispered.

 The tone was full of expectation.

 Once he breaks through the ninth level of the Nascent Soul Realm, he is really only half a step away from the Distraction Realm.

 The so-called distraction state is quite different from the Nascent Soul state.

 In the realm of distraction, one majors in Yuan Shen.

  It can be cultivated into a divided divine body, and the divided divine body and the main body can cultivate the power of the great avenue together.

 When it reaches its peak, the Tao body and the ontology become one and the same.

 You can achieve transformational jumps between levels of power.

The Nascent Soul Realm cultivation realm is actually the power of touch at the edge of the avenue.

 The state of distraction relies on the powerful soul power of the Yuanshen to imprint a Taoist seed on the avenue.

 When the Taoist seeds grow and take shape, they will condense into a Taoist platform.

 Tao platform is the foundation of the Taoist master of Dongxu Realm.

These secrets of practice all come from the Wanshu Tower and the records of the practice essays and inheritance of the Taoist Master of the Xujing Realm given by the First Golden Armor Commander.

 For Su Yu currently, the Dongxu realm is still too far away. He has to be more cautious if he doesn't use the Taoist seeds of the divine realm.


 He also has to prepare a spiritual object that condenses the divine body.

Su Yu thought to himself: "What spiritual objects should I prepare to condense my Tao body?"

 He looked at the base in his hand.

 There seems to be no spiritual object suitable for condensing the divine body.

 Generally speaking.

Ordinarily, the Taoist body of a Venerable Master in the Dividing Spirit Realm is formed and condensed with wood-attributed spiritual objects, and it must be a fifth-level or above wood-attributed spiritual object.

 Spirit wood is the best.


Su Yu had a bold idea in his mind, and his heart suddenly jumped.

Do you want-

Using the body left behind by the powerful spiritual plant from Yuexian Mansion as a Tao body spiritual object to condense your own distracted Tao body?

"Is this possible?" Su Yu had this idea and couldn't hold it in any longer.

If you can really use Lao Wutong's body as a Tao body and spiritual object to condense your own God-Dividing Tao Body, how strong can your Divided God Tao Body be?

 No more than that.

 After being excited for a long time, Su Yu gradually calmed down.

This is just an idea of ​​his.

Lao Wutong is extremely important to the Fairy City of Yuexian Mansion. The first and second commanders may not necessarily agree to allow themselves to use Lao Wutong’s body as their origin and transform into their own divine bodies.

 Secondly, I may not necessarily be able to get the body of Lao Wutong.

 How to determine the specifics, we still have to test the attitudes of the two golden-armored senior commanders.

 If it doesn’t work.

Then take a step back and take a branch of an old sycamore tree. It should be better than an ordinary Taoist spiritual object, right?

After thinking about this, Su Yu was in a good mood, and after restraining her aura, she walked out of the retreat and came outside.

Shortly after.

Huang Zhu came to Su Yu and told the purpose of Canggu Immortal City's arrival: "The force that helped Wanxian Palace seize the Nine Spirits Immortal Mountain Immortal Gate knows who it is."

Su Yu frowned slightly and said, "Who?"

Huang Zhu looked solemn and whispered: "A force called Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty is said to be no weaker than Canggu Immortal City, and may even be slightly stronger than Canggu Immortal City."

Su Yu’s face changed slightly.

 Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty!

 It’s actually this force?

He immediately realized that it was the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty, a force inherited from the bloodline of the ancient Black Dragon Emperor's Princess, whom Lord Dark Moon of Tianshu Pavilion had mentioned before.

This means that they are not coming for Jiulingxian Mountain or other people, but for their Earthly Immortal Mansion.

  ‘Apart from Tianshu Pavilion, does anyone else really recognize the golden horn holding the celestial phenomenon? ’ Su Yu frowned slightly, and almost instinctively, the name of another force came to mind.

Green Prison Immortal Palace!

 Could it be the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty connected to the Qingjing Immortal Palace?

Seeing that Su Yu was silent, Huang Zhu continued: "This is what people from Canggu Immortal City said. The power behind Wanxian Palace is the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty."

“And the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty is very likely to come towards our Earth Immortal Mansion”

Huang Zhu looked at Su Yu, his voice lowered a little, and said: "That's the statue in your hand. Canggu Immortal City said that it probably came from a force called Yuexian Mansion in the ancient immortal sect."

“The Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty came here just for the inheritance of that force.”

Su Yu came to his senses and frowned: "Then why did you come to Canggu Immortal City?"

Huang Zhu frowned at this time and said: "The people in Canggu Immortal City did not say it clearly. They just said that they did not come here for inheritance, but to stop the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty."

“So we can stop the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty for us, and we only need to pay a small price every year.”

Su Yu continued to ask: "What price?"

Huang Zhudao: "It seems to be a fifth-level resource, not too much."

“Taoist Hongyue said that Canggu Immortal City may have the intention to make good friends with the Daqian Immortal Alliance, so it showed up in Daqian.”

 Level 5 resources

 Still pay tribute every year.

Canggu Immortal City came to work this time, and it turned out to be a good deal.

 You can not only get a stable source of resources, but also get favors from the Daqianxian Alliance.

Of course, Su Yu thought about the conditions of Canggu Immortal City and could not find a reason to refuse. It would be best for Canggu Immortal City to stop the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty.

 A few level 5 resources are nothing.

With the Canggu Immortal City supporting it, their Immortal Mansion or the Daqian Immortal Alliance can spare their time to take care of the Ten Thousand Immortals Palace.

With the intervention of Canggu Immortal City, the crisis and threat from the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty was directly eliminated.

 The remaining matters are the internal affairs of Daqian Xiu Xianjie.

 Three days later.

The master of the palace, Fan Xiao, came to the secret realm of the underground palace to meet Su Yu.

“Uncle Master, in one month, the Daqian Immortal Alliance will gather the power of the nine immortal sects, together with the Danjie, Yuanying, and distraction monks from other forces, to attack the Ten Thousand Immortals Palace.”

“This time, we must at least defeat the Ten Thousand Immortals Palace and clear out the Daqian Immortal Realm.”

“Even if it’s possible, it would be best if the Ten Thousand Immortals Palace is completely destroyed.”

Su Yu thought for a while and said, "It's better to drive them out of the Daqian Immortal Realm first, so as not to kill them all."

"Let them still have a root, so that they will not jump over the wall."

“If we really want to destroy the Ten Thousand Immortals Palace, we can plan it slowly and long-term in the future.”

A slight smile appeared on Fan Xiao's pretty face, she covered her mouth and chuckled: "Uncle, you are just like what the master said."

“Others in Wanxian Palace are fine, but Taoist Master Naluohe and Taoist Tianyang are a bit difficult to deal with.”

“If you are not careful, it is easy to drive them into madness, so we are not 100% sure that we must not let them go barefoot.”

As soon as Su Yu heard this, he knew that these things did not require his little brains.

 He asked: "Tell me, why do you come to me?"

Fan Xiao looked solemn and continued: "It is estimated that a lot of resource support will be needed next. I would like to ask my uncle to draw the Mirror Moon Talisman and the Waning Moon Talisman as much as possible."

"Okay, just ask Elder Bai Yu to send the materials." Su Yu nodded in agreement.

"Thank you so much, uncle." After giving the gift, Fan Xiao looked at Su Yu again before leaving the secret realm of the underground palace.

Zhenjun Chang Baiyu is the first elder of the Affairs Hall and is responsible for the resources and treasure house of the Immortal Sect. He quickly sent Su Yu the materials needed to draw the talismans.

 It’s not a big deal to draw the talisman. Su Yu can just find time to draw it after practicing.

 One month passed in the blink of an eye.

While Su Yu was drawing the symbols, he was also paying attention to the movements in the outside world.

However, in the face of the major event of the Daqian Immortal Alliance declaring war on Wanxian Palace, his intelligence force, Yuexian Tower, was obviously not up to par.

 The information on many forces is unknown or even unavailable.

 You have to rely on the intelligence from the Earthly Immortal Palace to know the situation and development of this battle.

 One month to gather the power of all forces.

At the order of the Daqian Immortal Alliance, everyone took the lead in heading towards the original gate of Jiuling Immortal Mountain, and surrounded the original gate of Jiuling Immortal Mountain from all directions.

 First take back the original gate of Jiulingxian Mountain, and then attack the original territory of Wanxian Palace.

There should be no suspense in this battle. Even the Ten Thousand Immortals Palace cannot be the enemy of so many forces in the Daqian Immortal Alliance on its own.

 “We have to improve the power of Yuexian Tower.” Su Yu thought in his mind.

 (End of this chapter)

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